Naval officers beat, strip lady naked

Started by Dan-Borno, November 17, 2008, 02:29:31 PM

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By Olalekan Adetayo
Published: Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008

Six armed naval ratings attached to a Rear Admiral went berserk on Monday in Lagos, beating up a lady identified as Uzoma Okere.

By the time the madness ended, Okere, who was forcibly handcuffed, was left with a battered face, blood-shot eyes and bruises all over her body.

She is currently receiving treatment at Kamorass Hospital in Victoria Island.

Our correspondent learnt that the incident happened at about 6pm on Muri Okunola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Okere's offence was that she did not quickly give way for the ratings' boss' two-car convoy on her way home in her Mitsubishi colt.

According to eyewitnesses, the naval ratings hit the lady with their gun butts and beat her with horsewhip, and also allegedly attacked another occupant of her car for attempting to come to her rescue.

The Rear Admiral, simply identified as Arogundade, was said to be inside a Peugeot 406 car marked NN 357 A 02 at the time of the incident.

Instead of apprehending his men, the naval officer was alleged to have blamed the lady for holding on to the ratings' uniforms while they were beating her.

He was also quoted as saying that the lady should thank her stars that she survived the beating from his men.

Members of staff of Price WaterHouse Coopers, who reportedly witnessed the incident and later protested the harassment in front of the house where the naval officer entered on the same street, were also allegedly beaten up by the ratings, on the instruction of their boss.

A popular comedian who witnessed the incident but spoke on the condition of anonymity, told our correspondent on the telephone that he saw blood and the battered eyes of the victim.

The victim later told our correspondent on her hospital bed on the telephone that she was heading towards Mile 2 from the Lagos Island where she worked when the incident happened.

Okere, who claimed that she had a military background, said immediately she saw Arogundade's convoy, she knew that a Rear Admiral was inside the car and she quickly gave way.

She said, "We were all in the traffic. I heard a siren behind me. One of them came out to control the traffic. I was moving to the left when he suddenly pulled me out. They dragged me into the house tore my clothes. I was beaten up mercilessly. My head is really swollen with bruises all over me."

She added that she managed to get her colleagues to call her father who works in Abuja to speak with the Rear Admiral on phone.

"My father spoke with the man on the phone later but he lied to him (her father) that I was fighting with his men. They would have beaten the two other ladies in my car like they did to my male colleagues if not for the fact that they are pregnant," she added.

Okere said she had contacted a human rights lawyer who advised her not to report to any police station since the case involved a senior officer.

She said the Rear Admiral later gave her the shirt she wore to the hospital in a condescending manner.

"He never apologised for the abuse and criminal act," she added.

But the Information Officer, Western Naval Command, Commander, Foluso Ajibulu, who confirmed the incident to our correspondent on the telephone said that both parties were already resolving the matter.

Ajibulu said, "The information we had was that the lady in question is the daughter of a retired colonel. May be it was her background that made her to snatch a horsewhip from one of the escort men."

He admitted that the security man would not have taken the matter lightly with the lady and that might have led to the assault on her
i read this news early last week, but the video posted in youtube
arose my desire to bring it to the notice board for further discussions.

it has become the attitude in nigeria, that any dick, tom and harry
wether from the military or the politicians no matter the jam in
traffic will try and manuever their way not minding the emergency
some of the people held by traffic are in.

i was in Abuja with a brother this time last year along the famous
mararraba busy road when an empty convoy of a governor from my
side came blarring sirens despite the tight busy traffic, holding
koboko (military and mobile name for whips (bulala)) and flogging
whoever is on the wheel.

for how long will this continue? as for me, i never blame the sorry
rank and file officers who took the law into their hands, but their
officers who oversee them and direct them to do otherwise.

in this particular case, the Rear (abi na front) Admiral should be
held responsibile for the action of his boys and let the public know
how he was punished - kash, this is Nigeria, the case will die a
natural one, while Okere will suffer her agony alone and tomorrow
it will be someone else's turn to be brutallised.

Allah ya kiyaye - na annabi yace Amin.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Kash!!! dama ace tana da wa ko kani dake cikin 'yan kungiyar MEND, su yi gaba da dan iska su auna shi. Imagine! Sai kururuwa da brutalizing din mata, the navy and army has been unable to overcome the Niger Delta thugs.
Allah Ya dada kare mu daga azzalumai ameen.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


So nothing changes. I remember late one night I was a carrying a young lady in my car when I was stopped by two armed soldiers just outside the Central Hotel in Kano.
" Where are you going, bature?" was the question
"I'm going home to the Ministry of Education houses, past the industrial estate near Dakata"
" Are you married to this lady?" was the next question.
" No" was my answer.
" So you are going to commit adultery with this lady?"
" No. I am giving her a lift home. She lives in Dakata village."
" We say you are going to commit adultery with this nyamari."
" So what? What is your business"
" Adultery is a crime in Nigeria"
" No. It is not. Just as well. How many jails would you need."
" Get out the motor" to the young lady, while waving his gun
Young lady slapped and pushed into a drain opposite Central Hotel .
"We will take you to the police station, bature"
"Okay. Get in"
The two soldiers were surprised but got into the back seat and I turned the car and drove towards the police station.
"It's okay,bature. We will forgive this one time. Make you give us some kobos for tsire."
" Nope"
Soldiers panicking a bit as we drove into the Police Station.
As luck would have it a Police Officer I knew well - Superintendant Sa'adu - was on duty in charge. I left the police station after seeing the two soldiers locked in a cell (after good slap, it has to be said).



welldone Brave-Dave, ur lucky to deal with these animals,
they deserve it.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


I wasn't so brave. The soldiers would be very wary of mistreating any bature who had the wit call their bluff. Lots of my white friends would have immediately given them a bribe which is what they were looking for. If I had been a Nigerian man I would have been in the drain with the young lady - and probably after a good beating with the rifle butts.
I have many stories of a similar nature


Just an Admiral & she got death beat like that? :o This is beyound barbaric & it's so sickening!

Though am not too over shocked about this. Thats how a friend of my young cousin was shot dead for refusing to give "bribe money" to an imbecile traffic warden or was it a police or whatever he held himself as......even though the poor boy had a right of way.The woman in this matter should thank God she still alive!

These issues of superior mental dexterity is really going way, way, wayyyyyy over my head!!!!!!!!!! >:(  And making matters worse is: there seems to be no room for the impedement of the abuse of authority & its really getting out of hand!!!

That's how such nonsense was played at my aunt. In a restaurant my people! In a restaurant!!! At different table sittings!!! She just went over the food station to get serviettes & some soldier prohibited her from doing so because he was going to pick up some table napkins for a minister! And she was supposed to wait til he had done so even when she was first!!!!! How fantastic!!!!! Though soldier got a real antidote from my aunt. Known for her temper before I could stop her, she was at the minister's table, telling him & 2 other person's off & accusing them for abusing their powers of authority. I sat watching everything unfold and praying we dont end up behind bars!!! Funny enough, we got an apology and an offer to pay up the bill which my aunt shut down!

lol story above:*did those police officers really get a slap?*

So much to read and catch up on the off to the next! :)
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


These ratings can only be described as barbarians in uniforms as they have shown by this incident that they have no respect for womanhood – dragging a woman on the road and partially getting her naked. They have no fear of God at all. -

Justice Oke

IT was a sad day for the Navy and a great day for rights activists.

Justice Opeyemi Oke of the Lagos State High Court, Igbosere, yesterday ordered Rear Admiral Harry Arogundade, the Navy and four ratings to pay Miss Uzoma Okere and Mr Abdulahi Abdulazeez N100 million for assaulting the two.

In a strongly worded judgment that lasted about two hours, Justice Oke held that the "ruthless brutalising" of Miss Okere and Abdulazeez by the men she described as "barbaric" was unlawful and a violation of their fundamental human rights.

The judge ordered them to offer an "unreserved apology" to the victims in The Guardian, The Nation, and ThisDay newspapers, and on the NTA, AIT, Raypower and Cool FM stations "within one month" of the judgment.

The four naval ratings – C.I. Jeremiah, S.A. Bullem, S.A. Kaniga and Francis Okolaogu – assaulted Miss Okere and Abdulazeez on

November 5, 2008, for delaying them in traffic on Muri Okunola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos while on the convoy of the Rear Admiral.

Justice Oke said: "Miss Okere was brutalised, beaten, pushed, pulled, dragged on the road and her blouse pulled off her by one of the naval ratings, thereby exposing her nakedness from waist up, leaving her with only the brazier. This was done to a young lady, a citizen of this country."

The judge said the ratings ought to undergo psychiatric test to determine their sanity, adding that they apparently forgot they were not on the high sea, fighting a war but in an enlightened society.

"The averments in their counter-affidavits were cooked-up lies to the extent that they were overcooked and got burnt," the judge said of their denial.

The court resolved the three issues for determination in favour of the applicants, namely:

•whether they established the fact that their fundamental human rights were infringed;

•whether the respondents can be held liable; and

•whether the applicants are entitled to the reliefs sought.

She said after going through the documentary evidence before her, it was a clear case of res inter locutor (facts speak for themselves), adding that no amount of money can adequately compensate the violation of a person's human dignity.

Justice Oke added: "Miss Okere was violated by the ratings in glaring eyes of the public with her upper anatomy exposed to all sorts of eyes. Her private property became the object of a cinema for those who witnessed the unfortunate and disgraceful incident in a country like ours. This was man's inhumanity to man."

According to her, Miss Okere's partial nakedness likely made "imaginations to run riot" as "most people who witnessed the incident were able to describe the size of her bra".

She went on: "These ratings can only be described as barbarians in uniforms as they have shown by this incident that they have no respect for womanhood – dragging a woman on the road and partially getting her naked. They have no fear of God at all.

"It is highly shameful and unimaginable that such could happen in this 21

st Century in a civilized society and democratic one. It should, therefore, be condemned in very strong language.

"The naval ratings have disgraced the uniform they wear as officers of the Nigerian Navy. They are, therefore, a disgrace to the whole nation. The rebranding gospel should, therefore, be commenced with this group of officers."

Rear Admiral Arogundade, the judge held, was liable and could not claim to be ignorance of what his men were doing.

"He cannot claim ignorant on the pretext that he was reading a newspaper," the judge said, adding that the ratings acted under his authority as his escorts to guard and protect him.

On the respondents' claim that Miss Okere jumped out of her car and assaulted one of the ratings, the court disagreed, saying only a mad man could brazenly attack an armed person, and that such behaviour was only possible in Nollywood movies.

On their claim that they were helping to control traffic, the judge said it was a lie, adding that the officers were only helping themselves.

"They were only helping themselves just for their own interest. Traffic holdups have been part of what motorists have to go through in Lagos and siren blowing of convoys can only add to the disorderliness on our roads rather than help an already bad traffic situation.

"Being in military uniform doesn't give power to officers to maltreat civilians whenever there is a disagreement. What happens to the myth of 'an officer and a gentleman' that we used to know decades ago?"

Justice Oke said she hoped for a day when Nigerians would no longer live in fear of men in uniform.

"Blessed shall be the day when civilians will see uniformed men armed or unarmed and feel secured without any anxiety for their lives.

"Blessed shall be the day when uniformed men will treat civilians on the road with respect and come to realise that they are citizens of the country they are protecting and that their responsibilities also extend to the safety of the citizens, without whom the uniformed men would be useless."

Counsel to the applicants, Director of the Office of the Public Defender, Lagos State Ministry of Justice, Mrs Omotolola Rotimi, said she was dedicating the judgment to the memory of her relative that was beaten to death in similar circumstances.

Counsel to the Navy and the Rear Admiral, Mr Lawrence Imolode, said he had reservations about the judgment, and that his clients would appeal.

The suit was filed on November 11, 2008, by way of originating summons. No witnesses were called as the judge relied only on documentary evidence.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


The remaining great Judges with love for the pure truth and justice are the only hope for this country.
Every well decided case is a step forward in our country's march towards deliverance from the present demonic situation we have foundourselves.
A real man is known by his compassion for those weaker than him especially the females.
A man who can brutalize a female is no real man.
I hope the CNS will be man enough to publicly denounce this shameful act!! Military personel are known to be real men who defend the weak not Demons who opress their own blood.
Kudos to Justice!!!


Quote from: gogannaka on January 28, 2010, 10:07:06 AM
Justice Opeyemi Oke of the Lagos State High Court, Igbosere, yesterday ordered Rear Admiral Harry Arogundade, the Navy and four ratings to pay Miss Uzoma Okere and Mr Abdulahi Abdulazeez N100 million for assaulting the two.

I can't help wondering: was this verdict really in Nigeria and by the Nigerian court and justice? It sounds literally far-fetched. I beseech our coutrs to do the same in the future. That means great lesson to the assaulters and who wants to imitate their barbaric action.

This is what is broadly called gobarar titi in Hausa the victims had, meaning they lost something but, in return, got more than what they asked for as the replacement of their lost.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Here is another victorious Judgement:

Justice Olubunmi Oyewole of an Ikeja High Court on Thursday, ordered a police constable, Alibor Narman to pay N10m damages for shooting a commercial bus driver, Mr. Sunday Awoyera.

Awoyera had sued Narman for shooting him at a Police checkpoint in Igando, a suburb area of the state, while in company of his wife and children on August 2, 2008.

He also demanded N10m damages from Narman "for the infringement of his right to life and dignity of human person."

In his judgment, Justice Oyewole held that with the medical report of the victim, "there was severe tissue loss and deep laceration of the mandible of the bones.

"I declare that the action of the police officer is unconstitutional, as it violates the applicant's right to life.

"The dignity of the applicant has been significantly impaired upon, his person was trampled upon and he will live with the nightmarish incident.

"I hereby award the full sum of N10m jointly and severally against the respondent".

The commercial bus driver told the court that the police officer placed the gun at his neck and pulled the trigger in the presence of his wife and children.

But Narman had through his lawyer, Chief S. W. Baidi, urged the court to dismiss the application of the commercial bus driver since his client name was not mentioned in the reliefs sought by Awoyera.

Awoyera had, however, through his lawyer, Mr. Simeon Oyeniyi, insisted that the erring police officer was guilty of the offence as charged.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment