Started by MySeLf, December 11, 2007, 01:21:01 AM

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Muhsin if it is husnaa u are talking about, u have got it phenomenally wrong dear boy!

she is not 33 to 35 yrs old;
she is not light complexioned;
she is not moderate in height
she is not thin
she is a graduate with both an BSc and an MSc.
Yes she is married with kids
and everyone dislikes raini.

Oh BTW, I dreamt about muhsin last night. Lol!!doing what?  busy reading of course!  about (guess what?) ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY....  I woke up this morning was about to brush my teeth and thought I dreamt of Muhsin and yet for the life of me, I couldnt remember
what it was I dreamt about, all I knew was it was Muhsin.. later on a light bulb flashed... u were wearing a white tshirt with black trousers sitting at a desk, head bent down studiously concentrating on some written notes on electricity. So I came round and was surprised cos yr discipline was english and I was intrigued. So I asked u.. are u good at physics and u nodded. so I was like ok lets have a trade off.. u teach me electrical conductivity.. something I found so boring at sch and I will teach u.. i dont know!.. maybe english?

PS another BTW... I dont know where u developed this ridiculous hero worship of my humble self.. pls RID ur mind of it.. I am just an ordinary person.. u wouldnt believe how ordinary i am..
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on December 12, 2007, 05:18:10 PM
Muhsin if it is husnaa u are talking about, u have got it phenomenally wrong dear boy!

she is not 33 to 35 yrs old;
she is not light complexioned;
she is not moderate in height
she is not thin
she is a graduate with both an BSc and an MSc.
Yes she is married with kids
and everyone dislikes raini.

Oh BTW, I dreamt about muhsin last night. Lol!!doing what?  busy reading of course!  about (guess what?) ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY....  I woke up this morning was about to brush my teeth and thought I dreamt of Muhsin and yet for the life of me, I couldnt remember
what it was I dreamt about, all I knew was it was Muhsin.. later on a light bulb flashed... u were wearing a white tshirt with black trousers sitting at a desk, head bent down studiously concentrating on some written notes on electricity. So I came round and was surprised cos yr discipline was english and I was intrigued. So I asked u.. are u good at physics and u nodded. so I was like ok lets have a trade off.. u teach me electrical conductivity.. something I found so boring at sch and I will teach u.. i dont know!.. maybe english?

PS another BTW... I dont know where u developed this ridiculous hero worship of my humble self.. pls RID ur mind of it.. I am just an ordinary person.. u wouldnt believe how ordinary i am..

You guys are one funny oh my!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


muda, i concur ;), those two do keep things interesting


Yes, let them continue with it. These make our time worthwhile here. Muda, did I here you mention the word "couple"? Are you smelling marriage in the air! ;D


HERE i goes.

My choosen member was : ummutameem

She is of moderate height, fair complexioned, graduate in humanities, married with kids, living in northern nigeria, north-west specifically. she is cool.
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur


Quote from: Myself on December 12, 2007, 02:18:04 PM
Ehem! Ehemm!! If I may say, that got to be your AUNTY....he he he   ;D
And tell me if am right....

Let me just emulate you' Ehem! Eehheemm!! But as they say, shiru ma amsa ce, aint it?

Quote from: waduz on December 12, 2007, 03:06:10 PM
Muhsin, y not go a bit further by mentioning either your person is a man or lady? Think it will help more! Myself, keep your fingers, yet!

I don't give leakage! And no expo! LOL

Quote from: HUSNAA on December 12, 2007, 05:18:10 PM
Muhsin if it is husnaa u are talking about, u have got it phenomenally wrong dear boy!

she is not 33 to 35 yrs old;
she is not light complexioned;
she is not moderate in height
she is not thin
she is a graduate with both an BSc and an MSc.
Yes she is married with kids
and everyone dislikes raini.

Oh BTW, I dreamt about muhsin last night. Lol!!doing what?  busy reading of course!  about (guess what?) ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY....  I woke up this morning was about to brush my teeth and thought I dreamt of Muhsin and yet for the life of me, I couldnt remember
what it was I dreamt about, all I knew was it was Muhsin.. later on a light bulb flashed... u were wearing a white tshirt with black trousers sitting at a desk, head bent down studiously concentrating on some written notes on electricity. So I came round and was surprised cos yr discipline was english and I was intrigued. So I asked u.. are u good at physics and u nodded. so I was like ok lets have a trade off.. u teach me electrical conductivity.. something I found so boring at sch and I will teach u.. i dont know!.. maybe english?

PS another BTW... I dont know where u developed this ridiculous hero worship of my humble self.. pls RID ur mind of it.. I am just an ordinary person.. u wouldnt believe how ordinary i am..

