Harry Potter :: All is Well

Started by Fateez, April 09, 2008, 11:12:42 AM

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I can't believe we haven't discussed Harry Potter and the Deathly Harrows in this Forum!

*gasp* it's been almost a year since the finale!

Anyways, who enjoyed it? Who thought it was crap? What went wrong? What was right?

I wanna know your opinions.

Personally it was one of the best reads I have ever come across. It triggered a blend of

emotions. It was sad, funny, happy, scary, and downright ridiculous! That's a good book to me.


Please if you haven't read it and don't wanna know the story, don't scroll down.


Life After Hogwarts

In an interview, online chat, the Wizard of the Month section of her website, and during her 2007 U.S. Open Book Tour, J. K Rowling revealed additional character information that she chose not to include in the book. She stated that:

Harry becomes an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and is later appointed head of the department. He keeps Sirius's motorcycle, which Arthur Weasley repaired for him, but he can no longer speak Parseltongue after the destruction of Voldemort's soul fragment within him.

Ginny Weasley plays for the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team for a time, leaves to establish a family with Harry and later becomes the lead Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

Ron Weasley works at George's store for a time, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, then joins Harry as an Auror.

Hermione finds her parents in Australia and removes the memory modification charm she had put on them for safety. She initially works for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, greatly improving life for house elves and their ilk. She later moves to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and assists in eradicating oppressive, pro-pureblood laws. She was also the only member of the trio to go back and complete her seventh year at Hogwarts.

After his death, Voldemort is forced to exist in the stunted form Harry witnessed in the King's Cross limbo; his crimes were too severe for him to become a ghost.

George Weasley continues his successful joke shop. George married Angelina Johnson and has two children: a son named Fred, in memory of his late twin brother, and a daughter, Roxanne.

Luna Lovegood searches the world for odd and unique creatures. She eventually marries Rolf, a grandson of the famed naturalist Newt Scamander. They have twins called Lorcan and Lysander. Her father's publication, The Quibbler, has returned to its usual condition of "advanced lunacy" and is appreciated for its unintentional humour.

Percy Weasley married a woman named Audrey and had two daughters, named Molly and Lucy.

Firenze is welcomed back into his herd, who finally acknowledge the virtue of his pro-human leanings.

Dolores Umbridge is arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned for crimes against Muggle-borns.

Cho Chang went on to marry a Muggle.

Neville Longbottom becomes professor of Herbology at Hogwarts and marries Hannah Abbott.

Besides Victoire Weasley, Bill and Fleur Weasley have a younger son and a younger daughter, named Dominique and Louis.

On her website, Rowling posted a Weasley family tree, showing that Harry's children's full names are James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


You are highly and honorably welcome aboard (Literature sub-forum), Fateez. Wish you'll, a bit more, frequent coming here. Lots of good stuff, huh? At least thats what I think of it.

And concerning Harry Potter, I've been for aeon trying to read that book but luck isn't still with me to have access to it. Some times ago, I read some where Aunt Husnaa talking about it. And since from then I've been looking for it but... once I was told of its price...about N800. Thats too expensive for a student like me to afford paying. And secondly, I got it from our liberary but I never read it because it was exam days. And unfortunetly I never see it since I return it back that time.

But I haven't still given up. Why. Wallahi not only here that I've been engage in discussing matters relating to it but many other discussion fora.

Don't have much time to respond full, Fateez. When I get back...inshaAllah.

Many thanks and stay blessed!

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Wonderful one Fateez.
The additional character information completes the book and the perfect ending.
I really like the Voldermort one....LOL,so dead that he can't have a ghost..NO resurrections be dat.

The book has exeeded my expectations.I'd rate it 5/5.
That woman is a genious(is this the right spelling?)

Do you think a book like Harry Potter will surface any time soon?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: Muhsin on April 10, 2008, 01:52:56 PM
You are highly and honorably welcome aboard (Literature sub-forum), Fateez. Wish you'll, a bit more, frequent coming here. Lots of good stuff, huh? At least thats what I think of it.

And concerning Harry Potter, I've been for aeon trying to read that book but luck isn't still with me to have access to it. Some times ago, I read some where Aunt Husnaa talking about it. And since from then I've been looking for it but... once I was told of its price...about N800. Thats too expensive for a student like me to afford paying. And secondly, I got it from our liberary but I never read it because it was exam days. And unfortunetly I never see it since I return it back that time.

But I haven't still given up. Why. Wallahi not only here that I've been engage in discussing matters relating to it but many other discussion fora.

Don't have much time to respond full, Fateez. When I get back...inshaAllah.

Many thanks and stay blessed!


Thank you Muhsin! InshaAllah I'll be more active in the Lit Forum. How about your

book? Na ji shiru, have you published it yet? I started writing a book last year and

I have about 90 pages now but I haven't had the courage to let ANYONE read it.

Not even a sentence. Dunno what I'm so embarrassed about...

