Latest from the General Board

Started by gogannaka, August 17, 2006, 02:41:47 PM

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Manta da chauvenists din general board. They are in the minority. Mun mamaye su. By the time we are through, our ratio will be 50:1 in terms of women to men. Then we will really see who will be in the power house, after all ance sarkin yawa yafi sarkin karfi
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: "Fateez"dunno who to complain to...

Out of boredom and joblessness, i decided to go thru da new topics on da

general board. There r some really sexist remarks up there. I'm a bit

sensitive to issues like dat and if i shud go into arguements about these

issues it cud last 4ever. i mean i know u r only trying state ur opinion and

i respect that but please remember this is an open forum and there are

people from different aspects of life who might find some comments

I feel you.
'If you cant take the heat,stay out the kitchen'.I think the title to the thread about"say your flaws"is the height.but its like you said,the forum is about diffrent ppl being free to air diffrent opinions.My advice is just turn a blind eye and take it like a man :lol: (i hope my reference to kitchen wont  put me in some peoples bad books as a chauvanist)LOL

Quote from: "Husnaa"Manta da chauvenists din general board. They are in the minority. Mun mamaye su. By the time we are through, our ratio will be 50:1 in terms of women to men. Then we will really see who will be in the power house, after all ance sarkin yawa yafi sarkin karfi
Countering Chauvanizm with feminism are we?


lol zizo u sure ain't helping ur case here boi.


Some looooooooong debates have been going on in the general board.

Anyone cares to summarise please.
I just can't read all the posts.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Why was the Dan Ibro Arrest and future of kannywood thread got locked?
Is't not an important issue to discuss? things that touched hausa, hausawa, & Culture..
Just wandering..............!
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Haba! Locked? Admin lafiya? Ko kai ma ka tsani dan ibron dinne? He has outlived his usefulness for everybody.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Think DB locked his own thread but not Admin. And you can guees why he did that, Myself and auntie Husnaa. LOL ;D
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


And I still have some few things to say there. Now its locked >:( Oya, duk wanda ya rufe yaje ya bude kafin...


Quote from: Muhsin on October 30, 2008, 02:32:15 PM
Think DB locked his own thread but not Admin. And you can guees why he did that, Myself and auntie Husnaa. LOL ;D

Why did he do so Muhsin? Can he lock the thread? Did he start it?
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on October 30, 2008, 04:04:52 PM
And I still have some few things to say there. Now its locked >:( Oya, duk wanda ya rufe yaje ya bude kafin...
I think he got tired of yr yabbing that is why he closed it  :P

PS if u want to continue, start yr own thread then lock it when u  finish. Ko ba haka ba? hehehehe :P
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Ni abun ma frightens me; since then DB has not yet resumed back to forum with full force as usual. Do Allah ku bashi hakuri shima.

Pls. DB, come back. We dearly miss you!

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.