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Aids Awareness in Northern Nigeria

Started by Gimbiya, December 03, 2002, 05:48:44 PM

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I have been working towards AIDS Awareness in Nigeria especially northern Nigeria. It's just so sad to hear and see too many people dying with this disease and most of them do not even know about it. I am not all that familiar with all this in Nigeria, but I want to devote my life in helping hausa women to be open and to be aware of AIDS before it's too late. So many time the women are the one who are innocent and ignorant when it comes to AIDS. since I started thinking about his project I have found out that AIDS is really growing in out nation. I know sometimes it's inmoral to talk about such thing but I believe that it exist and it's about time for us to bring out so that the society will really see the light. I figure it's time to enlightened our people and it's time for us to talk about this. this is not shame we need to save our innocent and our children.

--- Gimbiya
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


What can I do to help.  Just let me know and I will try. This is a very  hard and difficult disease and many innocent people Men and Women suffer severely.  Please let us not discriminate against those who have this.  You cannot get this sickness from being kind to someone.  You do not get it from visiting, or eating or drinking after someone with this sickness. We must all unite as one people to make our governments work together to find a cure and until they find a cure we MUST all work as one unity to FORCE governments to recognize that ALL peoples regardless of race or religion deserve to live the best possible life and to get those who are ill the necessary medications to help them live longer and better.  This disease does not discriminate only we do. Therefore, until we learn to work and live together this monstrous disease will continue to dessimate us.  Let us join as one to fight this evil.


gimbiya hunny, its not immoral to talk about sex and sexually transmitted diseases... especially when it's concerning us!!!!
um... maybe i'm being ignorant.. but the only way a hausa/fulani woman can contract AIDS is thru her triflin' husband...
ya'll know its not common for hausa/fulani ladies to creep around.. and u hardly find a situation where a hausa/fulani wife cheats on her husband.
the young girls... well yes, maybe the problem is there, because i know a number of them are more "open" when it comes to sex (nowadays)...

but them men need to put on a leash for real, innocent wives are suffering!!!...
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


Hello. My name is Mary I live in the USA, and I work at a hospital in the Communications department.  I work for thousands of doctors and nurses I also do a medicall call service for doctors.  If you like Queen I may be able to send you some pamlets concern AIDS.
Queen alot of people in the USA have AIDS education but still they don't protect them selves against this deadly virus?
It's so sad are people are killing them selves with INNORANCE AND VIOLENCE.  The USA have street gangs, and try kill each other over drugs territories and colors.   These kids will sale there own mother drugs, however, same of these women sale there bodies, and a lot of men have more than one woman,
nevertheless, this thing go...on and on...etc....people need to chang there life styles. Queen if you want the pamlets send me a address or P.O. Box.

Mary P.


FDQ that's exactly my point. it's not ignorance or anything else, the men knows that they are the ones cheating on their wifes-- eventhough they don't find it cheating since they can marry more than one woman. My whole point here is that the women are innocent they ae just doing thier wifely duty while the husband is out there being stupid. added to that soem of hausa women have respect and are very shy to talk about this thing and the husband wouldn't like it when she start telling him how to live his life, they don't know it's her life too because at the end of the day she has to live with it. I know a lot about this disease because where I located they talk about it alot and there's alot of studies going on about it and we out here to educate people about this disease, it's just unfotunate that we don't have this kind of organization in Nigeria. This is the main reason that I decided to create my own charity organization to educate our people about this disease.