Woah! A HP book for N800!!! That's way cheaper than how much I got my first copy.

In fact during the HP early days a bookshop told me to pay N5000 for HP 1! Of course I didn't.

Someone mentioned something about the British Council having a few copies maybe you should

check it out. If you still can't get you can ask around friends or acquaintances to see who has a

copy to lend you one. Although there's no guarantee that anyone will lend theirs. I remember

lending out my Prisoner of Azkaban to a friend six years ago amma har yau I haven't got it back!

Quote from: gogannaka on April 15, 2008, 11:26:48 PM
Wonderful one Fateez.
The additional character information completes the book and the perfect ending.
I really like the Voldermort one....LOL,so dead that he can't have a ghost..NO resurrections be dat.

The book has exeeded my expectations.I'd rate it 5/5.
That woman is a genious(is this the right spelling?)

Do you think a book like Harry Potter will surface any time soon?

Yup, she's a genius - and not just a literary genius but also a financial genius!

With the Epilogue and info she has released on the characters she has made

it impossile for anyone to make a prequel, sequel or a spin-off without being

slapped with a heavy lawsuit!

JK said she hasn't stopped writting so hopefully there'll be another book of this

sort {I wish! I wish!! I wish!!!}.

The only thing I have a problem with is not in the book but with Jk herself. All

this while I thought Dumbledore didn't have a family because he was too dedicated

to fighting the Dark Arts that he didnt have time for a family. Or maybe he still

had guilt over the death of Ariana that raising a family would be too reminiscent

of the tragedy. I was soooooooo disappointed when JK came out to say that

Dumbledore didn't have a wife and kids because he was GAY! And that he had

feelings for Grindlewald! That totally ruined the story for me! It made me flash back

to scenes from the story and now I'm not too sure I can trust some of his judgements.

The most disturbing fact is his inclination towards Harry! Sooo Micheal Jackson! To think

Harry was actually naked in the Kings Cross saga! Aaaah! I shudn't know this!

I am an innocent child!
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: Fateez on April 16, 2008, 04:27:50 PM

Thank you Muhsin! InshaAllah I'll be more active in the Lit Forum. How about your

book? Na ji shiru, have you published it yet? I started writing a book last year and

I have about 90 pages now but I haven't had the courage to let ANYONE read it.

Not even a sentence. Dunno what I'm so embarrassed about...

Woah! A HP book for N800!!! That's way cheaper than how much I got my first copy.

In fact during the HP early days a bookshop told me to pay N5000 for HP 1! Of course I didn't.

Someone mentioned something about the British Council having a few copies maybe you should

check it out. If you still can't get you can ask around friends or acquaintances to see who has a

copy to lend you one. Although there's no guarantee that anyone will lend theirs. I remember

lending out my Prisoner of Azkaban to a friend six years ago amma har yau I haven't got it back!

I'm more than happy, if I may say, that many members of KanoOnline are writers or readers of novels and other literary pieces. You, Dave, Ibro, Konan and my humble self. And others like Gogannaka, Aunt Husnaa, Bee, and the rest are in a way avid readers of works of literature. Very nice of us.

I haven't yet published my novel. Why. Publishing a novel isn't out-and-out as I was thinking before, I now discover or rather gather. It evolves many things such include proof reading (and more explaining a work like mine, which definitely contains innumerable grammatical errors and so on), finding a good publishing company, and above all money. Sincerely and realistically speaking I cannot now do all these. So I give it a rest till other time. And hence I promise to revise it once again because am under impression that my English is improving with times.

Still dai no much time but when I get back...many thanks.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


What I have to add only is to ask you of the time you'll let us know more about that your novel. Let me do like begging; please bring us either an excerpt, synopsis or some thing else from it. Am damned sure not only I but other forum members would also appreciate so.

Stay blessed!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Muhsin,you want to write a book,you will write a book Insha Allah.kana kan hanya.

i have read all harry potter books.i must say harry potter is one of the best piece of works i have ever come across however, the movies are a far cry.lots of important parts missing and sometimes the storyline changes.that does happen in most movies from books but harry potter movies are terrible (english movies always are)

muhsin,all the books are really nice.Allah yasa ka samu ka karanta.
Born To Bee Great


Quote from: Fateez on April 16, 2008, 04:27:50 PM
The only thing I have a problem with is not in the book but with Jk herself. All

this while I thought Dumbledore didn't have a family because he was too dedicated

to fighting the Dark Arts that he didnt have time for a family. Or maybe he still

had guilt over the death of Ariana that raising a family would be too reminiscent

of the tragedy. I was soooooooo disappointed when JK came out to say that

Dumbledore didn't have a wife and kids because he was GAY! And that he had

feelings for Grindlewald! That totally ruined the story for me! It made me flash back

to scenes from the story and now I'm not too sure I can trust some of his judgements.

