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Is It The Law Of God Or Man?

Started by Samba, January 20, 2004, 04:27:41 PM

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Law is very confusing sometimes, but what law is the real law is it the constitution, is it the parliment? The only law that is a real justifiable law is the law of God, which is the Sharia, because it makes sense. American law is senslesss, beause it separates church from state, that is impossible, and that is why crime, drug abuse and homosexulity is very common among these people. Even in Amsterdam they have a red light district where prostituion is legal, where people smoke cocain, and shoot heroin in public, and the government has legalized all of this, but you can be jailed and fined for running a stop light? ??? You can even be jailed if someone accuses you something, and they don't need a witness, Micheal Jackson. Western Laws are not meant for justice but to make revenue for the government, their laws are stupid and not aimed for justice. The only law seems to be the law of God the Sharia, because there seems to be no law.  
oney is not everything and life is not promised, therefore praise Allah with consistancy. masalam


Assalamu alaikum,
Mallam Samba, thanks for this post Allah saka da alkhairi-amiyn.

Yes, Shariah is the answer to most of our social and moral problems. Those misguided elements who want to distract us from the Shariah shall fail.Names calling and blackmail will not deter the believers from clinging to their faith. The fact is Shariah is our custom and costumes. It is our manner and mannerisms, it is our character and characteristics and a complete way of life ordained by our Holy Creator, and is a constitutional right.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Case is : if you review any ( i emphasize ANY ) law with a vibrant clearity u will find it subjected to faulty practices i will not indulge in any discussion on the logistics or legitimacy of any law,but rather just correct a few points above, samba its incorrect that in amstardams red district cocaine and heroin usage is legalized by the government, review the netherland's constitution you will find that its outlawed in bold print , weather the government is doing enough to conquer it can be discussed,better yet weather it should be conquered can be argued, i happened to spend the new years eve in Ne?ch amsterdam a about 3 stops from the red light district, many people make the error of thinking that hard drugs are leagal in amsterdam, soft narcotics like marjuwana and extacy are highly tolerated ( not leagal ) but yes the exessisive trafficking of them can get you incarcerated in netherlands , peace


Absolutely true....I agree wit all d comments.....ok lemme add...or hyperbole.
I dnt know much....but hypothetically or I assumed dat law/justice doesnt revolve around barristers,solicitors or is wat sent 2 up in order 2 live a life. Law is everywhere, in our homes,work place etc. Law shapens up d public, particularly thru human rights. In fact it pervades all our lives. It is a code that regulates d behaviour of members of d society, provides framework within which, a successful society can flourish. Law covers evrything we do.....buyin a house, gettin a job, makin a will or even gettin divorced. We hav a law dat governs our code of conduct in this forum. This in turn brings bout self respect, equal (fair & just) treatement. How many hundred forums do we know dat offensive words is wat dey eat & drink!!! Now simple reasonin....du not use offesive words hasnt it brought peace & harmony in dis forum? Where did we get dat law from...."Oh God said we shud leave in peace & avoid sayin things dat will upset anoda".
D english legal system will obviously differ from Shariah Law bcus our law is strictly governed by d words in d books of Allah subhana wata'ala whereas english law is has been designed & implemented 2 suit & appeal 2 d their public by his lord or her lord, common ppl like us who r also bound 2 make mistakes, yet d wan2 judge anoda!.
Their adversarial & inqusitorial system revolves around human rights....rights 2 b gay, woman rights, legalisation of illegal drug,cohabitin.....etc.....all d likes of these r permissable. Conversely d presence of this sort of legal system around Islamicity will obviously permit terrible injustice to b visited upon members of d society in particular d muslims.
@ Samba theres a sayin that laws r meant 2 b if this is d case den indeed ppl break d law so not only western laws r broken, even our own laws alot of ppl go way beyound dat. Zagi haram ne. Prsotitution is haram, Isnt there muslim women dat do dat? Adultery is haram, how many Alhajis do dat? Drug intake is haram. How many muslim youngins do dat? How many of us curse on ppl? Gossipin is haram. To the laidais....who hasnt done dat? U c we brk minor & major rules...bckbitin,grudges xcetra so cus drug traffickin continues,theft & robbery, murder or manslaughter, prostitution child molestation, adutery,forgery & corroption.......& western society which r illegal it shudnt cum as a suprise 2 u, eitherway our ppl also breach our law. Shariah allows no such thing........but also even though I know Shariah is d law of which I follow, I still phase this question out. IS SHARIAH RULED ACCORDING TO EXACTLY WHAT IS IN THE BOOKS? I can possibly say perpharps not 100% really, because even our own ppl break d rules & obligations of shariah & sumtyms our alims & ulamaz neglect 2 follow d step by step rule set out in shariah law 2 convict a person 4 wateva crime done!........let me digress d issue abit....goin bck 2 d case dat has been dragged & dragged.....which we all got bored of (Amina Lawal); Shariah states dat 2 b gulity of committin adultery there has 2 b atlest (4 or is it 7ppl) correct me if am wrong 2 hv seen d accussed in d actual act.....proved beyound reasonable doubt.....but till present even when Amina was this close 2 b stoned, no one proved 2 hav caught her in d act....but still sum ulamas judges wanted 2 go ahead & convict her :-/ justice must not only b done, it must b seen 2 b believed! & again how many men & women hav committed adultery but hav not been stoned. Reason? They r so so & so person! So only d vulnearable inferior onces get subjected & d superior onces get acquitted even thou its been proved beyound reasonable doubt that dey as committed wat is not permissable in Islam (I dnt blame dem cus its already been said dat written laws r like spider's web; dey will catch, it is true, the weak & poor, but wud b turn in pieces by d rich & powerful). Diff law govern diff society....its lyk u get prosecuted if u dnt intervene 2 like help a drownin child in France, howeva in another country u can  sit & watch a child drawn 2 deat without intervenin & u wnt be criminally liable. But in Islam, it has been vested on any muslim 2 help not only a muslim but even a non muslims whose life has been endangered....Any reasonable person will obviously know d real law of God & not d onces designed by ppl. In respect of d issue of drug, Cannibis is a drug, dus great harm 2 d body, removes u from ur state of mynd, losses ur self control...theres a vitual certainty that u might possible do harm but its legal :-/ wat differs it from marijuanna :-/?....Finally am sayin this......d law is there, it is there 2 honour us....we shud honour it, howeva.........Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere & hardly these days r ppl judged accordin 2 their acts....& hardly these day do ppl obey d law.......We juss all hav 2 beg 4 Allahs Maff & seek 4 hidayats & I do not know much, may God 4give us where we'd wronged him
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


