Started by Dante, November 07, 2008, 04:51:16 PM

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Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on November 13, 2008, 07:29:39 PM
A white president? No problem. Dama ai karambani yasa muka kore su. Da suna nan da ko ba komai da muna da ruwan sha, tituna masu kyau, wutan lantarki, kuma da sun kori sauro ;D Na san baza su yadda su zauna a cikin kangin da kasar mu take ciki ba.

Wannan Gaskiya ne. Kwarai da gaske Bakan Gizo
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


But generally we can vote for a white president. Infact we need a white president because it seems like Nigeria was better during the colonial period...

TABBAS Gogannaka. Allah yayi mana jagora
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


You don't need a white president. You need a strong, honest, progressive president with a team of strong, honest ministers and their colour is unimportant. You probably need lots of your politicians in jail before you reach that point.


Yeah we don't NEED per se, but what we' are saying is we aren't going to be dead against it, should it miraculously happen to come ;D


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on November 13, 2008, 07:29:39 PM
A white president? No problem. Dama ai karambani yasa muka kore su. Da suna nan da ko ba komai da muna da ruwan sha, tituna masu kyau, wutan lantarki, kuma da sun kori sauro ;D Na san baza su yadda su zauna a cikin kangin da kasar mu take ciki ba.

LoL.. This is interesting! How i wish someone will translate in english exactly what bakan_gizo said.

For sure, he is right. these are the things that we "human beings" shouldnt lack in our daily lives. Our country wount progress any further without Good education, Electricity, good hygienic environment.. . Look at countries like india how far ahead of us they are in terms of production, technology & medications for their millions of citizens and other countries.

I believe with bakan-gizo that our independance was too early, we were not ready for that in the 60's. I believe we would have been far better than india and for sure we could have retained our name "GIANTS OF AFRICA".
Ghana, south africa & egypt are now competing for that name you know.
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


Quote from: Nuruddeen on November 14, 2008, 07:18:02 PM
TABBAS Gogannaka. Allah yayi mana jagora

su Nura yan adawa, har da boldening din characters din.

@ Dave, we have tried so many black-coloured presidents
in Nigeria and none of them (Buhari inclusive) did anything
tangible, that is the reason for the clamour of a white

I am suggesting JUDGE BUSH come January 2009 after he
has handed over to Sasha's Dad.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Wonder never end. Today I'm filled with astonishement and laughter at what you guys are saying. Although I know darned well some are just joking as usual but other do really mean each words they wrote. Why?

I simply categorized your above assertion as from those people who consider black colour as defficiency and with lack of intelectuality while white as superior, effecient and more intelligent and the likes. That is utterly a misconception, huh? Colour, as aptly put by Dave, is trivia and should not be considered as significant.

You talked of Obama; is he white president elected by black as you want our father land to emulate? Think, not even think, but he is BLACK elected  by majority white voters, so why? Because they think as well as believe (that) he can deliver it.

Don haka, I'm wholly against that branded idea. He would just, as I said much earlier in other reply, just carry-on from where his fathers have had stopped some decades ago of basterdizing, impoverishing and exploiting us.

Allah ya kiyaye, amin.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable


@ muhsin : You all know that Nigerians have tried all the "been there, done that & who knew what nigerians want" and 99% of them failed us.
Dont you think its time we give a try to the "heard it, watched it on TV type" hopefully they will take things more serious.

@ dan-barno : George bush!! r u serious? did'nt you c what happen to the U.S economy? a man that can break a strong economy like america will probably finish Nigeria in no time.
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


Quote from: Dante on November 26, 2008, 11:18:14 AM
@ dan-barno : George bush!! r u serious? did'nt you c what happen to the U.S economy? a man that can break a strong economy like america will probably finish Nigeria in no time.

Good observation


Double Standards! Double Standards!! Double Standards!!! Let me throw this out there:

If Americans had decided NOT to vote for Obama because he was black I'm sure the entire

black/African people would have cried RACISM!!! And there probably would have been crazy

protests all around the world, which is fair. But here we are standing against a white or

Lebanese president for Nigeria. Why not? Is Nigeria a federal constitutional republic or not?