The most disturbing fact is his inclination towards Harry! Sooo Micheal Jackson! To think

Harry was actually naked in the Kings Cross saga! Aaaah! I shudn't know this!

I am an innocent child![/glow]

She's out of her mind.She should have told us since,such that we wouldn't even have bothered to feel bad when he died.

Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: Bee on April 18, 2008, 06:28:21 PM
Muhsin,you want to write a book,you will write a book Insha Allah.kana kan hanya.

i have read all harry potter books.i must say harry potter is one of the best piece of works i have ever come across however, the movies are a far cry.lots of important parts missing and sometimes the storyline changes.that does happen in most movies from books but harry potter movies are terrible (english movies always are)

muhsin,all the books are really nice.Allah yasa ka samu ka karanta.

Kai...Bee...how nice! Many thanks. Amin, amin,amin to all your prayers. Stay blessed!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Harry Potter? What a nice book! Superb!

I'm reading it (and the Philosophical Stone). Am enjoying it very much.

Fateez, I see it.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


All is well that ends well. I read the deathly Hallows. I must have done so in a hurry cos I cant remember a thing about it now. Maybe becos I started reading it the day it came out which is nearly 2 yrs ago. I must reread it. Yes the Harry Potter saga is one of those which you want to find yrself physically a part of. Ko da yake it would have been very frightening tunda JK didnt have any qualms about knocking off favorites.
I was under the impression that Ron and Hermione ended up as a married couple. All along I had always wished it was Harry and Hermione that got hitched, but after I found it wasnt going to be, I got used to Harry and Ginny. I must say the onscreen ginny is pretty unpretty. But her strength of character made up for her lack of beauty.

Fateez keep us posted. I will try and read some sophie kinsella and the likes. Chic lit ko? that's what they are called? I think I read something of that kind some years back. It was enormously enjoyable, although cant remember the author or the name of the novel. It was about a very very fat girl who worked for the local newspaper and there was this very very dishy guy she had a crush on, but of course he wasnt even aware she existed I mean in the romantic sense not the physical sense lol! (one cant help but notice her!) Anyway she was what u could call the office geek, very bright and unattractive. When their office was wired with the internet, she began chatting online with a guy from the US. They exchanged pictures. He was the most gorgeous creature she had seen in a long time and she well... she went and had her photo digitally remastered so to speak hahaha and sent it off to him online. He took a look and set a date for meeting her! Now comes her dilemma. She doesnt look like the picture in reality and this guy is all for coming to england to meet her! So she decides to go out there to the us and meet him. But first of all there is a little ( or ginormous ) problem of
a makeover to get thro. Luckily for her, the office beauty, who gets away with everything and gets all the hunky guys (including the one Sophie - lets call her that for the meantime - fancied), was not the office bitch. She was a very nice girl underneath the stilletos lipstick and tight skirts. So she helps shape Sophie's make over from the office grunge kid to a supermodel.  In the meantime during her transformation, the guy whom she fancies gets an offer on regional or national television and leaves the provincial little town. So he never sees her transformation. She in the meantime goes on holiday to America, california to be precise. Meets with the hunk of a guy who was a gym trainer living on a diet of goat's cheese, lettuce, frappucinos,  lattes, and fruit shakes. He lives in a wonderful condo by the sea, so everything goes on dreamily for her. Then the story goes on how they fell out with this guy over a fat girl.. the irony was that he really DIGGED fat girls hahahahaha, how she left her job, how she met up with her dream man ( the english guy) when he went to the States on an assignment to interview a famous film star and how they lived happily ever after. All in all, a feel good novel.
I honestly cant remember its name.... I gave it to my sis and she gave it to someone and so on so its never coming back and I cant even remember the author and she used her real name for the character she wrote about...Jemima...thats the name of the girl!! Now to remember the author's name...........
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa ban gane ba!
Who did she end up with? her office crush ko kuwa the online friend?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


She ends up marrying the guy (who left for regional/national tv) she fancied back in England when she  was part of the office furniture as far as the guys were concerned, except her boss of course who picked on her brains excessively to the extent of being exploitative and refused to give her a raise or a promotion.. which  went to the office bombshell, even though her skills were somewhat...er...to look pretty and delectable in order to get clientele through the door.

I will give a resume of another novel I read called Lemperiere's Dictionary by Lawrence Norfolk. Its really heavy stuff. Muhsin should read it as class literature. ;D ;D ;D. Its a bit boring in some places. That's what I found with these novels that win all the lit prizes, they can be a bit of a chew. I wonder what they see in them sometimes, i.e. the critics who decide to choose a book for a literary award. I remember I started reading one winner of a prize some months back called Brick Lane written by a British Bangladeshi. I had to take it back to the library after chapter 4. To be honest I don't read it regularly, only when I am treading a mill. So I get off the story pretty quick. In any case if you can put down a novel often and readily, then its really not very enjoyable. That's my opinion
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


         I am the one fan of harry potter because of the different stories or situation something different.

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