Is it true i heard that..............

Started by Fulanizzle, November 14, 2001, 07:35:07 PM

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Assalamu alaikum.

I hope every one is in good health.

Two days ago, heard on BBC (hausa section) that seven men were shot coz of preaching somewhere in Kawo (not sure of spelling) , kaduna. is it true?????Anyone heard the alarming story? ?

just wanna know whats going on in nigeria. really i am so heart broken.......... anywayz May Allah have mercy on us all. ?

Assalamu alaikum


I do not think that this particular incident took place in Kano but in Kawo - Kaduna.

Its sad. Isn't?

Haza wasalam.


Salam dear brothers,
      Yes, it's true the incident happened, i read it on the and websites. It's really sad, we are being killed everyday here and there. Personally i blame powershift on most of our travails in Nigeria. If the Yorubas control the economy, Igbos control interprenuership, the Northerners control the Power, then the equation is balanced, i do not see reason why we surrendered power to the yorubas. I hope our leaders and  political class will correct this error in the next coming election. Alhaji Rimi the Limamin chanji is already out and ready to contest for the presidency. I personally wish him every success! You can check for more information.


        It's NOT as i earlier wrote. I am sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused.




hay people i never heard of that but i think it is a rumor, there is no more fights in nigeria again. salam. 8)
at u see is wat u get........................RMS