Speechless! :-X :-X :-X

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: waduz on December 13, 2007, 09:29:40 AM
Yes, let them continue with it. These make our time worthwhile here. Muda, did I here you mention the word "couple"? Are you smelling marriage in the air! ;D

To MYSELF, kin ji dai inda gogannaki ya nufa. Watau  abinda yake cikin ran Waduz ke nan amma abin ya kasance tsakanin sa da ke, sai ya ka sa fitowa fili ya bayyana, sai ya lankwaya shi. Kuma bayan haka, ya ke so ya makala a kaina da Muhsin, bayan yasan sarai I am not only a married matron, but old enough to be Muhsin's mom to boot since my own eldest son will be 20yrs old  in less than 4 months time........ ;D ;D ;D
To Waduz mun dai dago al'amarin. In za ka hada lefe, just contact me... I happen to be in the right place for just this kind of thing...... ;D ;D ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa I think Waduz's mind Is far away from kanoonline when he said that, he does not meant you
and muhsin and neither was he thinking of me..... koba hakaba Waduz?
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


I here have his predictions.....

Waduz, are you ready? here we go:-
I think you are in Ur early to mid 30s
Height about 5'10" to 5'11" slim build, and bit light complexion
You are a Bsc holder or Msc as well
I also think you work with computers...
You are someone with lot of smile and laughter..
U are married or will be getting married soon

!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Quote from: Myself on December 13, 2007, 02:25:53 PM
I here have his predictions.....

Waduz, are you ready? here we go:-
I think you are in Ur early to mid 30s
Height about 5'10" to 5'11" slim build, and bit light complexion
You are a Bsc holder or Msc as well
I also think you work with computers...
You are someone with lot of smile and laughter..
U are married or will be getting married soon


Uhmmm.............Husna! That is going for the kill!!!!!

Myself, kin yi trying kam amma ba ki ci sosai ba.
Not in my 30s amma kinyi kusa.
Height 5:8"
Qual.  I have a legal background.
Yeah, I like surfing the net.
I might be jovial, Some people also said that.
There is room for three more incoming wives if I get the chance!!


Where is Sheikhul Islam Kanoonlawy
go ahead and pronounce the marriage
vow, I stand for Mimum as Waliyyi
kai kuma Wawun ka nemi wa zai karba

Ina Muhsin, maza, distribute invitation
on everyone's cell phone.  And tell your
Aunty to prepare an in-house gathering,
let her not forget to cook Karal-Basna for
the guests.


Pls find above for your information and
further necessary action.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: waduz on December 13, 2007, 04:17:40 PM
Myself, kin yi trying kam amma ba ki ci sosai ba.
Not in my 30s amma kinyi kusa.
Height 5:8"
Qual.  I have a legal background.
Yeah, I like surfing the net.
I might be jovial, Some people also said that.
There is room for three more incoming wives if I get the chance!!

Hhmmmmm, Waduz!!!! :) Lol

Quote from: HUSNAA on December 13, 2007, 02:06:06 PM
To Waduz mun dai dago al'amarin. In za ka hada lefe, just contact me... I happen to be in the right place for just this kind of thing...... ;D ;D ;D

Tunda hakane husnaa, Inlokacin yazo, lefe will be your gudummawa as big Aunty, Akwatin nan nan shabiyu
da content dinsu zamu rataya miki... hehehe  ;D ;D
Inna Muhsin kuma yazo ba'a magana, wannan kece uwar, Aiki ja gaba, fara Jan tazuge tun yanzu ;D
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Quote from: Myself on December 13, 2007, 05:53:10 PM
Quote from: HUSNAA on December 13, 2007, 02:06:06 PM
To Waduz mun dai dago al'amarin. In za ka hada lefe, just contact me... I happen to be in the right place for just this kind of thing...... ;D ;D ;D

Tunda hakane husnaa, Inlokacin yazo, lefe will be your gudummawa as big Aunty, Akwatin nan nan shabiyu
da content dinsu zamu rataya miki... hehehe  ;D ;D
Inna Muhsin kuma yazo ba'a magana, wannan kece uwar, Aiki ja gaba, fara Jan tazuge tun yanzu ;D

To Allah Ya kai mu lokacin! Guda kuwa in kika rika jinta, sai kunnuwan ki si yi ta kada karrawa!! ;D ;D ;D ;D Amma fa sai hakuri, kece ta biyu. kinji gogan yace akwai halin karo uku nan gaba, sabo da haka akwai wadda ta riga ki :-\

Kai kuma Waduz oya!  Gaisuwar Uwa da Uba, mun barwa DB wannan honors din!! ;D ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


lawwali, tanx for d flaterring prediction, u got almost everything right, not sure about d complexion though, it fluctuates..... ;D.

husnaa, r u serious about ur son being 20? thought u werent dat matured, that goes to show that if i attempt to predict anyone, ll suck at it, so ll just watch others make their predictions n comment here n there.

waduz, wat do u mean by legal background? r u one of them learnered persons?


Quote from: ummutameem on December 13, 2007, 08:57:47 PM
lawwali, tanx for d flaterring prediction, u got almost everything right, not sure about d complexion though, it fluctuates..... ;D.

husnaa, r u serious about ur son being 20? thought u werent dat matured, that goes to show that if i attempt to predict anyone, ll suck at it, so ll just watch others make their predictions n comment here n there.

waduz, wat do u mean by legal background? r u one of them learnered persons?

You see ummatameen, when the "politician" come to the parting of ways, he goes both ways! By legal background, I mean that I have not been called to the bar. You got that? Cheerio!