Started by manasmusa, December 11, 2007, 02:36:44 PM

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It has been weeks-probably two to three since I disappeared away from the forum with out telling you. Sorry for that, you should all please forgive me it is not my fault its condition.

After been away for just short period, I now remember one of the thread I once read in this friendly forum "what I can't do without". Though I do not post a reply to the thread, think its time now to say that I can't do with kanoonline.

Straight to the point, whenever I am thinking of reading, I always want to read fact-based stories, historical fact and some times biographies and auto biographies- in fact to say narratives. That is why I found my self interested in narrating my own personal experience most of the time my encounter with some people. Among which I can included all kanoonliners as the best group of people I ever meet. Here is one of my encounters with one of some people that I want no to meet again, for they the kind of people that spoiled the name of yan boko in people's eyes.

I was among many people that witnessed an occasion organized by one of the student association to honor some important Alumni of the forum in Bayero University, Kano to mention the name of MCOSA (Mass Communication Student Association) here. I have no respect in so-called African Time, so, I was among the earlier attendant of the occasion as result I got my seat at a for-front seat in the pavilion.

As I sat, a lady issued to me an agenda of the event so; I engaged my safe reading what I am about to witness. A seat behind me was occupied by some ladies that cannot recalled how many were they, but they are more than three. As I was busy going through the agenda, a gentle man appeared at the scene with the announcement that I temporarily appreciate. To quote him the announcement goes in the following words if any thin did not discard my sense of thinking since then, "good morning ladies and gentle men there is the provision that female should seat at the two firs right rows. Please corporate."

I think every body enjoyed the announcement as I do but to my dismay one of the ladies behind uttered the words that I do not expected from the true Muslim lets quote her words, she said, "this is not an Islamic studies class" I curiously turn to her and said my sister but to guess we are all muslims.

Do you know, she said "so what?" I repeated my words for the second time and she repeated her's.

Dear forumites, is this WESTERN EDUCATION OR BOKO? I doubt. As result of her words, the occation went like this WAKE DA SHINKAFA. Women inter mingling with their counterparts- men. Allah ya sauwake.

Let concluded by saying that, in an attempt of some people to enjoy so called University freedom they would one day found themselves free from their religion. Allah ya kiyaye mu.
Such is Allah your Rabb, His is the creation and...


Anas, can you be patient enough to differentiate
between the two terms western education & boko.
Because xcept I understand your perception, I can
be able to contribute to your post.

"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


I don't see that the young lady in question's reaction had anything to do with her having a university education. I can see no connection.
Perhaps she is just naturally rude. Or perhaps she believes that there is no harm in male and female mixing at educational functions. I can't imagine any mischief she could get up to in full public view at a seminar.


I agree with Dave.
Boko and Western education are one and the same thing, and it is not the reason for the girl's behavior. Kai ma Anas u seemed to have developed a sense of amnesia over the way lectures are held in the incredibly small and tight lecture halls at BUK. That is more than wake da shinkafa, it is hot pot or jollof rice.
Why is it that  u didnt think about it first, that is that it was not proper for the girls to sit  in close proximity to you, before the announcement was made? It was probably after the announcement that your sense of Islamic propriety kicked in. If that is the case then u are in no position to complain, because if it hadnt been for the announcement, it might never have occurred to you to think that there should be some form of seating segregation.
Another thing to note: the announcer was in the wrong to advocate the front seats for the ladies. Islamic etiquette demands that the ladies occupy the BACK row seats not the FRONT row seats, or failing that, there should be several columns of seats for the ladies exclusively and several columns of seats for the guys demarcated by a pathway or isle.
Yet another thing, it seems to me that it is implicitly implied in the post that there is something terrible with educating women, because they become 'false' muslims. That unwillingness to comply could easily come from a man as from a woman, and the fact that the whole thing became wake da shikafa only serves to show that the girl or girls were not the only ones unwilling to cooperate. My point here is that if the girls are not willing to sit where they were allocated, then the gentlemen should have made sure that they didnt sit next or near the ladies at all.
Next time some function like this is going to occur, it should be made part of the notice   that seating arrangements are strictly in compliance with Islamic codes of conduct so that anyone who comes to the venue is fully aware that this is the case and has no grounds to raise any objections.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on December 12, 2007, 11:28:00 AM
I agree with Dave.

