Back to the Future - KanoOnline Next Steps

Started by Abdalla, November 14, 2008, 07:56:01 PM

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Jama'a, Sallama

I decided to open a separate thread on this to provide members opportunity to contribute to the next levels. It was Muhsin who first drew my attention to the thread and on reading it I feel very excited about the various prospects being discussed. I will outline one or two of my thoughts about this, and then we can decide what the next levels would be.

Let me start with a small preface on Online communities. One of the beauties of being an online community is our collective flexibility and ability to contribute without being hampered by restriction of space and time. This fluidity makes it possible to often suggest schemes and activities that would otherwise be impossible in landbased community. I operate quite a few online communities and over the years we explored a series of projects to strengthen our collective resolve to make things better for our people. Unfortunately none worked; not because of the lack of will, or even the funding, but simple TIME! It is quite easy to debate a particular issue from the comfort of either laptop or a cafe; but to ask someone to attend a  meeting, often in a different city, or mobilize resources is quite dicey! I remember that in the Finafinan Hausa forum, and quite before all this Hiyana hiatus, we decided to rise to the occassion by producing a film ourselves -- a film we believe would be better than the standard fare produced by Kannywood, of which many of us were unfavorably critical. Among the members of the forum we had directors, producers, writers, and even backers; but in the end it didn't work because we are all spatially dispersed and getting people to come together to do one activity was getting too bothersome. So we gave up.

The same thing with arranging an award for writers on Marubuta forum -- again we gave frameworks, suggestions and specific budgets; all to zilch, because of the difficulties in getting us to "come on down" in physical space and organize something.

The point I am trying to make is that organizing an online forum into a landline concern is not as straightforward as it looks. There are many challenges, but of course none are too unsurmountable.

Now let's look at transforming KanonOnline to an NGO. Jibo and Waziri came to Kano over two years ago to discuss this proposal with me and Salisu. We had a lunch meeting and agreed that it is a good concept and welcome idea. We even provided guidelines on how an NGO can be registered in Nigeria, and the sort of requirements needed. With Salisu working at the CAC, we didn't anticipate As far as I could tell, that was where the whole ended, although Jibo can correct me on this. The process of creating the NGO needs to be followed through a series of activities requiring money, and TIME -- that commodity that is more expensive than money! Once the NGO has been formed, it must be SUSTAINED -- again requiring time and money. I used to be part of an NGO -- Center for Hausa Cultural Studies -- which we established in 2003. But after the first flurry of activtiies (funded single handedly by one of our Board of Trustees), we simply lost steam, and could not to move on. Yet every year we had to struggle to pay rent for our offices -- which we rarely use. Lack of time and possibly committment, made it difficult for us to come up with a series of activities that would generate funds to ensure our sustainability. In the end I got fed up with shouldering most of the NGO's financial and logistic responsibilities and quit as the Chairman -- and I vowed NEVER again would I be snared into such situations again. I am a follower, not a leader -- let someone lead, and I quite happy to follow them; at least I can sneak away if the going gets too rough!

So, yes, we welcome the idea of KanoOnline being an NGO. To do that effectively, we need to focus on precisely what we hope to achieve by doing that (goals, vision, mission, strategic planning, long-term planning, deliverables, do-ables, etc). We need to also decide on SUSTAINABILITY -- what would we need to do in order to sustain our existence? We need to also address the issue of startup funding -- funding for office (offices?), payment for the maintainance of the office (running costs), payment for registration (any lawyer in the house?), and funds for ACTIVITIES (which are yet to be determined, and therefore operate on a fluid budget). Once we have clear perspectives on these issues, then we are on the go.

Let me now turn to the Public Lecture issue. I am quite flattered that I am the first choice (among others) for possible candidates! However, as one of the administrators of the Forum, we have always preferred to remain in the background -- happy enough in providing a space for people to let their hair down. Therefore right from the beginning we decided amongst ourselves that we should not be the ones to lead or speak at any function organized by the Forum -- besides words of welcome and goodwill messages.

I think some of the alternatives being nominated are quite good enough. If I recall, they are Dr. Bala Muhammad (A Daidaita Sahu), Dr. Bashir Galadanci (Special Adviser to Kano State Governor on ICT and Education), and Muhammad Rabo AbdulKarim (The Director General, Kano State Censorship Board). One thing to bear in mind, though, is that each one of them is a politician, and would therefore promote a particular political view. This may not be palatable to many on this Forum -- and we have always prided ourselves on our non-participant stand (well one of us, Ibrahim Ado Kurawa has also become a politician by the virtue of being Director General, Directorate for Research and Publications, Government House Kano; but we don't allow that to get in the way!). Whoever we eventually settle on as the speaker for the event, there are logistic issues to be sorted out -- payment for the venue, refreshments, paper duplication, mini-secretariat, transport costs to secretarial staff, etc. We need to determine how these funds would be sourced, for the activity is too heavy for just one or two people to shoulder.

