Assalamu Alaikum

Started by Yoruba Land, May 27, 2004, 11:30:51 AM

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Yoruba Land

Salamu Alaikum;

This website is beautiful. It was introduced to me a year back by Ibraheem A. Waziri who happened  to be an office mate. I know my stay with you will be rewarding since Waziri who introduced me to the site too  is a very promising and most electric personality I have ever met in my life. Waziri, I dey bow!

I am  Kola Adekunle Abdul, a strong proponent of Yoruba cohension. Though we are bound to keep disagreeing, as I forsee, by the content of the materials I have gone through,  but I hope we will maintain the respect and argue with less prejudice.

Thank you.


Wa' alaikumus salaam,
Ahlan wa sahlan Kola.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


So Mr. Ade you've finally decided to join us here. It's sure a kind decision on your part.

I pray you will come up with those your fine points about the superiority of Yoruba Race over all humankind :lol:  I am pretty sure my brothers and sisters here will find you inspiring or atleast expiring :lol:

Thank you once again for joining us. The ground is cleared..........



Kola kabo(welcome???) as the Yorubas say.


kola, u re welcome on board :D  :D  :D
color=blue]NOBODY is PERFECT and I am NOBODY.[/color]


Quote from: "Yoruba Land"Salamu Alaikum;

This website is beautiful. It was introduced to me a year back by Ibraheem A. Waziri who happened  to be an office mate. I know my stay with you will be rewarding since Waziri who introduced me to the site too  is a very promising and most electric personality I have ever met in my life. Waziri, I dey bow!

I am  Kola Adekunle Abdul, a strong proponent of Yoruba cohension. Though we are bound to keep disagreeing, as I forsee, by the content of the materials I have gone through,  but I hope we will maintain the respect and argue with less prejudice.

Thank you.

Omo iyami,Okabo! And accept my congrats for being perhaps the single living Yoruba who is willing to argue with Hausa/Fulani, with "less prejudice".

Awa -n -duro!
e who kneels to Allah can stand up to anything.