Dr. Muh'd Dlakwa, Q.S colossus: Is Dead

Started by JiboNura, February 12, 2004, 05:57:30 PM

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DR. MUHAMMAD MUSA DLAKWA, Quantity Surveying Colossus: Is Dead.

(April 6, 1961 - February10, 2004)

"Surely God has created every being and to Him we shall all return. Every soul must experience the bitterness of Death. For Allah do things according to His will. May He therefore accept us and our deeds in good faith, any time we are called upon".

The above caption will remain the most shocking and demoralizing sentence I least expected to refer and even re- construct its similitude in my life, since after the demise of our scholar Dr. Shehu Lawal Giwa (another Quantity Surveying giant). The only difference was just the name; where I substituted Dr. Shehu Lawal Giwa with Muhammad Musa Dlakwa. In fact, it never crossed my imaginative mind that I would one day pick a pen and write such a report similar to that of a compatriot who reported Dr. Giwa's death. But as destiny have it; Life is such a mysterious thing that one can never tell what will happen in the next second.

The death of Dr. Muhammad Musa Dlakwa came to me as a great shocker through one of his very close companion who said: "Mallam Nura, have you heard of Dr. Dlakwa's death?" I did not hear the man well, until he mentioned abruptly the last letter: DEATH. It was then I quickly recollected back my thoughts and asked in bewilderment: What? He then repeated himself this time, in different but grief- stricken tone that Dr. Dlakwa is dead! The next thing that I could picture in my mind was Dr. Dlakwa's generous and friendly face that he always maintained whenever you are with him.

As my lecturer, I saw in him a very motivating and encouraging personality. He was one of the first persons who had made me developed personal temerity to Quantity Surveying profession. Dr. was a very intelligent and hardworking gentleman who loved challenges. And he always derived pleasure when meeting up with those challenges.
Dr. Muhammad Dlakwa hailed from Kwaya Kusar, Borno state. He started his elementary education in Kwaya Kusar and later joined Wandali primary school between 1968 and 1974. He attended Waka secondary school, Biu, from 1974 to 1979. Doctor graduated with the best result, this made it easier for him to get enrolled into the school of Basic studies, ABU, Zaria that same year (1979). He finished Basic studies in 1980 and then proceeded for a B.sc. Programme in Quantity Surveying, in the same institution between 1980and 1983, where he made his mark in academic excellence. After completing his NYSC programme with Setraco Construction Company as project Quantity Surveyor in Bida, Niger state, he came back to ABU and bagged his M.sc programme in construction management in 1985. From there he went to university of Starling, Scotland in 1987, where he had his P.hd in Technological Economics. This made him to be the first person in the entire country to attain a doctorate in that field.

Academically, I know some but not all his career. Dr. Dlakwa was a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Surveying, ABU Zaria between 1984 and 1986. He was Assistant Lecturer 1986 -1989, Lecturer 11, 1989, Lecturer 1 1990 and Senior Lecturer in Quantity Surveying in 1993. He was also Departmental Examination officer 1984 and 1985, Head of Quantity Surveying unit and /or section 1987, Acting Head of Surveying Department between 1991 and 1992. He was later confirmed Head of Department in 1992 Dr. Muhammad Dlakwa was Deputy Dean of Engineering and later Dean of Faculty of Engineering, ABU Zaria between January 1994 and July 1995. DR. Musa has also served as chairman, member and external examiner to so many professional bodies, administrative committees and institutions, which are too numerous to mention. It was out of his intellectual prowess that he was appointed Deputy General Manager (planning) / special Assistant to the chief Executive, Federal Housing Authority in 1995. He was later promoted to General Manager (special Duties) and then Operation in 1996 -97 and 1997 -1999 respectively.

In 1996 he was appointed chairman of the presidential Task force on the implementation of the Gwarinpa 11 housing project, Abuja. What I will definitely live to remember here is the day Doctor was Teaching us QTYS, one of the rudimentary aspect of Quantity Surveying. Hes then shared his experience at Gwarinpa with us that:" it was me who chaired, designed and implemented the Gwarinpa project, which is suppose to be the largest estate in Africa". He served in this capacity up to 1999. He was also chairman, committee of experts on the design and construction of FHA corporate headquarters, Abuja 1995.
A t the level of professionalism, Dr. served in so many capacities in the Quantity Surveying world. He was a fellow of the Quantity Surveying Registration Board (FQSRB), Fellow Nigerian institute of Quantity Surveyors (FNIQS), Fellow institute of construction Industry Arbitrators (FICIArb) 1997, Corporate member of the American Association of cost Engineers (MACOSTE) 1998, Corporate member of the institute of Management Consultants (MIMC) 1997, Associate Member of the British institute of Management (ABIM) 1990, Registered Quantity Surveyor and Board member.

But all these are now history. Death has kept us apart; we will no longer live to enjoy the soothing Balm that you used to rub to us before taking lectures. Quantity Surveying Students of ABU Zaria will never receive that tender reception of food and drinks that you always offered before giving them lectures.

Certainly, your demise is a requiem not only to Quantity Surveying unit, Department of Surveying, Ahmadu Bello University, but also the entire country in general. May God give your family, relatives, parents and us the fortitude to bear the loss. Though we have no choice than to always take solace in the law of God that: "It is He who gave us life; and it is also He who will cause us to die, and will again bring us back to life". Allah yaji kanka da Rahama ya hada fuskokinmu a Jannatul Firdausi. Amin.

Jibo Nura,


Inna lillahi Wa inna Ilaihir raji'un....Kullu nafsin za'ikatul maut.Allah ya ji kansa ya gafarta masa, ya sa Aljannat fir dausiy makoma.
He was such a nice man....I could remember he used to give my colleques at the university(his students) lunch money during his weekends lectures....imagine this kind of halin kirki irinsu a jami'ioin mu yanzu nawa ne in ma da akwai? Allah ya saka masa ya kuma gafarta masa kurarensa....mu kuma ya kyuata namu karshen in ta mu ta zo ameen summa ameen


Assalamu alaikum,
Allah (SWT) Ya gafarta masa Ya sa Al Jannah ce makomarsa. Mu na baya Allah (SWT) muyi aiki kwarai karbabbe a wajen Ubangiji kuma mu cika da Imani-amiyn.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).