Turaki's vindictiveness in Hadejia: Reply to Auwalu Yusuf B.

Started by Nuruddeen, June 26, 2005, 12:47:56 PM

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Jibo Nura,
E-mail: jibonura@yahoo.com.

Auwalu Yusuf?s piece, which appeared on page 35 of the Leadership?s June 26, 2005 edition, made an interesting reading especially those parts that talked about the school of informatics Kazaure, an I.T project that is presently ?on-going? and that which is situated squarely into the face-lifted former S.D.P secretariat site- a twin building, popularly known and called as S.D.P/ N. R.C secretariats built by Babangida?s administration in 1992. Just in case you happened to be at Kazaure and want to see and confirm those weekly colourful pages on Newspapers that carry pictures of the ?newly constructed school of informatics?, ask any Okada man in Kazaure to take you to the RENOVATED IBB?s S.D.P/ N.R.C Secretariats. Or if you are entering Kazaure by Bus or Taxi, all you need to do is to tell the Bus or Taxi driver to drop you by S.D.P/ N.R.C buildings. You can hardly miss the ?world class institute? going by my description. Because I learnt that in all the detailed sell out and universal campaign by Mallam Auwalu, the institute?s location, was perhaps the only thing that was not clearly stated while giving us his full account of the place.

Regarding the issue of 730(?) constructed houses, one also needs no protocol in unraveling the real situation on ground. Just follow similar explanation but this time around ask the okada man, I mean any Okada man to take you to either Gida Dubu ( 1000 houses) or 730 ?constructed houses? in Yadi, Dutse metropolis. Before you settle him for his delivery service, please enquire from him emphatically: WHO BUILT THOSE HOUSES? Let us know your findings and verifications. Please don?t be economical with the truth. On the issue of the Jigawa Broad band project ( the Jigawa hub), there is need to explicitly state to the whole world that no meaningful progress can be achieved, be it economic, political, social, scientific, technological and otherwise without computer and internetworking of events , programmes and activities. In fact, the very day we heard about the intention of Jigawa government to construct a broad band in the state i.e. in 2000, majority of us (my self inclusive), applauded and thumbed up governor Turaki amidst crowd for allowing us to see some ray of hope in the state. Not only this, his overt admittance and declaration that this project would be put to completion in November 2001 and that it could cover 75% of the total world population, made us to also see the level of commitments and seriousness on Turaki?s part. However, as the Hausa adage says ?Rana bata Karya sai dai uwar diya taji kunya?, meaning : The days promises are made, definitely come and emerge in broad day light leaving the promisor in shyness for not fulfilling such promises.

Jigawa Broad band project was claimed to have been completed since 2003. Ample announcements were made on its completion and because of that some states willingly declared their interest to register with Jigawa state so as to enjoy un- impeded access to internet from the ?HUB? at a fee. But the question is: why is Government vying time on this completed project that has direct revenue earning power? Why are two-third majority of her ministries, parastatals and local governments not connected to the ?gagantuan? hub after all? These are some of the fundamental questions that Jigawa state government fails to answer and address. And we keep on asking because they boggle our minds.

Now the details:

Having clarified the above mythologies, let us now reflect on the melodrama and filming of events that took place four weeks ago in Hadejia, Jigawa state. That time I happened to be on a trip to Gwaram Local Government when I luckily came across somebody, a close associate of the governor whom I sat near inside the same Bus. All of a sudden conversation ensued between us. I therefore tried to utilize that opportunity by asking him whether there is a bit of progress from our state?s moribund status quo. And the following explanation followed. Hear him:

?God is great! Really God is great! I now know that power isn?t every thing but the only thing. In fact, what we fell in and saw in Hadejia was incredible. You see, opposition in democracy is reality and it is allowed. But what Hadejia people did to his Excellency and us was terrible indeed! I was in the convoy to Hadejia but immediately we entered the town, we were put under siege. Irate youths and bandits started stoning us from all angles. Oga couldn?t believe it because all our cars and buses were shattered by ?rain of stones?. Wallahi, we had to swing and split our convoy just to give governor a cover from those aggrieved town men. But why they were stoning us, I couldn?t explain?.