Ever noticed how we claim to be but we bend the rules to suit ourselves? If the candidate

fits the requirements of the constitution then they have a right to run.

The requirements for running for President in Nigeria are as follows:

131. A person shall be qualified for election to the office of the President if he/she:

(a) is a citizen of Nigeria by birth;

(b) has attained the age of forty years;

(c) is a member of a political party and is sponsored by that political party; and

(d) has been educated up to at least School Certificate level or its equivalent.

Oh and I didn't just make this up. You can find it in the Nigerian constitution,

Chapter VI – The Executive: Part I – Federal Executive: The president of the

Federation number 131 – here's the link.--> http://www.nigeria-law.org/ConstitutionOfTheFederalRepublicOfNigeria.htm

It's not a matter of an inferiority complex. As long as the people fairly vote the person

into office then I don't care if the Person is black, white or even turquoise – as long as

he/she would get the damn job done! As long as I can sleep in my home without fears

of being attacked by armed robbers; I can open a tap and drink water without fears of

getting typhoid; I can fall sick knowing it may not end in death; I can have uninterrupted

electricity; I can access excellent education without having to spend a fortune; I can travel

with 100% certainty that I will be back alive; I can trust that the government officials are not

using the country's money for their hearts desires; I can go places without being investigated

for Advanced Fee Fraud; my green passport doesn't trigger the "dodgy criminal" alert. As long

as I can have the very BASIC rights that I am entitled to have as a citizen. Then by all means

nominate a MARTIAN or even a CYBORG!

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain




QuoteIt's not a matter of an inferiority complex. As long as the people fairly vote the person

into office then I don't care if the Person is black, white or even turquoise – as long as

he/she would get the damn job done! As long as I can sleep in my home without fears

of being attacked by armed robbers; I can open a tap and drink water without fears of

getting typhoid; I can fall sick knowing it may not end in death; I can have uninterrupted

electricity; I can access excellent education without having to spend a fortune; I can travel

with 100% certainty that I will be back alive; I can trust that the government officials are not

using the country's money for their hearts desires; I can go places without being investigated

for Advanced Fee Fraud; my green passport doesn't trigger the "dodgy criminal" alert. As long

as I can have the very BASIC rights that I am entitled to have as a citizen. Then by all means

nominate a MARTIAN or even a CYBORG!
Excellent Fateez! You have captured it very correctly.

Ina masu tunanin white president in only our savior? That is just a misnormer. Colour matters not here. 
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


It took 200 yrs for Americans to elect a black president, well since we are following everything about their constitution tooth and nail, why dont we wait 200 yrs to elect a white president in Nigeria. If we elect a white president, he should be half black and half white just like Obama.
Wai ma jama'a havent we been under white rule before? Wasnt Lugard Nigeria's governor general during the colonial era? Arent we still under white rule? IMF and World Bank come forward and stake yr claims. We are following a western invented democracy that is not working for us yet we refuse to do anything about it and every time we say its a jaririya after 48 yrs. Jaririya my foot! On a time scale with the American day of independence as the baseline, Nigerian democracy is 25 yrs old!! so u tell me which 25yr old is a jariri. Even Muhsin at 24 cannot be called a jariri (though he might wish it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D)
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


The fact that it took over 200 years for America to elect a black president has nothing to do with their constitution and everthing to do with racism so I hope Husnaa's not suggesting that Nigeria should take any example from that. It took American nearly 200 years to elect the first Catholic to the presidency despite a very significant proportion of the American population being Catholic which was down to redneck bigotry and religious intolerance. America has never been the best example in these matters. 

The problem about Nigeria and democracy is not democracy, it is Nigeria.
You cannot have a functioning democracy in which leaders are above the law and the police force is poorly manned, poorly paid, poorly trained, doesn't understand how to use its powers and is unable to enforce the law equally against everybody.

It doesn't matter what colour your leaders are.
They should be judged not on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character. Now where have I heard that before?