Will PDP fail to win the presidential election in 2011

Started by gogannaka, March 11, 2011, 11:27:00 AM

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how much will you pay for my vote, nasr? forget DB. don't be surprised to see him supporting Jatau tomorrow. kuma ni ba zan zabi pastor ba, ehe! OBJ yayi mana wuru-wuru ya hada mu da Jatau through the back door. yanzu buhari out of desperatation zai makala mana pastor. lala lala.


BKGZ, your vote is too expensive for humble me. It's priceless and therefore too valuable to let go just like that. So I'll keep hoping and praying that you'll have a rethink. 

However, you have finally come up with an argument that I can't counter. Infact this has thrown a grain of doubt in my mind.  Anyway, at the end of the day, we want this monster called PDP thrown out. We don't seem to have the luxury of choices. Very interesting, these times. Perplexing too. I wish I can just siddon look, but that is out of the question. I'll go with DB until he trafficates toward Jatau. That's d best way to go!


Haha. Kaima ka gani kenan. What annoys me most now in the north is d apparent hypocrisy when it comes to buhari. If it were ribadu or shekarau that picked a pastor, da sun shiga uku. Da ko motsi ba zasu iya ba a states dinsu. The mosques/imams wud've been up in arms, calling them agents of yahudawa. But since it is buhari, shikenan. We always automatically forgive him his sins & transgressions - real and imagined. I can only hope this blind following of him wud not come to haunt us in d future.                                                                               Now, mallam nasr, kuri'ata ba tsada, lol. Ka taya kaji. Anyway, there's stil days to d pres. election. Lets see what wud happen.


Zuwa Ga Bakangizo,

     Bayan dubun gaisuwa da fatan alheri.  Nine abokinka kuma
mai kaunarka da abin da yafi maka alheri.  Idan baka manta ba
da muna tare da kai game da takaran tsohon janar, amma yanzu
na samu waraka nayi imanin cewa tsohon janar dinnan zai iya
kawo mana sauyin da muke tsammani.
     Kuma ina son in sanar da kai cewa, baban Halima, wanda yayi
maka alkawarin amarya a garin Ilela, yace, atatan bazai baka
yar ba sai in kabi Buhari. 
     Nasiha ta karshe shine, kafi karfin zuciyanka ka zabi gaskiya
dokin karfe domin mu kawar da munafuncin pee dee pee a wannan
kasa mai albarka.
     Haza wasalam

     Nine naka har abada

     Alaramma Dan-Borno
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Reshe na neman juyewa da mujiya fa.

Mainasara da jam'iyyar su mai alamar tuta (shegiyar Uwa mai kashe 'ya'yanta) na neman cin nasara.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: gogannaka on April 12, 2011, 03:52:14 PM
Reshe na neman juyewa da mujiya fa.

;D ;D Wallahi kuwa. Gaskiya dai za'a ji kunya. Ni abin da ke bani mamaki, ance a gaji dasu, amma kuma wai mutanen mu sun koma musu. I mean, of all the parties on parade, there's none better than shegiyar uwa? Anyway, kowa ya debo da zafi, bakin shi ;D