I wud like 2 read from u!!!

Started by Anonymous, December 11, 2002, 03:02:10 PM

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Can sum1 place post out how hausawa were created and how the language stated? Who were d fore fathers 'n' mothers 2 referring the language we speak as hausa? How did they fumble the words from their mouth & all? How did we get d system 2 leadership ruling, (sarkis system)  members of the council..? How we started wearing zani & riga?, where I was being told Adam & eve only covered in leaves, then rock ppl using animal skin...now we use cotton!!!!! :o. Duz this things make u think like I du. ::)?Someone highlight me. I wud like 2 learn.

Aydee Fella

Plz I personally would like to know how cooking came about.At times i juss start thinking like how did people know if they cooked rice ,yams, etc they'd become edible .How did they come about baking bread ,yin Masa and things like dat.
  Are you s guyz as puzzeled as i am :-/
never rat out yur friends n alwaiz keep yur mouth shut"


Join d club man!! Nima things like these seems quite baffling 'n' puzzling not 2 mention funny.

Perhaps I mayb cud ansa ur question on cookin but not how we came about different menus with their recipes.!!


haha :D Things like that, no one can tell you thier origins....only one who has lived through evolutions an is ammmm say three thousand years old
Safety and Peace


heeey!!!!!!! SEE UR LIFE!!!!!! lol!

QuotePlz I personally would like to know how cooking came about.At times i juss start thinking like how did people know if they cooked rice ,yams, etc they'd become edible .How did they come about baking bread ,yin Masa and things like dat.
? Are you s guyz as puzzeled as i am :-/
da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


Safety and Peace


Now to the topic...I cant answer all of ummitah`s questions but I can give us a start.
   The negoroes of west Africa as a whole were believed to have originated from Asia and migrated here several years before christ. They all traveled at different clans and times which brings about the different religion and locations. The duration of time spent is blamed for the metamorphosis of languages which are the corrupted of the Asian languages.
    The Ibos are believed to be Jews, and the word Ibo is believed to be a corruption of the word Hebrew. Its also evident how Jewish traits are found in Ibo people.The Yoruba's are believed to have come from Arabia, somewhere in the KSA.
     While the Hausa's...us...trace our origins from arabia too,
probably Baghdad. Although, the hausas are believed to not be pure but mixed negroes, mixed of berber origins. In any case the difference in language is due to the different arrivals at different times and different groupings.
     Maize was introduced from America by the Portugues at the 16th century, so apparently the hausa's didnt get their tuwo until then. Cassava was also introduced from India by the same people around the same time. So obviously the Ibos didnt get thier fufu and the yorubas their eba until then.
     Fabric was also being traded from the north and as a result we came about clothing.
       I hope this very much helps ur speculations...
Safety and Peace



Haussa , black African ethnic group, numbering about 23 million, chiefly in N Nigeria and S Niger. The Hausa are almost exclusively Muslim and practice agriculture. Their widespread trading activities have contributed to making their language a lingua franca in much of W Africa. In earlier times the Hausa were organized in the Hausa States. Long the vassals of Bornu , the states were conquered by the Songhay in 1513 and by the Fulani in the early 19th cent. In colonial Nigeria the traditional Hausa-Fulani social and political structure was largely maintained under the British policy of indirect rule. The Hausa remain a major force in Nigerian politics. So don't think if u are from kano katsina or sokoto u are the only hausawa's.