Why is it that  u didnt think about it first, that is that it was not proper for the girls to sit  in close proximity to you, before the announcement was made?

Husna kenan, the time I entered the hall, the first two rows were alrady occupied by women attendant. as such I decided to choose a more islamtize column. I think that is why even the annoncer preapare the two column for them.
Quote from: HUSNAA on December 12, 2007, 11:28:00 AM

Yet another thing, it seems to me that it is implicitly implied in the post that there is something terrible with educating women, because they become 'false' muslims.

Not at all Husna. I do nt mean that educating women get someting negative. But what I am trying to ushered here is that, the personal orientaion of these majority ladies sitting at the very first two rows is differ from those sitted behind me.

Such is Allah your Rabb, His is the creation and...


Auntin Muhsin you are even going far with this, that is
why i asked him to differentiate between western
education and boko so that we will understand his sense
of direction.

Malam Anas, just as Auntin Muhsin noted, it seems you
have developed some sense of amnesia forgeting to
recall the conditions of lecture halls at our universities,
you may also wish to note that the whole design of
the educational system was not done to accommodate
some aspect of Islamic teachings in the first place, that
is why you must be ready to violate some Islamic rules
before you get the damn knowledge, everybody knows
what i mean.

The other issue raised by Auntin Muhsin is that the
organisers of this western-like event should have announce
the mode of seating arrangement, and they should try
hard not to invite other religions who accept the mix up
of gender, that is why the lady intelligently alerted
you that this is not an Islamic Studies class.

Malam Anas, Allah ya gafarta mana, when I was in the
University, so many Nights were organised by students
and we really enjoyed ourselves.  So, take it easy if you
are still in the University, so many bridges to be crossed.
After graduation, you have the whole world to yourself.

Mind you, i am not against any Islamic rule on gender mix up.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 12, 2007, 12:50:43 PM

Malam Anas, just as Auntin Muhsin noted, it seems you
have developed some sense of amnesia forgeting to
recall the conditions of lecture halls at our universities,
you may also wish to note that the whole design of
the educational system was not done to accommodate
some aspect of Islamic teachings in the first place, that
is why you must be ready to violate some Islamic rules
before you get the damn knowledge, everybody knows
what i mean.

Mallam Dan-Borno lets start by saying Inda watu. I dont know whether I am right.

when talking about lecture halls remember, its in the Fedaral University and in Nigeria where as once Mhsin said a "multi every thing country." but what of if the majority of the participant were Muslims? I think they are support to coorporate with any arrangement that is in line with the shari'ah.

Maganar Boko kuma ko Western ducation dont worry, I will soon respond.

Na gode.

But D.B have you ever spoke Kanuri here? if not... please i need to know wether you are real Babarbare or ....
Such is Allah your Rabb, His is the creation and...


Quote from: Anas on December 12, 2007, 01:06:29 PM
But D.B have you ever spoke Kanuri here? if not... please i need to know wether you are real Babarbare or ....

Ni Jebun ne.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak



Almost all thats to be said have been said by our elders. And moreover, Anas is my friend, thus all I personally feel towards this thread, I think, can be discussed between me and him. Hope I'll light him the way Aunty Husnaa and DanBarno actually head because it seems apparently he hasn't fathomed that rightly.

But note, Anas, I'm not saying you didn't grasp that because you couldn't but mean something beside. Clear? Alhamdu lillah.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 12, 2007, 01:19:55 PM
Quote from: Anas on December 12, 2007, 01:06:29 PM
But D.B have you ever spoke Kanuri here? if not... please i need to know wether you are real Babarbare or ....

Ni Jebun ne.

LOL ;D :D ;D
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.