--- Gimbiya
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


AIDs and HIV are also spread by using the same needle that someone with the disease has used.  It is common knowledge that Africa does not have enough needles to use only one per person and then throw it away.  So when giving immunizations or anything else the risk of the disease is spread.  In fact, I have knowledge that one needle is resharpened no less than 100 times to be reused.  Let us stop putting blame on a perhaps promiscuous woman or a trifling man and get some education to the people and some help to them.  I have no money right now as I am student teaching in the United States and student teachers do not get paid.  But I will start working soon.  Give me the address of a doctor in Nigeria and I will be more than happy to try to get more clean needles to him to use for the people.  ALL OF US MUST WORK TOGETHER AND USE OUR RESOUCES to end this horrible, monstrous epedimic.  Some say this is the work of God. I cannot believe this is Gods justice. God is a kind and loving God and would not make his children suffer in this way.  It is great Mary that you want to send information as education is a beginning, but it is not enough.  Can you not help a family or someone with the sickness please.  Let me know how I can use my resources to help someone else.  God did not put me on this Earth to be self sacraficing. In other words to take care of just me.  He put me here for a reason.  To love and help others.  So put me to work helping.


Hello Kristal, Gimbiya, and Ummita I hope and pray everyone with this deadly virus is loved and cared for, however, I will check with every women matters, and some of the clinics in my area for help.  Most of the pharmcies in the USA sale syringes by boxies of a hundred or more.  I still need address's and contact information once I start recieving supplies or information.
My email address is

Mary P.


well thank you all I think this is going to be a big help
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]



Let me know what the boxes cost and I will try to pitch in.  I will even try to get some of my friends to help with some monies to buy them.  My home phone number is 636-978-5720 and my address is
    Dawna Kristal Thomann
    1311 Sunny Terrace
    O'Fallon, MO 63366

I think this is a really great start.


I would suggest those who are trying to make the awareness of aids to be a bang on should concentrate on illerates, young people, university students, b'cos that is where sex craze they go on without them thinking the out lash. For AID victims , yup a charity would do... but theres more to charities. Foundations, If its true aids has no care AT ALL, AT ALL. How about making it a history as first Queen to research into aids cure. :-X :-/ Sounds like a crappy idea.


1/2sa I don't think that's a crappy idea, I know it's going to take time with the organizations and everything. but it's a good idea. I'm also working on that, but I'm not a doctor even them try but there's still nothing. but there are pills and other medicines that supress the bacteria of HIV.
also it's not about sex my thing is that there's a lot of way to get HIV/AIDS but people in my nation don't know that so we need to educate them all they need is somebody who will talk about and who is not a shame of talking to people about this so I see this working in the future inshaallah.

--- Gimbiya
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


Come off it. HIV is about sex. Gimz, not sayin ur HIV awaress is not bout sex, but in 1 way or d other 1 will still have to relate it to sex, because a person HIV victims contact it  through needle pricks, blood transfussion & so on but then what is the major source sexual intercourse. Good luck anyways


Nah..Gimbiya its not immoral 2 tlk about AIDS & its awareness. U got me thinking...y not all women,not only hausaz... so its more of a selecting randomly thingyyy. I wud reckon all women...not only hausaz. I think I might b able 2 help or shud I say contribute a lil..... not 100% sure though. A thingy will b cumin up nxt yr though  ::)  'n' I dont think u can wait that long ryt? Hausa gulz foudation/hausa gurl must bubble (its called) Its gon take place in Abuja during summer, all northernz/Fulaniz around d world will cum 2gether in a pack. Alot of things will b goin on..Seen sum gurls workin on the AIDS awareness thingyy. U can host ur won programme that is if err ...errrr u r interested..Shot me holla if u r. Fingers crossed,best of all luck & Allah ya baki sa'a Queeny in ur projectasy.


Ummita Thanks for your support. Actually my whole AIDS awareness campaign is not Hausa women only but you know hausawa sunce komai zaka fara ka fara daga gida. so I will work from north first and move on. One of the reason why I actually put the topic here it's because I want to see the reaction from the youngsters before I go anywhere else. I know how our people react to certain things and I don't want to cause problem. ba na son abu ya zama daga gyara kayanka .... you that proverbs we have. I am really interesting in this thingy that would be going on, I have a feeling I would be traveling to Niaja this summer inshaallah. so girl thanks alot for your help I know we will go somewhere. Inshaallah I will get my message across even if it will take me centuries.
--- Peace
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]