Started by Gaje, May 04, 2006, 03:50:33 PM

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Guys! i been scam large sum of money by a close
friend and now i want to take legal action against
her but don't know where to start.
I been out of Nigeria for quite a long time,
so not sure how the legal system works,
Can any one please advice me where to start or
how to go about it?
Basically what happened is,
I was in Nigeria/Kano in 2004 after long 10yrs away.
so desperate to see all old friends and she happened to be
among those i must see.
I have a sister who is ill and people i been
Advising to get her some traditional help....Wai maganin aljanu,
wai aljanune suke damunta.
Well that is the root my good Friend kubura fallow
and scam me Thousands of naira in the name of treatment.....
Is Million she even want.
Wallahi kuma kar kuga alheri danayi mata,
Tirmin atamfa holland for her jeans and shirt for all her kids,
and her brothers......Humm!
I'm travelling to Nigeria/Kano again in 4 weeks and
want take legal action against her, so please any one
with Good Advice?

dan mama

        Life is hard i must tell u. but i will want to tell u that u should leave her alone cos surely bazata ji da dadi ba. Allah zai saka maki. just forget about what has happened. though i know its not an easy thing to do but what can u do. what goes around comes around i must tell u this.If she is bad enough to do that to u she will definately meet worse things her way its a very small world remember .She might come begging some other time its not the end of the world. I feel ur pain but just let it go, live continues and Allah zai saka maki.
ets always stand for the truth no matter how bitter it is.


Dan Mama has given you good advice.
But if u still insist on your right then,you should realise in Nigeria,this route means more expenditure of time and resoures and the chances of getting favourable result are very slim.
You could try EFCC,im not a 'learned fellow' but im not sure if their activities cover unfavorable philantrophic experiences,but it worth a try.

Quote from: "dan mama".....what goes around comes around......
so what u r say is whoever gets duped has duped someoneelse b4? :oops:


Salaam Gaje
Consider it as zakka ki ka fitar and that will make you feel better and Allah will give you more than you lost and at the same time you watch the future, you will find that you will be many ladder steps above this woman, who thinks that embezzlemant pays. It only detracts and subtracts from what Allah Yai Niyar bata.
In the meantime she has effectively cut off a means of getting alheri at least from you. But for the sake of Allah's Pleasure, continue the alheri to her even if it wont be as substantial as in the past.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Thanks Dan mama, Zizo and Husna for replying to my post.
Naji dadin shawar warinku......Nogode!
Zanyi kokari in hakura din.
Amma gaskiya it hurt bad, saboda in kunji full details
yadda ta dauki aminci, tai abusing dinshi, and the tactics she use,
da kunsha mamaki, Mutum! Sai Allah kawai.
You Never know who is next to you....Allah katsaremu!
Zizo ai i won't mind spending more money.
I'm willing to do what ever it takes to teach her good lesson,
and What EFCC stand for?


EFCC stands for Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. You can enter the home page at   http://www.efccnigeria.org/
I dont think it is a good idea to pursue your case to the EFCC because I think they deal with corporate, political and public sector scams. They will just refer you to the normal courts. In any case where ever you take your case, you will be throwing good money after bad.  You can get the police to arrest her and jail her for a few days if you oil their fingers. You can even get them to rough her up a bit all at a price and then release her or take up the matter as you wish. You'd have to live with the consequences of your actions though, and God will be watching and you may be jeorpardizing the outcome of the trial that God Has subjected you to in order to test your sabr and magnanimity.  
Because I have had my share of being scammed Alhamdulillah, I  developed the habit of assessing my current situation at the time of the incident and seeing whether my lifesyle had changed because of it or if it will likely change as a result. I always find myself in a solid situation financially, so I psyche myself to accept the situation and move on. Believe me, I have never regretted my actions. You must also be pretty honest yourself and not practice what is done to you so that you dont suffer any negative effects of the scams done on you.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum