Time for reconcilliation not terror

Started by Bagumel, January 14, 2004, 11:09:56 PM

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I start with the quotation from the Quran   Suratul Furqan or Criterion thus: ?The Faithful Servants of Ar-Rahaman   are those who walk on the earth In humility and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they say Salamah (meaning peace or retort with mild words of gentleness). A Habit
Of our Prophet (S.A.W) says if a person believes in Allah and the Day of Judgement He should either speak well or keep quite. Many of us are in the habit Of using any kind of foul language to address others without any due consideration,
Forgetting that the Kiraman Katibeen the Two Angels assigned to record whatever good or evil we do... Unfortunately due to ignorance such people do relish calumny, backbiting and other slanderous activities which may ultimately land them in Hell Allah save us? This is why the Prophet Peace be Upon Him said if anyone defends his brother?s honour in this World Allah will shield his face from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection. Another Hadith says the One who spreads gossip which he has overheard will not enter the Garden. Finally He is not a liar who makes peace between two persons, saying what is good or adding something good.
    People are so far away from good the result of which you find evil spreading every where so quickly in the present Electronic Media Era. The good stuff  commonly found in the papers and the internet such as Islamic Sites often tend to be deliberately ignored  and brushed aside by the people ,as they are not so keen about  them, instead they prefer gossip columns and other similar  useless chit chat that will neither bring benefit nor harm but sheer waste of time. Unfortunately since the September 11 Muslims have become victims of circumstances and easy targets of attack especially innocent good practicing Muslims. Mere practicing the Deen would make you be target of calumny and slander.  It is our responsibility  to educate the people  about the Sunnah  Way of our Prophet (S.A.W) .but  as they say charity begins at home we ought  to start with our own brothers and sisters who are far away from Deen before going to  the Non-Muslims  majority of whom are unfortunately ignorant about  this Deen. All what   majority of people know about Islam now is what the Media inform or misinform them. The Information they normally carry with enthusiasm is the same kind of   stuff concerning evil of terrorism and terrorists all over the World that are being relayed in Media without a break. Unfortunately these evils are mainly synonymous with Islam and the Muslims only not with any other group... The frequent incessant use of these words have made every one forgotten the good things that Islam has brought to the World .Europe must remember their medieval Era when Islam brought light to them in Spain for more than 500 years. The West should bring an end their campaign on terrorism and sit down and discuss with the Muslim World with a view to overcoming their differences and now look for a better future for the whole mankind instead of being vindictive. Isa (Jesus) used to forgive so also Prophet Muhammad therefore we must learn from these two Great Leaders of Mankind...
Any Muslim brother who tries to bring good to the Society will be equated as evil and therefore should be shunned with suspicion however sincere he may be. Why because evil is now the norm and way of life in our Society. The Prophet (S.A.W) has emphatically instructed His followers in the famous Hadith of Abu Said Khudri
Of Man Ra?a Minkun Munkaran that you must stop the evil by hand or else you say it by the use of tongue or at least feel it in your heart which is the weakest degree of Imaan. So how many of us are making effort in this direction. It is the responsibility of Hukumah (Authority) to stop evil by force and it is the duty of the Ulamah and influential people be them politicians, Emirs or traditional title holders to remind their followers to desist from evil, so no one is exempted the least a person can do is to feel it a vice in  his heart. So the introduction of Sharia in our Land has given us this opportunity to put into practice this Hadith. But we should not misuse this chance for our own selfish ends or desires. Remember we will all be accountable to Allah  therefore we should all make niyyah  to correct our intentions if  we sincerely want see Deen spread  all over the World. We know that while some people are making sincere effort to build and spread the Deen others do resort to covert effort to destroy it, through insinuations and character assassination of those concerned with the spread of True Deen. Anyhow they did the same to all the Prophets who are we, so those making effort should continue not to despair until the Has comes and Baatil will automatically disappear. However we must be careful and do it with Hikmah wisdom as Allah has commanded us otherwise it will bring negative impact which will make us all pay the price such as the September 11 incident that brought untold hardship to Muslims all over the world the guilty and the innocent. So therefore we need to correct our intention as well as our interaction with both Muslims and the Non-Muslims alike if we really want the Deen to make progress. So once again I remind my brothers and sisters to be sincere in all their activities not go for name and fame but only the pleasure of Allah which will in the end bring fruitful result for our quest for good life in this Duniya and the Hereafter. May Allah guide all of us to the right path Ameen.

Babandi Abubakar Gumel


amiin, I agree your topic is very well, and also sincere. I respect your point of view and I also agree with you. I don't have any obejections. I also feel that evil has become the keen since of man, we will pick up evil much faster than good. Knowbody is perfect therefore God will judge all. In the west many people behave as if they have no time for religion, while elswhere it's the most religious that are usually that are the most decieving. Life is a contradition, but what do I know? Money seems to rule the dunya, power seems to enslave the weak. It's no use to make frown face about the situation of the umma because what can we do about it if we have none of the above? It is easy to talk about Islam, but difficult to practice it because it takes self sacrifice giving one's labour, money and time.  I agree with what you said and there is only one Rabbiyal al'amiin, he knows his creation and what is in there heart.