The legal ruling on reciting the Holy Qur'an for the dead in his house

Started by bamalli, August 30, 2007, 10:09:39 PM

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When a person dies, we put some Mushafs in his house and some neighbours and acquaintances come and each recite a part of the Holy Qur'an. Then they go to their work and they do not receive fees for such act. After they finish recitation, they supplicate for the dead and gift him the reward for such recitation. Do such recitation and supplication reach the dead and does he receive reward for them? Please notify and thank you in advance. Please be acknowledged that I have heard that some scholars say that such acts are totally forbidden and that others say that they are detestable while still others say that they are permissible.
  Answer :

Such acts do not have an origin in religion. It has not been recorded that the Prophet (peace be upon him) or his Companions (may Allah be pleased with him) recited the Holy Qur'an for the dead. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever innovates (a thing) in our affair (religion), it is rejected. Reported by Al-Bukhari in the chapter on Selling and Adherence to the Right Path (2697), and Imam Muslim in the chapter on Legal Rulings (1718). It has been reported by Imam Muslim and Al-Bukhari reported it in the chapter on Selling and Adherence to the Right Path.

In the Two Sahihs, 'A'ishah narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whoever innovates (a thing) in our affair (religion), it is rejected. Reported by Al-Bukhari in the chapter on Reconciliation (2697), and Imam Muslim in the chapter on Legal Rulings (1718).

In the Sahih of Imam Muslim, Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to say in the Friday sermon: The best speech is the Book of Allah, the best guidance is that of Muhammad, the most evil acts are innovations (in religion) and each innovation is a sort of deviation. Reported by Imam Muslim in the chapter on Friday. .

An-Nasa'i added with an authentic chain of transmission: And each deviation is in the Hell fire Reported by An- Nasa'i in the chapter on the Two Festivities (3/188,189).

As for giving out charity on behalf of the dead and supplicating for them, such good deeds reach the dead who are rewarded for them according to the unanimous agreement of Muslims. May Allah guide us to the best path.