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Started by Venom, January 01, 2003, 05:10:50 AM

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uuummmm music bad tthin  :-/........... i dont think so tho im notb sure ne ma dai nataba jin haka but ai komai sai da niya ........
i listen to music but its neva keep me off my duties if music is bad then playin games too is bad kinan ko?


Hafsy naji, dan Allah ki fada duka, harda naki: Well I was caught, but I was kleen and so was`nt convicted. Mah lady here, we where walking in the airport, then she was detected of all the shit she mentioned...before you know it, they were on to us, I helped her wid some laxative and she when to the toilet to get them out...ya know, she swallowed em. After destroying the evidence I was taken away coz they thought I had som`n to do wid it. So here I am. If u want to continue such work without being caught, u better stick to mi, I got connections. Anywayz I leave the family of knonline to judge this out.

And thanks Ihsan, I mean madame ( miss.V.P), I neva let it get to mi afterwards, so I guess.....thanks anyways.
Safety and Peace


QuoteI helped her wid some laxative and she when to the toilet to get them out...ya know, she swallowed em. .

"Ouch!!! Boi... u really hit ma blad there!  ;D
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


la la la la la la Ibro2g?? da haka za'a shirya?

gaskiya amma fa... :-/
greetings from Ihsaneey


For the first time I finally made a devilish smile ( he he) some one is putting Hafsa straight!!

But believe me Hafsy you are one thing that keeps bringing me back to this site. Cuz you always make me smile deep down inside, U are kool. d**n I hate being nice to people  


gaskiya amma fa... :-/

Ehh relax miss VeePee, I'm kool wid u okay. Just relax.

gotz ta rush
Safety and Peace


and just incase I forget later, Nafeey, I like, I LOVE youe instinct
Safety and Peace


Has any1 heard the new Linkin Park album if so could u tell me what u think of it cause I havent heard it yet.



Ehh relax miss VeePee, I'm kool wid u okay. Just relax.

gotz ta rush

::) ::) translate...mi no grab abunda kake zance a kai
greetings from Ihsaneey

Aydee Fella

Yeah Venom I think Linkin Park sun hadu, but ive not heard there shyt. WAt of Goodcharlotte wat du yu think of 'The Anthem'
never rat out yur friends n alwaiz keep yur mouth shut"


No man I have not heard it yet but have u heard Bother by Stone Sour it is such a good song if u havent head it I would suggest u go look 4 it


I m suprised this topic has been here this long and i didnt know, people i think you r taking this music thingy too lightly, all giving your opinions and shooting in the dark. I think it is a far more serious issue than most of us would want to admit, here is something to get your attention.

The rule in islam: "denying something in islam that is haram to being halal or something halal to being haram is kufur"

The qur'an and hadeeth, along with the statements of the companions and salaf confirm the prohibition of music.

Surah Luqmaan:06
"and there are among men those who purchase idle talk (music and poetry) in order to mislead others from Allah's path without knowledge, and who throw ridicule upon it"

Idle talk has been interpreted to mean singing, listening and playing of musical intruments by various scholars and companions including Abdullah Ibn Masood ans Abdullah Ibn Abbas. Masood when questioned about the term Idle Talk replied 'I swear besides whom there is no other God, that it refers to singing (ghinaa).

Contrary to popular belief there are a number of Sahih (Authentic) Hadeeth which clearly point to the fact that music, instruments, singing to the accompaniment of instruments etc. are prohibited by the Shari'ah.

Sahih Bukhari
"there will be those of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful: fornication, the wearing of silk, wine drinking and the use of musical instruments.."

The words, 'seek to make lawful', shows that music is not permissible. Furthermore the prohibition of music is mentioned along with major sins like drinking and fornication.

Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood and Ibn Habban
"A people of my Ummah will drink wine, calling it by other than that, it's real name. Merriment will be made for them through the playing of musical instruments and the singing of female singers. Allah will cleave the Earth under them and turn others into Apes and Pigs"

There are Hadeeths by Haakim Al Mustadrak, Musad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Majma uz Zawaaid that say
"Two cursed sounds are that of the wind instrument and that of wailing upon the occurrence of adversity"

Bukhari & Muslim both quote
"Remember! To fill a persons stomach with puss is better than to fill it with poems".

There are those who will argue that the prophet (saw) liked the sound of the Duff (a small hand drum without steel jingles) The beating of the Duff at weddings was not for the purpose of music, it was to announce the wedding.

An Nasee&Tirmidhi
"that which distinguishes the allowed marriage from the forbidden is the sound of the duff"

Though the scholars argue that the use of the duff was even only allowed for women.The duff was used by Arabs without rhythm, melody or any trace of immorality.

In the highly regarded book on fiqu and fatawa FATAWA RAHIMIYAH, it states:

"Quawwali ,tabla and musical intruments etc. are absolutley prohibited (haram). It is reported in the Musand of Ibn Abi Al-Dinar that the holy prophet (pbuh) said "In the last era a community from this Ummah will be transformed into monkeys and swines" The companions said "oh apostle of Allah! Will they not be believing in the Kalima 'there is no deity but Allah and Mohammed is his apostle'?" the prophet (saw) said "why not?" the companions asked "then what will be the reason for this punishment?" the prophet (saw) replied "they will adopt the profession of singing and music" he also said "It is a sin to hear music, it is a fault to sit at a musical fete and it is infidelity to derive pleasure from it" (Nisab, b.52,p 103, DM&S vol 5 p 306)

The great Imams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi & Imam Malik all declared the playing of and listening to of music Haram.

This arguement can go on forever, but for those that want to know this is the position of the concensus of Islamic scholars.
Also note that listening to music is one thing and arguing it is permissable in Islam is another thing (far more trecherous).


Well Borg thanks so much for that post but I am so sorry I do not have anything 2 say about it right now cause I am kind of Preparing for my forth-coming exams which shall end on the 10th of April. So by God?s grace some time after the 10th I shall have something to say about that.


Mafi mushkila, and best of luck in the exams!!!


Ama I must thank you gode susai. This is what we all have been looking for cept for a few ofcause. To be honest I'm a music freak, that means I have a problem. Allah ya gafurtamana and I will do my best to minimise it. Thanks again
Safety and Peace