He is complaining of feeling introverted and withdrawn

Started by bamalli, July 12, 2008, 07:23:17 PM

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I am a muslim alhamdulillah but i have some problem with me???i have come to realize that i love being my self and i feel that only a few can understand me so i really love privacy with all i do...i dont like to tell people about me or my background i love to be my self.for instance if i what to do something i cant tell anyone no matter how close we are or even some believers. but i really love those who follow the quran and sunna.i really love the scholars of islam 'imam bhukari,muslim,al-albaani,shafee e.t.c for me i what to be like them. please advice me what to do.

Praise be to Allaah. 

The issue that you are complaining of has to do with your personality type and is not regarded as a true psychological disease. What is needed to treat this problem is the development of social skills, which can be done, but it requires persistence, patience and ongoing social training.

This training program may be summed up as follows:

1 – Preparing yourself intellectually, mentally and physically to mix with people, put up with them and try to be in harmony with them as much as possible.

2 – Playing any kind of team sport such as soccer – for example – which involves some kind of conscious and unconscious contact and interaction.

3 – Joining charitable and voluntary associations, attending Qur'aan study circles and halaqahs.

4 – Try to visit a trustworthy psychiatrist who can tell you some useful ways of dealing with this problem.

5 – Avoid feeling isolated from society. Try to forget all things that exacerbate these feelings in you, for the cause of this introversion may be a situation in which you found yourself or a trial that you have gone through. Seek the help of Allaah in dealing with it and forgetting it.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.