Two Things are Involve

Started by IBB, November 22, 2007, 09:50:09 PM

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Are you a civilian or a soldier?

If you are a civilian you safe if you are a soldier two things are involve

You either be in office or battle field

If you are in office you are safe if you are in a battle field two things are involve

You either shoot or be shot

If you shoot you are safe if you are shot two things are involve

You either get injured or die

If you are injured you are safe if you die two things are involve

You either rot or be buried

If you rot you are safe if you are buried two things are involve

You either turn to sand or manure

If you turn to sand you are safe if you turn to manure two tings are involve

You either be used as a garden manure or manure for a forest tree

If you turn to garden manure you are safe if you turn to forest tree manure two things are involve

You will either be cut down and use as furniture or paper

If you are use as a furniture you are safe if you are use as a paper two things are involve

You are either use as a writting paper or toilet paper

If you are use as a writting paper you are safe if you use as a toilet paper two things are involve

You either be use to wipe the back or the front

If you are use to wipe the back you are safe if you are use to wipe the front two things are involve

You either be place there or inside

If you are place there you are safe if you are put inside two things are involve

You either be removed or stay there

If you are removed you are safe if you stay there I DONT KNOW.



Two things are involved. kam sai ido! ;D


Quote from: IBB on November 22, 2007, 09:50:09 PM
If you are use as a writting paper you are safe if you use as a toilet paper two things are involve
You either be use to wipe the back or the front
If you are use to wipe the back you are safe if you are use to wipe the front two things are involve
You either be place there or inside
If you are place there you are safe if you are put inside two things are involve
You either be removed or stay there
If you are removed you are safe if you stay there I DONT KNOW.

IBB you speak in tongue, muna bukatar sharha sosai  ;D  ;D
1.  Where is this back or front
2.  What do you mean by "be place there or inside"
3.  I dont understand "removed or stay there
4.  The last 2 things that are involved? carry on
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


yes ibb pls do carry on, id like to c where it ends


Some dreams do come true


Is this a riddle ne or what? i thought the thread ended with IBB..... as there is nothing to add. So que: is there something after it ne IBB?
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum





Oga IBB, I don't know theses two day where on God's earth you are getting such an inventive and creative ideas. Duk yadda akai ta waru, thus your brain is function very well.

Keep it up! Keep the ball rolling! Long live Koonline and it's members!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: IBB on November 22, 2007, 09:50:09 PM
Are you a civilian or a soldier?

If you are a civilian you safe if you are a soldier two things are involve

You either be in office or battle field

If you are in office you are safe if you are in a battle field two things are involve

You either shoot or be shot

If you shoot you are safe if you are shot two things are involve

You either get injured or die

If you are injured you are safe if you die two things are involve

You either rot or be buried

If you rot you are safe if you are buried two things are involve

You either turn to sand or manure

If you turn to sand you are safe if you turn to manure two tings are involve

You either be used as a garden manure or manure for a forest tree

If you turn to garden manure you are safe if you turn to forest tree manure two things are involve

You will either be cut down and use as furniture or paper

If you are use as a furniture you are safe if you are use as a paper two things are involve

You are either use as a writting paper or toilet paper

If you are use as a writting paper you are safe if you use as a toilet paper two things are involve

You either be use to wipe the back or the front

If you are use to wipe the back you are safe if you are use to wipe the front two things are involve

You either be place there or inside

If you are place there you are safe if you are put inside two things are involve

You either be removed or stay there

If you are removed you are safe if you stay there I DONT KNOW.

so are u sayıng ın every sıtuatıon 2 thıngs are ınvolved? lol sum tyms three thıng cud be ınvolved 2 wo....
example WATCH THIS..
lets say you go to dunkın donuts to get a coffee ın the mornıng and u meet a long lıne
three thıngs are ınvolved
ıs eıther you stay on the lıne patıently OR
stay on the lıne and keep complaınıng that pple are takıng forever OR
decıde to leave to another coffee branch

dont mınd me  jst lukıng for ur trouble....
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Hafsee you better keep away from this sohon janar's post,
if at all he will let loose the information and reconfigure it
in a more readable and understandable form we will all run  ;D
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: IBB on November 22, 2007, 09:50:09 PM
If you are removed you are safe if you stay there I DONT KNOW.


If u stay there, 2 things are involved;

toilet paper either removed manually or surgically.

If manually, u are safe. If surgically, u have to go to the operating theatre.

If operated upon, 2 things are involved: u are either given local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

If local, u are safe, if general, 2 things are involved.

u either stay asleep throughout ope or u come round during ope.

If u stay asleep u are safe if u come round, two things are involved:

u either pass out because of the pain or u become paralyzed with pain.

if u pass out, u are safe. if u become paralyzed with pain two things are involved

u watch and feel the Dr. carve u up and there is nothing u can do about it or u try to scream blue murder and there is still nothing u can do about it.

If u watch u are safe (the Dr  would think that you probably wont litigate against him)

If u scream, 2 things are involved: the Dr will either probably cut yr tongue out, even though no sound is coming from yr mouth, or he will  sew up a pr of scissors inside u.

If he cuts yr tongue, u are safe. If he sews up a pr of scissors two things are involved

Dr recommends a second ope to remove scissors or refers u to specialist.

