Started by hafiz amin umar, February 14, 2007, 02:16:14 PM

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hafiz amin umar

"And yet terrible as its complict is not even the worst,
  in AFRICAS ills,the infact of HIV/AIDS,the threat it poses
to economic,social and political stability,is proving to be no less destructive"
Millions of children around the world are growing up alone-denied their childhood and education,driven by poverty in to sex trade,slavery and a life in the street,the UN has warned,wheather orphaned by aids,abused by adults or stolen for profits,a growing number of the world children ,the majority of them in sub-saharan africa are growing up without security of the family."Deprive of their right and force to live as adult in their formative years,children growing up alone supper some of the most accute risk of childhood damage says the UN  children fund(unicep)in its report "GROWINGUP ALONE,THE HIDDEN COST OF POVERTY"A baby abandoned on a doorstep,achild lost when there parents fled there homes,agirl send to skivvy in some one else house-hold,,a baby with a one-way ticket in to the town,a child in orphanage,a tenager in detention,all theseare children growing up alone,such children areroutinely found in the streets of lusaka and harare,in the killing field of rwanda,angola and burundi,in the childcareinstituation of south-africa and mozambique,in private homes of nigeria andtanzania,wheather they are orphaned,living in astreetsor working in servitude,being a lone is at the heart of their predicament.
      According to unicep in 1999 alone AIDS killed far morethan all theregion complict combine,and 36 million people living with AIDS woldwide,23 million are in subsaharan africa,in cotedvore ateacher dies of AID every school day,the average child born in botswana today hasa life expectancy of 41 years,when without aidsit would have been 70,govt projection in zimbabwe indicate that hiv/aidswill consume 60% of the nation health budget,and even that will be wholly in adquate.
   i will provide the statistics of nigeria and the rest in a subsequent bulleting.
hafiz amin umar.


Serious Issue!
I think this should be in the general board.
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