We experimented with the idea of setting up a subscription fee at the other online communities I operate -- and it worked, up to a point. It worked to the level were we usually meet twice a year during the Sallah period to greet each other, and pay a token subscription of minimum of 1,000 naira (but you can pay more if you so desire). Not many were willing to pay -- because we do not meet again until the following year; and people kept asking what happened to their money. So we decided to stop that practice.  It was with the little we got that we provide logistics for the meetings, and in the early stages, even contribute to holding an award ceremony (for the Hausa film industry). As I said, people started grumbling, so we stopped.

So the main issues are: how do we generate enough funds to a) metamorphose into an NGO?; b) hold a Public Lecture somehwere -- either in Kano, Abuja, or even Dubai?!?

I hope this is food enough for thought to enable us to move to the next level.

Happy deliberations.



ka ji gaskiyar zancen kenan from an experienced
member, so its left for us to either get committed
guys who are willing to do this or we better drop
the idea - final - final
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak



Actually Prof has said alot of things that need to be considered. Well, I agree with almost all what he said. But with regards to our Kano meeting, I was actually detered by Waziri. He(Waziri) it was who I gave a draft proposal to edit which comprise the mission, vision, goals and planning strategies. Unfortunately, Waziri misplaced that draft. So I was lackadaisical to write another one.

I even remember that you sent me a comprehensive plan out of which I came with my own. So really it's not easy as said. However, this December gathering I think is not going to be beyond our control. On the issue of transforming into an NGO I think if we come to the venue we can brainstorm. Let's not get discouraged. I am confident we can. It all depends on our committment. If you like I can still write a draft and present it at the venue and subject it to the floor for proper debate.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: Nuruddeen on November 15, 2008, 01:22:56 PM
On the issue of transforming into an NGO I think if we come to the venue we can brainstorm. Let's not get discouraged. I am confident we can. It all depends on our committment. If you like I can still write a draft and present it at the venue and subject it to the floor for proper debate.

By all means, do so! Bring it up again, and during the December meeting, which everyone kept alluding to (and which I am only beginning to be aware of!), we can set up a small working committee to look at it. Since you are quite proactive about this, why don't you take the initiative of drafting what you can, and then send it to about four others to comment on. During the meeting, you can all get together and harmonise your observations...

...don't forget, however, you are traveling to Makka! Also quite a lot of "important" people would be going -- so there is a chance that only Turkari like us would be around to witness the meeting! (and I will be in Germany from end of November to first week of December!). So again you need to carefully consider your timetable.


Like Prof, I'm only hearing about a "December meeting" for the first time. In any case, it is good development. At least we working toward having a meeting. To me, that is cirtical to future plans. The first gathering is the most important. We can take it up from there. But like I said, can't this be shifted to a more convinient time (after hajj), when everyone would be available?


Quote from: Abdalla on November 15, 2008, 10:41:23 PM
Quote from: Nuruddeen on November 15, 2008, 01:22:56 PM
On the issue of transforming into an NGO I think if we come to the venue we can brainstorm. Let's not get discouraged. I am confident we can. It all depends on our committment. If you like I can still write a draft and present it at the venue and subject it to the floor for proper debate.

By all means, do so! Bring it up again, and during the December meeting, which everyone kept alluding to (and which I am only beginning to be aware of!), we can set up a small working committee to look at it. Since you are quite proactive about this, why don't you take the initiative of drafting what you can, and then send it to about four others to comment on. During the meeting, you can all get together and harmonise your observations...

...don't forget, however, you are traveling to Makka! Also quite a lot of "important" people would be going -- so there is a chance that only Turkari like us would be around to witness the meeting! (and I will be in Germany from end of November to first week of December!). So again you need to carefully consider your timetable.

Its alright Sir. I will in sha Allah write another one and pass it to the members I proposed. About the December 25th  date, its tentative Sir. I think we can change it. Will phone Gogannaka and propose a realistic date. Thank you Sir.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


QuoteSo the main issues are: how do we generate enough funds to a) metamorphose into an NGO?; b) hold a Public Lecture somehwere -- either in Kano, Abuja, or even Dubai?!?

