Started by kofa, May 27, 2004, 06:38:19 PM

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Pls let's discuss this issue wai AIDS is it man made or it's a natural desease like any other desease.
n GOD i trust


well,there's only one way to find out,try having unprotected sex with 10 different prostitutes and go get tested,guess we'll here from you soon.

dan kauye

well kofa as u can  see,d topic alone is dreadful no  wonda most people seem 2 ignore it...but dat same ignorance turned south africa nad muzamque AIDS  haven..wen it came 2 those nations dey ingored it,nobody want 2 talk bout it,having unprotected sex n stuff...and d issue of aids being man made is a myterious 2 dan kauye...though i cud hardly cum 2 d terms of believing it but u know oyibo/turawa/ nuthing wey dey no fit u know say dey no lyk blacks...but d gud news is naija is one of d nations wit least aids pations...just unda 5%.....peace ya!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


Well, I absolutely have no idea whether AIDS is man- made or not but funny enough, I heard talks about it being a scientifically made diease meaning (man-made)and how Africa turned out to be the highest rate with AIDS victims & so on.  But logically, a disease is a disease. We can know the cause or source of a disease but we cnt really say it was man-made because diseases are not man-made. Maybe viruses can be man-made, maybe disease can be transmitted, mayb disease can be communicable but not man-made. Cancer, Diabetes,Stroke & so on are not man-made or are they? I'm aware of the fact that in our religion and in the books we follow, so many dieases and their cures and also this specific disease has all been spoken of, so I dont know if I can conclude from there but maybe I can assume that it was not man-made but a natural disease which is different from other diseases.
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!

dan kauye ummita u just assume itz not man made? hah!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


A lot of people say that AIDS i was created in a laboratory in the U.S as a biological weapon or a means of population check for developing countries and tested on prison inmates - which was why at first it was regarded as a homo disease. Unfortunately it got out of hand  and became a huge disaster for them.
But i'm not really convinced coz every manmade disease ussually has an antidote, a vaccine or a cure created with the disease, so if AIDS was manmade why hasn't  the antidote been released yet, i mean will the U.S sacrifice it's population just to destroy the third world?


Actually there was a time dat many scientists put up debates about AIDS

being derived from Da HIV virus which is one of da lentiviruses Which is found in Chimpanzees

I dunno much about Zoonosis, but people say dat it might have possibly been transfered

by medical experiments. This is still hypothesis. I don't think there is a Theory or fact dat backs it up
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Man made or not AIDS is real and wreaking havoc. Dont believe the 5% figure you hear about Nigeria. In two particular local governments both in the north prevalence is as high as 60%. The statistics based on mandatory testing of pregnant women etc from some of our general hospitals is staggering. The North has a peculiar problem becasuse of polygamy. An HIV positive "big man" with 4 wives dies off and maybe three remarry. They may be young and still in their prime or it may just be the status attached to marrying "big mans" ex wife but they usually remarry not long after their idda and the cycle continues. Countries that have pretended aids is not real, or can only afflict gay people or is western propaganda have paid the price. Uganda was almost crippled by aids as a country till the president himself took it on and spearheaded one of the most succssfull awareness campaigns to date backed by the world bank, and aids is actually in a state of decline. In botswana the demography has been changed by aids. It,s a small country (aboiut !.5 million with about 400,000 foreigners) with the fastest growing economy in the world at one point in time. They ignored the warnings and aids threatened to actually wipe out the indigenous population in about 15 years.

They have also taken it seriously and are doing something about it.

A lot of Nigeria is still in a state of denial. I heard from no less a person than a one time world bank country director that Nigeria refused an $11 million world bank grant for Aids awareness during the Abacha regime because of the "negative" influence, morality blah blah blah. Who says we cant sit down and fashion out our own politically correct awareness campaign. In fact with a disease like aids is political correctness really an issue? People are dying everyday and they say its TB, or ciwon yunwa and all sorts of crap.

Man made or not we better get real! Recall a hadith that predicted the emergence of strange and new diseases if the ummah continues to engage in exactly the kind of moral bankruptcy that has now taken over.


Quote from: "dan kauye" ummita u just assume itz not man made? hah!

ehem ehemmmmmmmm Actually wat I was tryin 2 point out in relation 2 AIDS & d issues concernin it, is dat it is definately a disease which of course is not man-made, initially I was tryin 2 point out dat in d books we follow.........God made mention of a disease that "Zai fiter da chuta mah wenda suna committin adulterly kuma wanda bayar da magani" which is AIDS Koh? I was tryin 2 keep abun da addini namu yafadar out of this, incase of those dat do not follow d same teachings wit us. We hav 2 keep things on level koh? (smiles)
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Jeeezz! Ummita, i hope you speak hausa better than you write it."fiter",? "wenda suna comitting adultery"?


Brotha Kitkat, Allah fa! toh........anyway wats wrong wit mah hausa? YES! God said he will unleash disease 4 adult committers. Which part of d hausa u didnt gane?

Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Quote.........God made mention of a disease that "Zai fiter da chuta mah wenda suna committin adulterly kuma wanda bayar da magani" which is AIDS Koh?

AIDS is not only transmitted through sex and there for not confined to adulterers - granted sex is one of the common ways to get it,but there are so many other ways to get infected.


Quote from: "ummita" Brotha Kitkat, Allah fa! toh........anyway wats wrong wit mah hausa? YES! God said he will unleash disease 4 adult committers. Which part of d hausa u didnt gane?


Wallahi I understand what youre trying to say, but it's obvious you're writing down your hausa "as spoken".
Ko dai ke yar kwatas ce? TRANSLATION.
kwatas = quarters or GRA. also known as "daga makaranta sai nasarawa"


A'a reportin u 2 mah Hausa lecturer. Minkam hausa is hausa it dnt matta d way its spoken or written aslong as its understood koh? Gaskia minkam no blame me Sabodda hausa is not my native tongue thou I grew wit hausa aswell. Now am upset, I wnt speak beautiful hausa in d presence of ppl like u, gatecrashin my hausa :cry: :cry: But WALLAH I speak gooooooooood hausa(she laffs)

@ Waz, sorry I wasnt tlkin bout how AIDS is transmitted all d same thnx.........

Shall we proceed wit d topic koh?
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Very well then. The article below seems to be on the side of the man made theory.[/url]