Started by Khalil, April 28, 2004, 02:58:39 PM

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Salam all,

Aminuddeen let's look at it this way, today's Jews can be said partly to be Bani Isra'il as they are described in the Qur'an. But the other part that suggests they are NOT carries more weight. Three books are invaluable in this regard: Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reeds, False Inheritance by Michael Rice and The Thirteenth Tribe by a certain Arthur Koestler.

To start with, there are two groupings of the Jews today: Ashkenazim and Sephardim. Ashkenazim who are said to be the majority originated as evidenced by history, from a Turkish tribe called Khazar  -- you can see the reason why Arthur Koestler named his book, The Thirteenth Tribe, meaning an additional tribe on the normal and accepted twelve tribes of Israel. They adopted the religion of Judaism for political expediency during the days of the crusades. Then, Muslims preferred the Jews to Christians and Christians preferred the Jews to the Muslims and as a result Khazar adopted Judaism that they may be able to escape aggression from every angle.

Now after hundreds of years of adherence to the laws of Talmudic Judaism they are more aggressive and prophetic in their mission than the avowed Jews. Some Muslim scholars think they are synonymous to the Yajuj wa Majuj, a Turkish tribe that is said will dominate every aspect of human life in the final days of this world. It is from this group of Jews we had people like Karl Marx and Chaim Weizmann which Guduma quoted above. It is also to them belong the credit of the communist revolution of Russia. Nine out of the top officials of the first Russian government after the revolution were Jews excepting Lenin and two others. They also form the most ardent Zionists and the majority of those who reside in Palestine today.

On the other hand, we have Sephardim Jews who are also known as Western Jews. They trace their origin to the two out of the twelve tribes of Israel: Levi and Judah. These two tribes have been the leaders, guardians of the Jewish law for long. They were the authors of Talmudic Jadaism. They were the ones who tried to kill Jesus, persecuted his followers and rejected the message of prophet Muhammad in the name of protecting the laws, genes and the tradition of the Jews. Evidence of history shows that the other ten tribes have always rejected their monopoly and it is mostly from them Jesus had his five hundred followers. It is also from them prophet Muhammad got some followers like Abdullahi Ibn Salam.

Now think about this. How many people would have evolved from the five hundred followers of Jesus for the past 2000 years? Or how many people would have evolved from the Jews who followed Muhammad in the last 1500 years? Take Abddullahi ibn Salam only, how many people would have evolved from him to this day? A little example is my family; we are today numbered almost 2,300 from a single progenitor dating back to 1800 A.C. only two hundred years back.

The Sephardim Jews claim that the other ten tribes are lost but the fact of the matter is they are among the other Palestinians that are daily being put to death, it is unfortunate.

Going back to the issue of Zionism. The first Zionist leader was Dr. Theodore Hearzl who was from Sephardim Jews. During all his days, He and the other Western Jews agitated for a Jewish state somewhere on this planet and they were given Uganda in the African continent. He accepted and addressed the 6th world Zionist congress in that regard. Majority of them voted in support but the remaining Jews from the East, Khazar Jews, rejected the idea; they cried and said he had betrayed the nation of Zion and that where they want is Palestine and nowhere.

Since then, as one writer observed, Theodore Hearzl started changing in character and disposition and just like that was found dead in the streets. From thence Chaum Weizmann , a Khazar Jew ascended the throne of Zionist movement,  now, stop a little and read the quote by Guduma above.

Today we have a good number of Khazar Jews forming the majority of those inhabiting Palestine as their so-called home land, thus the question comes again WHY PALESTINE. Why did Khazar Jews are insisting on Palestine? Why and why? You can see from what we have said above, they are not the Bani Isra'il that are mentioned in the Qur'an.

Khazar Jews have the Media and the financial institutions in this new world now. They are even bold enough that they often look down on the Sephardim Jews as inferior Jews. Kaji Karfin hali ko?

It is when this subject is allowed open  discussion we will find real panacea for the problem of middle-east, the problem human race, and the time to start the discourse is no better than now.


please the above post is by me Khalil

David McEwan Hill

I wish Al Hamza would respond to what I actually say and stop ranting on in his obvious hate of whitemen, Christians and lots of other groups that have done him no harm.
Let me plainly say again a few simple things.
1. Most of the world completely deplores what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. The vast majority of white people deplore what Israel is dong to the Palestinians. The vast majority of Christians deplore what Israel is dong to the Palestinians. The United Nations has continually deplored what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. The Pope continually calls for justice for the Palestinians.
Do not blame everybody else for the wicked and stupid behaviour of the USA in this issue. America is corrupt. Jewish money buys the Presidency at every election and that is why George Bush supports the evil behaviour of Ariel Sharon. But it is nothing to do with me.
I believe many of the Arab States of the Middle East are too fond of America and American power. They too have been compromised and are not as strong for the Paleastinians as they should be. That is why we have terrorism - because all hope has been taken fron the Palestinians.
Why don't you shout at the leaders of the Middle East, Al Hamza? They are the ones who should be protecting the Palestinians. Instead many of them are in America's pocket>


Dear sir Mcewan...
              I am highly un-impressed by the allegations of racism leveled against me. I do hope we'll sort that out over a mug of beer (strictly non-alcoholic) when i get to the uk next year (for studies). It would be nice if you'd know the proper history of William Wallace (a hero to me) so our conversation would be highly lively.
               What did i say anti christian by the way? Was it the pope issue? Or was it the israel recognition thing that sparked such comments? If it was the pope issue then you deserve an appology, not because i might have hurt your feelings by telling you the truth, but because in my Religion, i am taught that saying anything bad or interfering with someone elses religion is strongly against the doings and taechings of our Nobel Prophet(S.A.W).
                   Do you now understand how i feel when you compare our sharia laws to that of your middle age europe? Live and let live sir ewan, live and let live! Our sharia law will help make sure that your wife doesnt cheat on you and you dont cheat on your wife, it will make sure that your daughter doesnt have to have an abortion or show her body to attract a male for matrimonial purpose. It would make sure that you dont worry about wether you locked your door before comming to office or not. Anyways i hope i have achieved my prupose though through dis-tasteful means.
        If it was the issue of israel, then i am sorry sir, you deserve no appology at all, since you have uptill now refused to acknowledge the fact that israel isnt a nation that has any justification of bieng born. If you agree with me, then we can be pals and i promise to be a nice "lad".  
          HMMMM so as you said, many "whites" are against the doings of israel huh? wow okay, so why no sanctions against israel like sudan? I do agree that there are concerns in Europe, i read about the pilot of air-france that said "welcome to Palestine" when he touched down at an israeli airport(lol that was a scene! the guy refused comming out of the plane). Why does your media then portray hamas as a terrorist cell instead of a freedom fighter people? Are your contries also controlled by dictators ? if they are who'll invade them to free you people from governments that dont represent your views?
          Good thing the Pope says "Justice" (though i never heard of it) for the Palestinians, but why do his followers then not bring justice to the poor Palestinians? Is the Pope then solely for decorative purposes?
          Yes it is true that many rich muslim states are in the hands of the Americans, the whole of the gulf nations, let me start with the smallies, kuwait is shia, shi'ites and sunnis have had problems since time immemorable, sunnis dont consider shi'ites to be muslims, thats because
   the shi'ites believe Sayyidna Ali (the nephew of the Prophet) was supposed to be the Prophet, but angel Jibril (Gabriel) came to Prophet Mohammed(S.A.W) by mistake, they call the first three khalifas traitors(axtaghfurullah), all of whom were beloved companions of the Prophet(S.A.W). On the Day of the Matyrings of the Khalifas, or the days on which they died, shi'ites distribute sweets. I study in a country where a significant amount of the population is shi'ite, i could go on and on but i think i have given you some major points.
          So you can see the major difference that sunnis and shias have, Palestine is sunni whole-blood and apart from Saudia, Yemen and U.A.E no country is sunni majority in the whole Gulf, thats why its always the arab platform is the first to shout about the daily attrocities not the OIC. If you talk of Pakistan, which is a major power in the muslim ummah, they have their own problem which is india and kashmir, for Pakistan to simply rise and go to war with israel or get in a tussel could be very damaging, since pakistan has no natural resources and is based solely on trade of finished products for its foriegn trade. It is intresting to note however that under Zia-ul-Hoque, israel did try to bomb nuclear installations in pakistan, thanks to the early warnings of the saudis, Zia sent a threat note that if any such act was made, he'd not hesitate to press the button (he meant a nuke missile according to annalysts).
          So since Saudia is sunni and practices sharia why doesnt it liberate Palestine? thats an intresting question of-course, the King is by many believed (and he surely acts like that) to be the best friend america has ever had in the Arabs or muslims, thats one way to think,

the other is the King might just be wise enough to know that IF he was to declare war on israel, then of-course there'd be a very very bloody conflict, of-course the americans would side the jews, (which means superior arms) and it wouldnt be surprising if the jews step on Saudi soil during the early days of the war, this would mr Ewan mean, the whole of the muslim world involved, i cannot guarantee Turkey, but i do guarantee you WORLD WAR III.  

The way things are going Sir, if the imperialistic advances continue, i assure you peace would be something we could only dream about in the next decade.

i hope i have done a good job,

do you know how to play a bag pipe by the way?

any further questions?
please do ask and please no allegations please.


waziri i suppose you are right but it doesn't really answer my question. So is my assumption- Ie Israealis are entitle to some part of palestine but not whole of what they occupy now,  right?
I know for a fact that many of the Jews living in the occupied israel are not infact jews. Most of the eastern european jews are imposters like you asserted. and they are, as you said racist towards sephradic jews.


Well Amin if your question is that then I say they do not have right to any piece of land there. Cos this is what Allah says:

Oh Children of Isreal,  call to mind the favours which I bestow on you and fulfil your covenant with me and I will fulfil my  covenant with you and fear none but me.

This goes to say they have nothing promised to them from God if they do not fulfil their part of the agreement, and they do not. They the Jews know that in the Qur'an they have no proof whatsoever and as such they use the Holy Bible, Genesis 17:8 to prove their case. But even there the land of canaan is said to be given to the seed of Abraham which Arabs are part and parcel. Though they say Arabs are decendants of Abraham thru' Hagar a bond woman who gave birth to a "bastard", Ishmael but in our reading of the Bible we come across where Abraham confessed that Sarah his wife is his sister. So we ask them as to whether it is better to have a child with your sister than a bond woman?

Let the Jews seek for peace and find more meaning to life  than the trash they are offering mankind. It is unfortunate!

Surayya Galadanci

