Game: Ask the Person Below You

Started by Muhsin, December 13, 2007, 01:34:01 PM

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Kai Goodfella! Who told you? Though am supposed to agree since I didn't know and I asked; you gave me answer.

And to your question; I think Fatah should be blamed. Thats why they are even backed by US, Israe' and European countries. There are many reason behind that but take it as that.

Its really surprising that that region--Middle East is the most unrest part of the world. Anything in history that shows something like this? I once heard Mal. Daurawa saying it but I forgot, wallahi.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Feel like repeating my question, so you people might see it and respond. Lol :)

Its really surprising that that region--Middle East is the most unrest part of the world. Anything in history that shows something like this? I once heard Mal. Daurawa saying it but I forgot, wallahi.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Oh it is, from time inmemoral to date. Its sad really but so many massacres.

question. How do I change the world?
Safety and Peace


Quote from: Muhsin on January 15, 2008, 11:47:27 AM
Feel like repeating my question, so you people might see it and respond. Lol :)

Its really surprising that that region--Middle East is the most unrest part of the world. Anything in history that shows something like this? I once heard Mal. Daurawa saying it but I forgot, wallahi.

Well dama ance in tashin kiyama ya kusa, there will be unrest in that part of the world... and guess what, there will be no peace there until the coming of the Mahdi and Isa (AS).

Quote from: Ibro2g on January 15, 2008, 11:55:56 AM
Oh it is, from time inmemoral to date. Its sad really but so many massacres.

question. How do I change the world?
Well start with yrself! An ce charity begins at home... I am sure u can be a better person than u are now..

Is that not  so?
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 15, 2008, 12:00:22 PM
Quote from: Ibro2g on January 15, 2008, 11:55:56 AM
question. How do I change the world?
Well start with yrself! An ce charity begins at home... I am sure u can be a better person than u are now..

Is that not  so? are beyond my head guys.


How did you learn and master Englsih language? And any further advice on how one could do so.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Read read and read.
Newspapers,novels etc.

Do u think Obama will be left to Lead the US?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


No! He has better chances of winnign votes than senator Clinton, but even when he does, he wont make it to presidency. Afteral jnr  didnt win his elections, do u thnk they'll let a black win?

Here is a joke by an Arab-American standup comedian. He says "Hate crimes against arabs and muslims has raisen by 1000% after 9/11, terrible really. But we are still $th place on the hate crime list, behind Blacks, gays and Jews....I mean, what do we have to do?"
emphasis mine

Question, do u really think they'll let a black man be president?

Safety and peace be with u
Safety and Peace


Feel like they'll. For example, there is a black as senator, as secretary of State, which is a big govt position in US and lots other offices of great significance. And Obama has auspicious start since he so far won Iowa and is expected to win more as they momerandum poll shows.


What party do you prepare to win US election; Republican or Democrat? And why?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Republicans would win the elections.

Do you think a lady will be US President?


As you said Republican would likely win, then the answer to your question is female won't be US president because she's Democrat's candidate.


Doesn't US's govt have ministers? I always only hear secretary of state, defense, foreign affairs, etc but have never heard minister of anything. What system of govt is this?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


The American System.

Who do you prefer as a super power, China or the US?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


To answer the question of what system of govt. the U.S. is using.

In the United States, federalism is the system of government where by power is divided between a central government and the government of each state. The U.S. govt. like Muhsin said, they have Secretaries which the equivalent of Ministers in Nig.

I believe China will soon be the world super power, n i think that will be a gud change for everybody.


Have u ever been to china?
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


Nope. And I don't wanna really go there unless if its quite official. Why? In China, there still exist racism very apparently, I many a times hear in the news. So no human would want to be a victim of this very dreadful action.


Have you ever been a victim of racist?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Yes.Several times.

Q: Apart from Nigeria where would you most want to live in West Africa?


Gambia, small, peaceful and tropical.

Question, to be or not to be?
Safety and Peace