If Doc recommends second ope u are safe. If he refers u to specialist, 2 things are involved

Specialist is an organ donor looking to remove yr kidney or specialist is Dr Hannibal Lecter looking to make kidney pie for dinner with yr kidney.

If organ donor specialis is referee u are safe (relatively)

if Dr Hannibal Lecter is refree then

Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum



Quote from: hafsee on November 27, 2007, 09:51:56 AM
so are u sayıng ın every sıtuatıon 2 thıngs are ınvolved? lol sum tyms three thıng cud be ınvolved 2 wo....
example WATCH THIS..
lets say you go to dunkın donuts to get a coffee ın the mornıng and u meet a long lıne
three thıngs are ınvolved
ıs eıther you stay on the lıne patıently OR
stay on the lıne and keep complaınıng that pple are takıng forever OR
decıde to leave to another coffee branch

dont mınd me  jst lukıng for ur trouble....

I dont mind Hafsee. Lets see this your coffee thing.

You are either jobless or you have job

If you are jobless you are safe if you have job two things are involve

You either go to bed early or stay late

If you go to bed early you are safe if you stay late two things are involved

You either go to work late or early

If you go late you are safe if you go early two things are involve

You either doze off at work or go out for a coffee

If you doze you are safe if you go for a coffee two things are involve

You either meet a short que or long que

If you meet a short que you are safe if you meet long que two things are involve

You either leave for another or wait patiently

If you leave you are safe if you wait two things are involve

You either get bad service or friendly service

If you get a bad service you are safe if you get a friendly service two things are involve

Is either the attendant is friendly or likes you

If the attendant is friendly you are safe if the attendant likes you two things are involve

Is either you ignore or act on it

If you ignore you are safe if you act on it two things are involve

You either get the number or start a long chat

If you get the number you are safe if go for a long chat two things are involve

You either end up with a warm coffee or cold coffee

If you end up with warm coffee you are safe if you end up with cold coffee two things are involve

You either drink it cold or decide to buy another

If you drink it cold you are safe if you decide to buy another two things are involve

You either have change or no-change

If you have change you are safe if you dont have change two things are involve

You either go and get change or go back to work

If you get change you are safe if you go back to work two things are involve

You either ask for a sick leave or continue dozing in the office

If you get a sick leave you are safe if you continue dozing two things are involve

You either get a warning or get fired

If you get a warning you are safe if you get fired two things are involved

You either become jobless or call the coffee shop attendant

If you become jobless you are safe if you call the shop attendant. I dont know




Quote from: Dan-Borno on November 27, 2007, 10:31:29 AM
Hafsee you better keep away from this sohon janar's post,
if at all he will let loose the information and reconfigure it
in a more readable and understandable form we will all run  ;D

Dan-Borno ai daure ka zanyi babu inda zaka. LOL

Quote from: HUSNAA on November 27, 2007, 11:28:45 AM
Quote from: IBB on November 22, 2007, 09:50:09 PM
If you are removed you are safe if you stay there I DONT KNOW.


If u stay there, 2 things are involved;

toilet paper either removed manually or surgically.

if Dr Hannibal Lecter is refree then


Nice one Husnna


Quote from: IBB on November 27, 2007, 06:09:00 PM
Quote from: hafsee on November 27, 2007, 09:51:56 AM
so are u sayıng ın every sıtuatıon 2 thıngs are ınvolved? lol sum tyms three thıng cud be ınvolved 2 wo....
example WATCH THIS..
lets say you go to dunkın donuts to get a coffee ın the mornıng and u meet a long lıne
three thıngs are ınvolved
ıs eıther you stay on the lıne patıently OR
stay on the lıne and keep complaınıng that pple are takıng forever OR
decıde to leave to another coffee branch

dont mınd me  jst lukıng for ur trouble....

I dont mind Hafsee. Lets see this your coffee thing.

You are either jobless or you have job

If you are jobless you are safe if you have job two things are involve

You either go to bed early or stay late

If you go to bed early you are safe if you stay late two things are involved

You either go to work late or early

If you go late you are safe if you go early two things are involve

You either doze off at work or go out for a coffee

If you doze you are safe if you go for a coffee two things are involve

You either meet a short que or long que

If you meet a short que you are safe if you meet long que two things are involve

You either leave for another or wait patiently

If you leave you are safe if you wait two things are involve

You either get bad service or friendly service

If you get a bad service you are safe if you get a friendly service two things are involve

Is either the attendant is friendly or likes you

If the attendant is friendly you are safe if the attendant likes you two things are involve

Is either you ignore or act on it

If you ignore you are safe if you act on it two things are involve

You either get the number or start a long chat

If you get the number you are safe if go for a long chat two things are involve

You either end up with a warm coffee or cold coffee

If you end up with warm coffee you are safe if you end up with cold coffee two things are involve

You either drink it cold or decide to buy another

If you drink it cold you are safe if you decide to buy another two things are involve

You either have change or no-change

If you have change you are safe if you dont have change two things are involve

You either go and get change or go back to work

If you get change you are safe if you go back to work two things are involve

You either ask for a sick leave or continue dozing in the office

If you get a sick leave you are safe if you continue dozing two things are involve

You either get a warning or get fired

If you get a warning you are safe if you get fired two things are involved

You either become jobless or call the coffee shop attendant

If you become jobless you are safe if you call the shop attendant. I dont know


actually ı stıll thınk three thıngs are ınvolved no offence  ;D
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you