i do not want to distract you guys from the subject but i can let this one slide so :
Adultery or not , the sentencing of Amina Lawal to death ! is a violation of human right, an act of primitive spritual illusion  the condamnation of this woman is an act perpeterated by individuals who are victims of  a suggestive thinking method,individuals who are incapable of letting the past rest in its shallow grave ! the lack of perspective can be leathal sometimes, Ummita i dont know about the rest of the comrades here but im not bored with the subject of Amina Lawal , and will not rest till she is free or murdered, even then her destiny will remain vivid in my mental land scape,the conviction of Amina is an oppression of the struggle, POINT BLANK  


QuoteUmmita i dont know about the rest of the comrades here but im not bored with the subject of Amina Lawal , and will not rest till she is free or murdered, even then her destiny will remain vivid in my mental land scape,the conviction of Amina is an oppression of the struggle, POINT BLANK ?
I do respect ur opinion & in a way I do agree, can u rest wen u du not know weda she is 2 b stoned or allowed 2 move on in life? U r 2 know & ur rest will only happen wen d judges hav sentened her 2 b stoned or acquitted, they r not sure either! Theres absolutely no proof...dat shes committed one HAS CAUGHT dem in d act, d guy denied d allegations.......even d child she carries in her arm.........which cud b a proof.....d man ?basically denied fatherin d gul!!.........I do not know much about Shariah but if d accused denies d allegations hes let alone, so if ulamaz or d Alims cnt really judge 'em, dey dnt know weda shes guilty or not then I think she shud b allowed 2 see d sunrise & sunset till wen God chooses 2 end her life. For Allah alone will judge dem ryt & he alone can judge dem best.....guilty or not guilty (Allahu wa'aalam), but in my own point of view..dey shud leave Amina ALONEEEEEEEEE
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Assalamu alaikum,
Implementation of Shariah has somehow cleansed our society of some dirty acts. From my observations the sinners are no longer free to do what they were doing in the open, fornication, alcoholism, etc. have been reduced, and now only take place inside closed doors.

The cases of Amina, safiya, etc. should also make us (Muslims) to reflect on how the adverseries of Islam dabbled into our affairs with the intent of causing confusion.

May Allah (SWT) guide us-amiyn.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).