Here, I tried to cut in but the man kept on talking. He went on and on.
?And the most unfortunate thing was that we were together with Chinese people who came to invest and share their own input in Jigawa. There and then they threatened to go back to their country because they said they have never witnessed such a very alarming situation?. The man concluded by saying ?We couldn?t have escaped out of that disgraceful situation had the Hadejia Emir not pleaded with those people. In short, the emir escorted us sorrowfully?.

Actually, why I had wanted to cut in was to ask him the question: don?t you think your attack has something to do with some unfulfilled promises by the government? For example, the sugar cane factory that was promised to them and also the continuous deception of people through un- actualized projects that they always see as dashed hopes? I also had to remind him that have you forgotten that there was a time such similar antecedent caught up with the governor between Fagoji and Garu road within Dutse where some undiscovered men nearly lynched the governor and that too was not unconnected with what appeared to people as a woeful performance of the democratic government of his Excellency, Alhaji Ibrahim Saminu Turaki.

Therefore, unfulfilled promises, utterances and empty assertions in democracy are things that every real and aspiring politician needs to watch out and truancy, guarded statements and genuine commitments are also things that are not to be joked with. In fact, before I dropped out of that Bus I had to finally draw the attention of my friend (the man) on a very important area that had the government committed and maintained her self unto it, there wouldn?t have been dosage of problems and lamentations from every nooks and cranny in the state. I told him point blank that Education is one essential key element that needs serious attention because it empowers a society. But here is a government we have which cannot cater for the education of her students at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. For instance, if you take the statistical performance of Jigawa state students in the J.A.M.B and University Matriculation Examinations (UME), the results are always astonishing and terrible. As I always say, hers is always a matter of grave concern. The UME applications/ admissions statistics for 2000/2001 stood at 0.14 % out of the national total whereby only 645 applicants applied out of which only 105 were eligible for admission into Nigerian universities, ganering only 0.21% of the Grand National total. In the School of Basic and Remedial Studies ( SBRS) Funtua, there was no single student from Jigawa state that applied in the first set that was admitted into the school in 2003.

So if this is the kind of vindication that Auwalu wants us to see and believe, then we wish him and his Oga well in reaping more dividends and benefits of Democracy as that of Hadejia and Fagoji.

Contact Nura at : jibonura@yahoo.com
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).



Nurudeen you know it always amazes me how your gov Saminu Turaki gets away with what he is doing to that state. My good friend, a fellow from Gumel, was elated when Turaki became governor. Happy because he knew he will benefit directly from his generosity, being a friend to Saminu's cousin living around Gyadi Gyadi area. He was also happy that this youthful governor will do much towards uplifting the living standards of the state.Needless to say, my friend is not as ambitious anymore about Turaki effecting any meaningful change in the state.

As you wonderfully stated, Turaki has broken almost all his promises.In case you are not aware, his excellency is doing something thats unprecedented in the history of common sense. If eveything goes according to schedule, we shall see before May 2007 a brand new 20 BILLION naira eastern bypass road constructed by the visionary . His commisioner for Engineering and Infrastructure ( what ever happened to the works ministry??) had the audacity of telling the world that the road is meant to open up the state and local councils to economic activities in the state. please see http://www.triumphnewspapers.com/jiga2162005.htm

If there is any blame, then it rests squarely with the state legislature.  I mean, since the gov has already put his brain on auto pilot,  then they should atleast reassure the ordinary people of that state that their interests are being taken care off. I do not wish to go into how the state intends to pay for the project but I think the state can build a number of schools and hospitals with that kinda money.

To Allah ya  kyauta.....


Quote from: "myadudu"Salam

Nurudeen you know it always amazes me how your gov Saminu Turaki gets away with what he is doing to that state. My good friend, a fellow from Gumel, was elated when Turaki became governor. Happy because he knew he will benefit directly from his generosity, being a friend to Saminu's cousin living around Gyadi Gyadi area. He was also happy that this youthful governor will do much towards uplifting the living standards of the state.Needless to say, my friend is not as ambitious anymore about Turaki effecting any meaningful change in the state.