We seem to have forgotten these two substantial points raised by Prof. expecially the first one, i.e of 'generating enough funds'. During my meetings with him, he rather intentionally kept on reiterating that very issue. How can we accomplish that? You know, I don't know you people but lots of those people I do bussiness of this nature (secondary school old boys association, for example) with do barely let that out of their pockets. Am afraid of that to happen here thats why I too am emphasizing its importance here.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Assalamu alaikum,
The Elders have spoken- i can only say- munji mun yarda. Allah Ya ba,u sa'a.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: EMTL on November 18, 2008, 11:52:54 AM
Assalamu alaikum,
The Elders have spoken- i can only say- munji mun yarda. Allah Ya ba,u sa'a.

Good one EMTL! Wai me yasa wasun mu suke ganin baza'a yi wannan taro ba? I think pple should be optimistic. Remember Rome was not built in  a day. Su wanene zasu bamu kudi muyi taro in ba muda kanmu ba? Pls let everybody show some level of committment. Ni fa a gani na wannan abu ba matsala.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: Nuruddeen on November 21, 2008, 11:31:59 AM
Su wanene zasu bamu kudi muyi taro in ba muda kanmu ba? Pls let everybody show some level of committment. Ni fa a gani na wannan abu ba matsala.[/color][/size]

Hello members,

I have notice various topics hanging around the board, Toward a better K-Online, Kanoonline way forward, Kanoonline get together. These various topics all have two things in common: One, they are all seeking to transform konline. Secondly, they are all lacking route.

I for one have not contribute any comment nor show any committment toward this proposals (except gtg). My reason for this is, none of these proposals show a clear route on how to get there. Nuraddeen mentioned 'we have put money and committment'. How do you expect me to commit myself financially or otherwise where there is no clear objective?

As per as Iam concern this forum is serving its purpose as an internet community. Where you can socialise, air your views from the comfort of your sofa. There by saving you cost such as transportation; utilise time as we are all busy with work or studies.

I believe if change is required, then let it be online from the comfort of our screens. I will pass this question to the pioneers of this site. What is the objective of this site? I thought is a site, where Kanawa and northerners at large everywhere around the world can interract as an online community.

As per as I'm concern I visit here as I visit my friends house to either socialise, share advice and thots and so on. Transforming kanoonline to NGO will have little impact on me. Unless is an online NGO, Online seminar and all that you propose let it be online.

However is not a bad idea to meet once in a while for the get together as long as there is no string attached such as boy meet girl issue and other hidden agendas



Sincerely speaking IBB has talked very reasonably. His points need to be taken into much consideration. But (am so sorry for myself) I can't say much. Thats left to my elders in the forum to respond. Thank you very much.

Remain yours
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Are women allowed to say anything coz I have ALOT to say :-[
What you see is what you get[/b]


Hafsy_Lady I should not LOL, but I do... Everyone is invited to say what they have to say especially when one has ALOT to say. Does that answers your question?
Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!


Quote from: Abdalla on November 14, 2008, 07:56:01 PM
Now let's look at transforming KanonOnline to an NGO. Jibo and Waziri came to Kano over two years ago to discuss this proposal with me and Salisu. We had a lunch meeting and agreed that it is a good concept and welcome idea.

Good greetings all,

Thank you Prof. for the ideas which are as well welcomed. It is true that Nuruddeen gave me a copy of the proposal then but I lost it somehow.

Then I was making preparation to leave for Canada for my post graduate studies at the end of the year and as I mentioned during that meeting saying the project may not get the desired attention from me. And so kind of God, I was not able to go that year and I postponed it to this year and still had visa problems with them. I am still in Nigeria now and planning for another country now in case it fails me again.

As it is now while I still identify with Nuruddeen's vision of an NGO and the many who think it good for us to have or be having an annual public lecture every year, I also see reason in what IBB is saying up there.

I think it may be good to keep the forum as a social platform for what we gain from it of information and learning and whenever there is need for us to come downline like the proposed December 25th gathering, we just slate a date and identify a good restaurant anywhere around us for all to gather there and pay for their meals. We joke around, see each others faces, strenghten one anothers resolves, sharpen contacts, without necessary some individual saddled with the burden of footing the bills.

This I say noticing how Prof. talked about fund raising for the annual lecture and the NGO but still no ideas on how to raise the funds are coming so far.

Secondly, I noticed elsewhere how someone suggested that the trio of Salisu Danyaro, Prof. and Kurawa should raise the funds since they are now "big men". This idea is not very good as to me, the trio have done more than enough by starting this website and the many things of human development they have done to improve our intellect, vision and prospects, we as the generation following theirs who also form the majority of posters here.

So if indeed we are achieving anything as k-onliners, I suppose we should do that on our own except in situations where they think they can volunteer any form of support then they can come in, but it will prove us as unlearning if we still at this age think we have to wait for them for some expenses to carry out public lecture or start an NGO.

So whichever way I'll certainly abide by the decision reached here by the forumnites whether it is for an NGO, a public lecture or just a mere social gathering on the landline.
