Enemies of Africa

Started by Dave_McEwan_Hill, October 07, 2004, 12:14:05 AM

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I think the words of Yoweri Mosevini who has done so much to stabilise Uganda and get its economy working are worth thinking about.
He says
"The enemy of Africa is no longer the white man with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other. Africa's enemy is the black man with a Mercedes in the garage and a bank account in Switzerland."
Any opinions?


Yes Yoweri Mosevini is right but  what is missing in his statement  up there are the last and final wordings which should have been:" And the same white man who help him  keep the money he stole from his fellow Africans safe in Switzeland in the name of economic interest at the expense of higher human values."


Assalamu alaikum,
The White men came to Africa, vandalise, institutional corruption and planted the seed of hatred among the Africans- all in the name of colonisation.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Good post, Dave, and good addition Waziri.

So this seed of hatred wasn't there before, abi EMTL? Na wa for us oh, when will we ever take some responsibility for our own failings??


the white man used christianity and now he also brings capitalism- the new religion which dictates that the more money u have the more power u have. the white man may still be the enemy. the only difference is now he has a new weapon. instead of the gun, he uses temptation, the callings of the devil- he says u can have it all if u want it, u r also guaranteed protection from losing it if u have it- the white man's creations- the mercedes benz and the swiss bank account are now the 'coercive' elements. the black man is still gullible and ignorant. if the white man says its a symbol of wealth and power, then the black man wants it- the question here is- is museveni himself under the spell of the white man?


I see many Onliners are still in denial.

As a sane, normal and responsible person I accept that anything I do is my own responsibility. If I am tempted and give in to temptation my actions are my own fault, not someone else's.
There are crooks and thieves in every country. But in my country they go to jail.
If they come to Nigeria and help Nigerians to steal they should go to jail - in Nigeria. But so should their Nigerian accomplices.
Is it perhaps because so many of the thieves in Nigeria are above the law and protected by their political power that all these thieves are free to steal?
Those who steal a nation's wealth or indulge in corruption are weak, evil and greedy. It is their sin. Not my sin. Not the sin of unidentified "white men". Not the sin of banks (even "white mens's banks"- whatever they may be). Its not their business to find out where everybody gets money.
What some Onliners are saying in response to my post is that black people are too weak and to greedy to resist temptation and do bad things because the wicked and clever "white" man encourages them to do bad things.
What a shameful thing to say about your own people!
So after nearly fifty years of INDEPENDENCE Nigeria's problems are all
the fault of the white man.
What have the Nigerian leaders been doing all this time?


It is always easier blaming another person for our own woes. If I may ask why do we as aspire to the white mans "goodies" to the point of selling our souls? Why do we not steal these monies and keep them within our borders? why are we not using these stolen money to create jobs and employment for our kith and kin while making profits in the process?  We must not give impressions here that white people do not steal or are not crooked minded, probably more than africans.  the fundamental difference is that they steal and try to legitimze stolen wealth by creating jobs and employment for their kith and kin.  Essentially the money remains in the same economy.  We steal and take the money to their economy.  We must try and be bold enough to accept that yes indeed we are our own worst enemy in contemporary africa.  Have you wondered why they still accept stolen money from our leadership?  Try and imagine how many jobs are created in these western countries just because our leaders are keeping their stolen money in these countries.  then what about the houses they buy? look at the chain of people involved in the purchase and sale of houses, that is all employement.  then there is the rates and taxes paid to municipalities, again it is jobs being cretaed for their people. So why are we not creating these jobs in africa or our countries and making life better for citizens?  the west will never close the tap on african stolen funds, there is too much to loose for them.  We need to take responsibility


Well said Mallamt. Nigeria must take full responsibility of what happens under Nigerian skys. There are crooks and thieves in all parts of the world. They don't care what colour you are. Only your money interests them. It's nothing to do with race and everything to do with greed.


Assalamu alaikum,
The fact remains that the WHITEMAN come to Africa not to better the lives of the Africans but to exploit our abundant resources and colonised the Africans. The result shows that the Africans would have been better-up if these undesirable and selfish intruders have not set their feet on our soils.

The Whiteman is an enemy of African-they taught the Nigerans corruptions.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: "straightalkin"the white man used christianity and now he also brings capitalism- the new religion which dictates that the more money u have the more power u have. the white man may still be the enemy. the only difference is now he has a new weapon. instead of the gun, he uses temptation, the callings of the devil- he says u can have it all if u want it, u r also guaranteed protection from losing it if u have it- the white man's creations- the mercedes benz and the swiss bank account are now the 'coercive' elements. the black man is still gullible and ignorant. if the white man says its a symbol of wealth and power, then the black man wants it- the question here is- is museveni himself under the spell of the white man?

Are YOU under the spell of this ignominous 'whiteman'?  :!:
Straighttalkin, did u think this thing out b4 u posted it?
Not a very good model for 'straight talking', infact this is complete nonsense. Your comments make us africans seem like wild untamed animals, who cannot but follow blindly our primitive instincts without any appropriate thought process; exactly the kind of nonsense that the Darwinists of old would have us believe. To follow with such crooked reasoning, please answer mallamt's questions:

QuoteIf I may ask why do we as aspire to the white mans "goodies" to the point of selling our souls? Why do we not steal these monies and keep them within our borders? why are we not using these stolen money to create jobs and employment for our kith and kin while making profits in the process?

Since we are smart enough to figure the big gains we'd make by stashing the loot in Swiss banks, are we so stupid to think that it is just sitting there at our beck and call? And yet we wonder why they are not in a hurry to return Abacha's stolen loot; well why should they be?

I was fortunate to live in South Korea for about three years, and in my time there I noticed something. The political scene there is about as wild and as ugly and corrupt as Nigeria's but for two HUGE differences: no bloodshed and  (2) - stolen monies NEVER LEAVE THE COUNTRY! And this is true for some of the other Asian economic tigers as well. So please, let's stop pretending as though corruption was the white man's gift to us, EMTL, that is a lie and a very lazy man's excuse. Were we so perfect and sinless before colonization?


yes the white man came.yes he did what he did and left.we are now responsible for our own actions.All religions teach what is right and wrong.even the white man's religion.Now that we all know this we ought to take responsibilty for our actions and not blame it on the white man.It  is us who are stealing from our country,its us killing each other,its us vandalising the little infrastructure we have,some of which were left untouched since the depart of the white man.So its us that should sit down and solve our problems.shouldnt we look at other former white man's colonies and see how they have developed without the white manand help our country too?



Museveni is right but not totally. True: decolonization, defined as a nation becoming independent, was achieved by African states in the 60's but the meddling, as in Angola or even here in NIgeria, has meant some of the problems of Africa is a combination of the White man and HIS lackey Black dictator.
Mismangement is a problem for which the African man can blame only his immediate leader, the African leader. So goes for extrajudicial killings or corruption.
On the other hand, the corrupt black-man Museveni complains about is allowed, without questions asked, to deposit money in Geneva or Luxembourg.  The brutal dictator is allowed to import arms and ammunitions from the white man's country in order to wage a war, justified or not.
For the West to detach itself completely from the problems of Africans, it must:

* withdraw subsidies from its agricultural products.
* undertake exhaustive background checks before letting African dictators open bank accounts in their domains and
* form a rigorous vetting process before arms are sold to groups which are not legitimate rulers of their countries.

Whether this will happen or not is debatable but I guess no well meaning person would not want it to.

God help us all.


Quote from: "Dave_McEwan_Hill"I see many Onliners are still in denial.

What some Onliners are saying in response to my post is that black people are too weak and to greedy to resist temptation and do bad things because the wicked and clever "white" man encourages them to do bad things.
What a shameful thing to say about your own people!

Yes it is shameful, but it is true. the sooner we realise and accept that the quicker we overcome it. the black man has weaknesses and the white man takes advantage of those weaknesses to hinder our progress.

QuoteYour comments make us africans seem like wild untamed animals, who cannot but follow blindly our primitive instincts without any appropriate thought process; exactly the kind of nonsense that the Darwinists of old would have us believe.

Lionger, not only do we seem like wild untamed animals, Africa itself is a jungle :!:


The story of life, its politics and economics speaks the language of power. Africa may be inependent politically. But the African leader doesn't have power to identify with the callings of his destiny. Just few years after the declaration of political independence of Ghana, Gold coast. Its president and foremost African Nationalist, Kwame Nkurumah lamented that "Political independence without economic independence is useless".

He realised then that he could not work for the progress of his people when it was only political indepence he had not economic one which till today resides with the  commonly refererred WHITEMAN.

What Africans are saying is they want  a just leader on this planet called earth. The "Whiteman" being the leader of the new world with all its political and economic attribute should learn to bring forth a new system that will cater for all, not only his own country alone. Let "whiteman"  encourge justice everywhere not only his land at the expense of other peoples in other lands misery. As he  better his lot let him assist in bettering the lot of the "BlackMan". It is only then we will stop blaming him for our woes, hence the woes of humankind.

This should ba an era of "HUMANISM" a philosophy which calls for every leader everywhere to work for the good of all humanbeings. Not the old NATIONALISM a philosophy which calls for every leader everywhere to work for the good of his own race or country alone. This is racism in its peak. For it calls for the recruitment of unjust leaders among the black race who can help the exploitation of the human and material resources of the black people. The Western World's [ International  Monitor of Justice] silence over 4-19 rigged election and the support they continue giving the "illegal" government of Obasanjo is enough pointer to this truth.

They are still shooting us on the leg and claiming it is we who do not want to stand straight.