Karma Award; how...???

Started by Muhsin, December 21, 2007, 06:28:14 PM

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Salam Admin,

For long I have been wondering what this award means and how is it won? And other elaboration about it. Could you please spare your valued time to respond to that? Or any other member that know that answer?

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Ni ma dai I have been wondering how these karmas are awarded. I am not sure if it is by popular acknowledgment or not. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is not because I have never been approached to cast a karma vote before. I used to wonder if it was according to number of posts submitted, that's not true either. I believe that it rests solely with the whim of the admin to award or repeal a karma. It may also be that there is some automated way of awarding the karma, at any rate it still falls on the admin's lot to activate or deactivate the automation.
What I would like to say to admin S is that if he is in anyway responsible and in control of these karmas, don Allah remove all of the 3 remaining karmas against my name. I never asked for any to be plastered next to me. I must admit it was flattering having them there, but since I didnt ask for them, I dont see the reason why they should be yo yoing up and down my name. If  u get a karma, its like a pat in the back, if u have one removed, obviously you've done something to annoy the admin and its his way of showing his annoyance at something. So while I never asked to be commended, I dont ask not to be commended either. So if the admin has a grudge against me..pls keep it to yrself, I dont know about it and I certainly dont want to find out and I dont want it subtly advertised with a lost karma. So take off the rest if you pls and keep it at zero. That way, I wont ever know or have to keep wondering why or if.... and u know what I mean.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Haba i've also been wondering how the karma works....I once applauded Husnaa while trying to fgure out how it actually worked and i didn't know if it showed or not.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


GGNk, i believe that is how the karma awards is, when u applaud somebody u r awarding them, but i forgot what the other one is when u click on it also u r taking off a point off the person karma. I might be wrong but that is how i understand it to be, hope that helped Husnaa and Muhsin as well.
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


Sorry for any inconvience this has or might have caused.... Karma Award is now deactivated.
Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!


Common guys, whats wrong with the karma again? its not big deal at all, its just a fun way of applauding a comment by giving a Karma or smiting a member if you feel like booing him/her, its just for fun guys, nothing personal...why do you have to make the admin remove it? Is this how Kanoonline will continue to be without any improved form of fun? common!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Thanks Admin, Gogannaka, Mumcee, Muda and ofcourse Husnaa for your responses. Now I know what this award, though in a bit way, means.


I really do appreciate your action; you simply as that removed it without asking why my auntie request for that. And that (her reason) is what I couldn't understand. To me, that award is just...nothing and it meant nothing...so I ask to know. Just to know!


Frankly speaking, there is nothing, actually, funny about karma award. How do you see my people? Thus, its removal has no effect to the forum being a better place; neither negetive nor positive. But I don't know. ::)

@Aunty Husnaa,

Why the request? Please.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.