talk of love

Started by Bashir, October 07, 2003, 09:45:34 PM

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ppl, i was talking to a girl dazu n she said i have no idea what love n romance are. she went ahead to say all nigerian guys dont know anything about love n romance. well then. what is love? how does one feel love. butterflies in d stomach? i have felt them.
u see, one time i was trying to write a book n i was going to dedicate it to a girl. unfortunately, things went sour n i was so shattered that i stopped writing d book. is that love or what? another time, i started writing poetry for my newest flame but i didnt send it cos i felt sheepish. n i wasnt sure of my ability.
baba waziri, uncle jack n goggo kilishi. u sound like d old cargoes here so pls help.


well bashir i dont think i can help coz i think i too need some help on how it feel when ur inlove coz i thot i was or im inlove but someone told be im just pretendin n i think i somehow believe................ people help out wot exactly is love and how exactly is it when yu inlove how those it feel.


D way I advice my grandkids will b d same way I will tlk 2 u.....more lyk a son. Listen Bash, Forget love son....raise your feet, kick back & hav fun.........who dey dig love in d yrs of millenium....those  shakesphere, romeo & julliet days hav long since been 4gotten. A man shud b a man! Bash one advice to you son........4get love. Didnt mean 2 sound cold hearted....but then u've gat 2 understand ur love lives with those guls was neva meant 2 b Allah will give u a better one...... (on second tauts) God some guls r so heartless.......u were even wriitin a book & a poem 4 d other & they dumped u :o & u did nutin about d situation...... :o??? U juss let things slide? How cud u let them getaway free with it? a mamma, I gat one thing 2 say son...ITS PAYBACK TYM ::)
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!



  Hmmmm Bashir  i wiil help u when ummita live that place,ok tell her to close her eyes,


my oh my, y r u guys so obsessed with love? ??? Do u even know what love is?? we're too young for this kind of heartache; forget love as ummitta said, and let things slide in their time. Just my thoughts


always put it in mind that god time is the best.................


hey man, love is wat u dnt need to b on the lookout for at the moment.....just go with the flow for now......dnt worry, u dnt need to be told wen u r loooooove....but for now......ummita has said it all...slide in all da way man
 just realised that nothing is what it seems.