Started by kofa, January 17, 2004, 01:34:48 AM

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Quotemembers. here is my girlfriend left me 4 my close friend. whats nxt move should i suppose to do? pls help me out
haba,my friend true luv dosen't exist so don;t border ur self ;D


Quote.....I gat a solution just go get her best or closer friend.......yeah thats the best solution so she can fell exactely the way you fell ;D

That wount be a solution to Said prob; what would you call that? revenge love or love to settle some scores? am afraid this would only add salt to Said's injury.

Said just relax! someday it will surely come to you. Cheers!


::)....Love is more of an infatuation....
So if i got you right it will be safe to say:
approximately, Love = Infatuation
This will make a good hypothesis, but you have got to prove yourself ;)


I need some rational advise and I come across this thread. I am a person who believe in love, I felt it couple of years ago and it is taking me years to let go. unfurtunately we are not together due to some problems beyond our control, but we deeply care for each other(it's not meant to be). I hold on to that feelings for over 2 years and up until today I never thought I will be able to even sense love again.
the whole point here is that I have started talking to someone who I thought nothing else beyond friendship can develop but I heart is telling me something different. The way I feel right now is not something that I really want to feel, I wish I can sense what this person is feeling. ever since we have started talking we have come to an understanfing that we don't want to hurt or be hurt so we just continue on talking as some kind of jokingly way. later the other party realised that it's going further than expected. and now I feel the same way, the problem is that I don't want to make seems that I am being pushy.
How will I know what's going on without being pushy?


I need some rational advise and I come across this thread. I am a person who believe in love, I felt it couple of years ago and it is taking me years to let go. unfurtunately we are not together due to some problems beyond our control, but we deeply care for each other(it's not meant to be). I hold on to that feelings for over 2 years and up until today I never thought I will be able to even sense love again.
the whole point here is that I have started talking to someone who I thought nothing else beyond friendship can develop but I heart is telling me something different. The way I feel right now is not something that I really want to feel, I wish I can sense what this person is feeling. ever since we have started talking we have come to an understanfing that we don't want to hurt or be hurt so we just continue on talking as some kind of jokingly way. later the other party realised that it's going further than expected. and now I feel the same way, the problem is that I don't want to make seems that I am being pushy.
How will I know what's going on without being pushy?

Heyy u dont need to be pushy..u guys definately know whats btw yasselves.
Here is one advise quite a lot of ppl disagree with,:Dont ever  tell your *friend* you love him/her till u r married.....i dunno,but the phrase "i love u" seem to  be cursed nowadays
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Waterspider is damm right Love is fake.........nd surely doen't exist, U can only care for somebody but love ........"if it ever exist i rather fall in love with milliondollar" Tuko rights from guess where......... see u guys later
So if i got you right it will be safe to say:
approximately, Love = Infatuation
This will make a good hypothesis, but you have got to prove yourself ;)


Waterspider is damm right Love is fake.........nd surely doen't exist, U can only care for somebody but love ........"if it ever exist i rather fall in love with milliondollar" Tuko rights from guess where from......... see u guys later
So if i got you right it will be safe to say:
approximately, Love = Infatuation
This will make a good hypothesis, but you have got to prove yourself ;)


Waterspider is damm right Love is fake.........nd surely doen't exist, U can only care for somebody but love ........"if it ever exist i rather fall in love with milliondollar" Tuko rights from guess where from......... see u guys later
So if i got you right it will be safe to say:
approximately, Love = Infatuation
This will make a good hypothesis, but you have got to prove yourself ;)


The only existing love affair since time immemorial, is between humans and money! No more no less. Anything short of that is darm exploitation!






QuoteThe only existing love affair since time immemorial, is between humans and money! No more no less. Anything short of that is darm exploitation!

did u mean that da ladies need money for luv ??? :P


true love does exist. it doesnt have 2 be da way peep put it, is the way u feel 4 that person. Accordin 2 myself u r in love when u keep thinkin bout sumbody every min, sum sec, sum weekly but u r still in love, u r in love when u cant cheat on the person or u feel guilty when u cheat.

true love 2 me doesnt mean u cant leave that person, as in i love her so much but i would'nt marry her. true love doesnt mean cos u truely love sum1 u r goin 2 marry him even if u r not force 2 marry sum1, u urself may choose not 2 marry da person cos hes/shes not da right person 4 marriage even though u r truely inlove. e.g christian inlove with a muslim.



pls I have a question what does alady want from a man when she loves him. Dont ever mention money cos i know so many guys who are loved not for their money..those girls who love them, some of them are being persued by the riochest guys in town yet they said NO.

some guys are poor and as ugly as a crocodile but girls dey persue them. de thing just dey vex me self.
color=blue]NOBODY is PERFECT and I am NOBODY.[/color]


Well i think love does exist,it is a thing of mind that you can create and develop to love.But wat i dont believe in is love at first sight if there is anything like that?there is nothing like that i call it infatuation.if u call it likeness at first sight i can say yes cos it can develope to love.i say this cos iam a victim of love  and i believe that love actually exist and it takes sacrifices to accomplish wat love  really is.Atimes we sacrifice our love for the people around  or for our selfish desire believeing that love can always come if we create it in our heart again.but it baffles me when we can give up for wat we call love.but i knw that love actually and does exist.for those that say love doesnt exist it cant cos they have not given it a trial to love,u can love someone even if it doesnt last forever due to circumstances around u could be family or religion atleast u have experience wat it takes to love.LOVE DOES EXIST.


haba,my friend true luv dosen't exist so don;t border ur self ;D

Hey, because you see for 2 days im not there you say so? it exist mana, if the one you love loves you back.
oyayya ruwan zuma, in kasha......