As you wonderfully stated, Turaki has broken almost all his promises.In case you are not aware, his excellency is doing something thats unprecedented in the history of common sense. If eveything goes according to schedule, we shall see before May 2007 a brand new 20 BILLION naira eastern bypass road constructed by the visionary . His commisioner for Engineering and Infrastructure ( what ever happened to the works ministry??) had the audacity of telling the world that the road is meant to open up the state and local councils to economic activities in the state. please see http://www.triumphnewspapers.com/jiga2162005.htm

If there is any blame, then it rests squarely with the state legislature.  I mean, since the gov has already put his brain on auto pilot,  then they should atleast reassure the ordinary people of that state that their interests are being taken care off. I do not wish to go into how the state intends to pay for the project but I think the state can build a number of schools and hospitals with that kinda money.

To Allah ya  kyauta.....

Don't worry Mr. Yadudu. We will keep on exposing Turaki's unrealistic and non sensical projects that he always print and claim in almost all the media houses in Nigeria. Look at how this man for goodness sake is wasting our money on Weekly Trust pages every week. Remember, every coloured page in that paper costs nothing less than N120,000 but he buys two pages every blessed week to print beautiful non sense. My very good friend who was in his cabinet had to drop and leave the state due to what he saw going on in the state and he doesn't want to be a party to it.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: "Nuruddeen"
Quote from: "myadudu"Salam

Nurudeen you know it always amazes me how your gov Saminu Turaki gets away with what he is doing to that state. My good friend, a fellow from Gumel, was elated when Turaki became governor. Happy because he knew he will benefit directly from his generosity, being a friend to Saminu's cousin living around Gyadi Gyadi area. He was also happy that this youthful governor will do much towards uplifting the living standards of the state.Needless to say, my friend is not as ambitious anymore about Turaki effecting any meaningful change in the state.

As you wonderfully stated, Turaki has broken almost all his promises.In case you are not aware, his excellency is doing something thats unprecedented in the history of common sense. If eveything goes according to schedule, we shall see before May 2007 a brand new 20 BILLION naira eastern bypass road constructed by the visionary . His commisioner for Engineering and Infrastructure ( what ever happened to the works ministry??) had the audacity of telling the world that the road is meant to open up the state and local councils to economic activities in the state. please see http://www.triumphnewspapers.com/jiga2162005.htm

If there is any blame, then it rests squarely with the state legislature.  I mean, since the gov has already put his brain on auto pilot,  then they should atleast reassure the ordinary people of that state that their interests are being taken care off. I do not wish to go into how the state intends to pay for the project but I think the state can build a number of schools and hospitals with that kinda money.

To Allah ya  kyauta.....

Don't worry Mr. Yadudu. We will keep on exposing Turaki's unrealistic and non sensical projects that he always print and claim in almost all the media houses in Nigeria. Look at how this man for goodness sake is wasting our money on Weekly Trust pages every week. Remember, every coloured page in that paper costs nothing less than N120,000 but he buys two pages every blessed week to print beautiful non sense. My very good friend who was in his cabinet had to drop and leave the state due to what he saw going on in the state and he doesn't want to be a party to it.


t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable


I wonder too.

I believe Jigawa state has never had a governor like saminu Turaki.
The man has vision whether we like it or not.
He has left some good legacies which the jigawa people will live to enjoy later.I need not mention.

Of course he has problems, so do all of us.I think we are not doing good by bastardising all of Saminu Turaki's projects.

The late Audu Bako of Kano went through such sharp and unfair criticisms when he was governor of kano state but now we live to enjoy his good work.

One popular philosopher has this to say: "he who thinks that his backwardness is as  a result of bad leadership from his leader then he is forever a pessimist.An optimist believes he alone and people like him can make things better".
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: "gogannaka"I wonder too.

I believe Jigawa state has never had a governor like saminu Turaki.
The man has vision whether we like it or not.
He has left some good legacies which the jigawa people will live to enjoy later.I need not mention.

Of course he has problems, so do all of us.I think we are not doing good by bastardising all of Saminu Turaki's projects.

The late Audu Bako of Kano went through such sharp and unfair criticisms when he was governor of kano state but now we live to enjoy his good work.

surely jibo will reply to your post thoroughly! :lol:

One popular philosopher has this to say: "he who thinks that his backwardness is as  a result of bad leadership from his leader then he is forever a pessimist.An optimist believes he alone and people like him can make things better".
t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable