Daily Ramadan

Started by *~MuDa~*, September 23, 2006, 05:34:31 PM

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Wow! i cant say how haffy i am zat at least Ramadan is here, we habe waited por so long and pinally its here. Just por a start, apter my subh frayers today, i pell asleef out op tiredness and heaby Sahur...LOL. Zen i dreamt zat i broke my pasting out op porgetpullness, and in ze dream i saw my elder broza also broke his pasting too por ze same reason. We regreted zat how can we be zat unconscious in just ze pirst day op Ramadan!...zen i woke up, it was 9:32a.m, i sighed with relieb. Whut a dream indeed!

Well as we all know, in northern Nigeria esfecially Kano, normally ze pirst days op pasting is really tirering, it is really pelt in ze belly, i dont know about ozas but me it is, and come to think op it, a doctor diagnosed me with ulcer about 3 months ago...!

Wish u haffy ramadan Kareem, may Allah give us all ze strength and health to worshif him successpully.

Dont porget to tell us about ur ramadan exferiences! Kuma rage mun kayan shan ruwa..Ehe!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Yesssssssss!!! I'm really excited too!

For lazy people like me, da trick is to stay awake until Sahur

then you sleep after subh and wake up at Zuhr

Sounds pathetic i know, da truth is i dont have a life so it's ok.

Hehe, Muda, u know people usually dream about things they think

about all da time  :wink:  

I know Azumi na da wuya, but abeg my brother u have to manage.

No think bad thing  :!:

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain

dan kauye

We don't start here until tomorrow.Nothing much to say.Just have a blissful & rahama-ladden Ramadhan.And ah,do keep Dee-kay in ya prayers people,bet i'll do thesame.

Muda,your lingo's getting boring..can we get real grammer for a change? It makes for easier communication.
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


Kauyus, I hofe dai u r not a "dan-ganin wata"?

As por ma lingo ah, i dont know wut to do about it mah selp!..LOL
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Ai kuwa da alamar "dan ganin wata ne!" :shock:  Anyway, kowa tasa...

Jiya wani abokina ya ja ni zuwa kasuwar Lahadin Makole. Wai kayan abinci sun fi arha a can, saboda haka muje muyi sayayyar azumi. GAskiya ne kayan da sauki akan na cikin gari (Kano), amma kuwa nasha wuya, ga rana. Kasan kasuwar kauye. Saboda haka azumin jiya ya dan gurza ni. Washhh.


And Fateez, you were too hard on your self by saying you don't have a life. That's not fair :wink:  Let me be personal and intrude; what do you?


Wani azumi I did when I was a university fresh(wo)man. It was so so so hot, I think I forgot to drink water da asuba before the commencement of the azume, so by 9 am, I was so thirsty, I could drink a drumful of water. I somehow managed to hang on and go about life, half alive, half somewhere. So at around 3 pm i came across this water cooling machine. I immediately pressed the tap, and the most deliciously icy cold water dribbled over my fingers. A gargantuan temptation to break my fast came over me. I looked down at the water  spouting into my hand and bent over. At that moment, I thought to myself that this thirst i was feeling was temporary. However, as a result of my action right now, I could end up in hell, with a much more unedurable thirst that can never be quenched har abada. Believe me at that moment sai naji kishirwar ta tafi. I stopped feeling it, at least for as long as it took me to get out ot the way of temptation!!
Guess it was the big bad devil tempting me his way and Allah Ya taimaka min i resisted him!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quick mindful refreshments 2 nourish ur minds ppls!!!![/b][/size]

1. Don't expect it to be easy. Thirty consecutive days is tough. But with Allah's help, it will become the best 30 days of your life.

2. Remember: Ramadan is not about abstaining from food and drink till sunset only and being compassionate toward the poor, it is also about purifying your heart from sinful thoughts and actions and zooming out of this world and seeing the real meaning behind it. Don't let your fasting be restricted to thirst and hunger.

3. Enjoy the moments of fasting by getting to know your self, your weaknesses and strengths. Ramadan is a real eye opener as the devils are all locked up and you get to know just exactly how sinful your soul is. Can't blame it on the devil this time. If you find yourself still thinking of doing something wrong, then try to meditate on that and how to cure your heart from this.

4. Do good to everyone. Begin that holy month by forgiving all those who have wronged you. Call, email or visit those who have hurt you. Wish them a happy and blessed Ramadan.

5. Try to get as many loved ones as you can gather for "iftar" every day. It is a chance to reconnect with family and friends.

6. Don't forget to include the poor and less fortunate in your daily meal plans.

7. Take your friends and family to Taraweeh prayers every day. Together you will pray for each other and for all. It will be a memorable experience insha Allah.

8. Make it a plan to touch somebody's life everyday. Start planning from now, whom you can help and how.

9. Finally, compete with yourself to bring out the very best in you. Allah is watching. Make Him happy.
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Quote from: "ummita"Quick mindful refreshments 2 nourish ur minds ppls!!!![/b][/size]

Where in ze world were you? Anyway i will get back at you later. Damn so pleased u r back!

I just wanted to tell u guys zat my birthday is comin' soon, REAL soon, and ze reason why i'm fosting it here is bcoz zis is ze third year my birthday is pallin in ze month of Ramadan...can i hear Ameen? Ameen.

I think am just so damn lucky it has pinally haffened to me. When it comes i wish you will fut me in your frayers.
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


I was browsing and i stumbled on zis site, its really incredible and bital por us esfecially during zis holy month. Habe a look will ya...

...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: "*~MuDaCriS~*"
Quote from: "ummita"Quick mindful refreshments 2 nourish ur minds ppls!!!![/b][/size]

Where in ze world were you? Anyway i will get back at you later. Damn so pleased u r back!

I just wanted to tell u guys zat my birthday is comin' soon, REAL soon, and ze reason why i'm fosting it here is bcoz zis is ze third year my birthday is pallin in ze month of Ramadan...can i hear Ameen? Ameen.

I think am just so damn lucky it has pinally haffened to me. When it comes i wish you will fut me in your frayers.

Here is one Ameen!
But, I sincerely wish I were you, because it sound really great and applaudable. Cheers!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Wishing all the members a wounderful and joyous
iftar with happiness, health and success always.

Ramadaan Kareem.

Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


the blessed month has finally arrived well at least till thursday since i dint hear anything about the sighting of the moon.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Ba ki ji an ga wata ba? Wato yau ba kya azumi kenan. Chineke! :o


Chineken gaske ;D nope bana azumi
ko ince yan garimu bamu fara ba sai gobe inshaAllahu,
nima sai in makale kusa da A.C lol.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*