watz all these nitpick on hausa girlz

Started by kharuldeen, August 11, 2007, 04:08:38 AM

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hausa men nowadays complain much about their female couterparts.
they complain about behavior like lack of comittment,high level of materialism,deception,carefree attitude and so many more.
people are also connectin this attitude to the rampant failure of marriages nowadays and the increasin number of barchelors dat are
afraid of indulgin demselvs in a potential failure.
some fellows even tagged hausa girlz as long term investment(u hav to suffer a lot before gettin attention).some men recently prefer going out wit a girl from another tribe in order to dodge those nitpicks.i srongly go against dat cos i'm a conservative person(i enjoy gargajiya a lot),i think runnin away from the trouble isn't gonna solve any of the problems.but...
is it possible to have a hitch free relationship wit a hausa girl which can lead to a successful marriage?

note:i'm neither a male chauvinist nor a feminist,it just so discomfortin to be hearin those niptiks on our fellow female counterparts,besides they are our mothers.i hope the girlz in particular will give some remedies to this situation.


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black or is it the kettle calling the pot sooty?
This aint no RED HOT BRAND NEW OFF THE ASSEMBLY LINE topic. This is a rehash of 'Kano Babes Na Wa!'
Pls think of something more original... all u guys who have been on sabbatical for a long time ought to bring back something exotic from yr holiday away from Konline. So it works both ways.. no hot topics... then supply us with some!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


I regard all this chit chat about Hausa gals as m sorry to say but "irrelavant". C'mon people I think u guys r not doing your home work well or I'm lucky with gals ne? I went out with 2 hausa gals in the past few years and now m with 1 and is working real good.

I think the problem is with u guys u think u can only get a gal wit money huh? It doesnt really work. show her love i mean real love if u really do, not the hit n run one. respect yourself n her of course, dont show up be urself do wat ur pocket can afford, u have to spend you know but is just a lil treatment to spice up the relationship. Imagine you and your boys are out for fun, you ave to spend to catch fun koko? If she likes you i mean the real you, it will work, if she doesnt then dont blame the size of your pocket, u r not her type. keep searching.

And there is nothing wrong with marrying or going out with another tribe as long as she is from the people of the book thats cool.

This my opinion thou. U have the right 2 urs


Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum



The chitchat about hausa gals isn't "irrelevant" as such. This is but a forum, where u expect issues like that to be discussed. Aside that, your post was spot on 8)


Quote from: IBB on August 19, 2007, 02:21:01 AM
I regard all this chit chat about Hausa gals as m sorry to say but "irrelavant". C'mon people I think u guys r not doing your home work well or I'm lucky with gals ne? I went out with 2 hausa gals in the past few years and now m with 1 and is working real good.

I think the problem is with u guys u think u can only get a gal wit money huh? It doesnt really work. show her love i mean real love if u really do, not the hit n run one. respect yourself n her of course, dont show up be urself do wat ur pocket can afford, u have to spend you know but is just a lil treatment to spice up the relationship. Imagine you and your boys are out for fun, you ave to spend to catch fun koko? If she likes you i mean the real you, it will work, if she doesnt then dont blame the size of your pocket, u r not her type. keep searching.

And there is nothing wrong with marrying or going out with another tribe as long as she is from the people of the book thats cool.

This my opinion thou. U have the right 2 urs

Uhmm so very right  *applaud*
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


IBB you are my brother, things are also working out positively
on my own side.  I think guys need a specialisation vocational
training on how to handle these issues.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


I believe the Guys in the forum should consult DB on having a successful relationship 101 ;) ;) ;). As he said ya all "need a specialisation vocational training". No offence ;D ;D ;D
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


You're assuming everyone here needs training. Let me proudly say I'm a PHD holder in that regard 8)


"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


QuoteI think the problem is with u guys u think u can only get a gal wit money huh? It doesnt really work. show her love i mean real love if u really do, not the hit n run one. respect yourself n her of course, dont show up be urself do wat ur pocket can afford, u have to spend you know but is just a lil treatment to spice up the relationship. Imagine you and your boys are out for fun, you ave to spend to catch fun koko? If she likes you i mean the real you, it will work, if she doesnt then dont blame the size of your pocket, u r not her type. keep searching.

I am with you dude, yawancin mazan hausawa suna zaton kudi zai iya saya musu komai...har da mace. Kaito.
Dr. muna jiran naka training din, ko?
Some dreams do come true


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on August 22, 2007, 05:16:56 PM
You're assuming everyone here needs training. Let me proudly say I'm a PHD holder in that regard 8)

There is always room for improvement ;D ;D ;D. Even as a Specialist or married individual one learn something new everyday about their significant other and the relationship, it's an on-going process that has no end. I hope u understand where i'm coming from. ;) ;)
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Mufi, ina da PHD sannan kice min 'room for improvement?' Digirin-digirgir kenan fa ;D

Kai kuma D-B, nasan ba dani kake ba. Don ni dai PHD gareni, ba PDH ba :P