Obasanjo Vs Bishops

Started by Dan-Borno, May 05, 2010, 10:02:54 AM

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this is not the first time the former president is having
problem with religion leaders.  the last time, he declared
CAN my foot and now instead of him to come forward
to be delivered from demons he is saying that it is the
Bishops that require deliverance.

though i dont fault obasanjo, in each case, it is either
the CAN or the Bishops that are crossing the lines, they
are curious of what obasanjo says in public forgeting that
apart from been an older soldier, he has been a Nigerian
president for too long - at his age, his comments shouldnt
bother anyone.

obasanjo should watch his mouth anyway, men of God are
men of God.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Ai suma bishops din har da su.
Suna tsoma bakin su too much a abubuwwan da bai kamata su tsoma ba.

Sun yi condeming fitowar takarar IBB. I am sure they will oppose almost anybody that isn't part of them.

Here is OBJ's comments.
They guy is so funny wallahi.

'He was reacting to the report by CAN which condemned his recent comment that even Jesus Christ would not be able to conduct undisputed and credible election in Nigeria.

"Do not mind them (CAN members), they are the ones that need deliverance; not me Obasanjo, even you journalists need deliverance. I am a recycled man, I cannot change again, they are the people that need to be delivered. I cannot repeat myself, over what I said before; they are the ones that need all the repentance you can think of," Obasanjo said.

When asked whether he was supporting the Acting President, Goodluck Jonathan for the 2011 presidential election, which is contrary to the zoning structure of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), Obasanjo said : "Did you see me carrying Jonathan on my back, I do not understand you. If you mean support him, I do not know. "

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