Started by waduz, January 28, 2009, 11:01:29 AM

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Caf di jam! To menene maraban dambe da fada, in ba zage zage ba! Ai kaima tuzurunne kenan! Your market for a willing patner from KOL is NOT killed, but you should be very fast and crafty, don akwai alamar 'yan adawa fa ;D ;D ;D ;D. In ka samu ka haye, sai ka hayaddani ni ma, ka ji? ;D ;D ;D

To the issue at hand, if we are to take publishing a pamphlet, what are strong cases that necessitates a divorce and which could become going part of the contents? How do we analyse all issues individually as they concern breaking of marriages? How do we convince readers to tarry a while before pronouncing divorce?

1. For example, how can we convince the reader not to divorce early, wato sakin wawa?
2. What are the roles to be played by guardians (alwalai) in making a marriage they sanctioned to last.
3. What are the necessary advice to be given to sons and daughters before marrying?
4. How can a husband and wife sustain the marriage?
5. What are the implications on the society of an unhappy family?
6. Why do couples go for extra marital affairs, etc etc etc?

These are some of the issues at stake. We need to have more imputs and to have them answered deligently and to be understood easily by readers.


Waziri, you dont want an internet wife, yet you dont mind being an internet husband since u dont want yr market killed at konline. How does that work out? surely if you are to hit the jackpot (lets say) on konline, wouldnt she qualify as an internet wife? ??? ??? ???
So?????? expatiate!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Ko ba komai dai Uncle waziri da aunty Husnaa sun wasa kwakwalwa (ko key board?), Yanzu it will be good if the committee will be formally inaugurated, since i think all members appointed, accepted their appointment. :D :D, and also terms of reference have been flowing in the forum. mu dai sai muce ALLAH ya bada sa'a ya kuma ba da lada. za kuma mu bada shawarwari lokaci-lokaci.
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur


Lawalli, I know the Secretary General is working right now on the nitty gritty of the relevant AGENDAS to be disscussed. Surely every ones imputs will be needed so that the phamplet will be a good and rich one.


Quote from: HUSNAA on March 12, 2009, 05:39:43 PM
Quote from: _Waziri_ on March 12, 2009, 12:53:50 PM
Quote from: waduz on March 12, 2009, 08:29:15 AM

Both of you have some points that are thought provocking. Waziri, if it is true that you have never experienced divorce because you were never married, then it is true that you are novice in that regards.

Yes Waduz, you are right that I am a novice, something I have never denied. But then this discussing is not about me alone and I find it greatly hypocritical for someone to come out and insinuate that I want say all must agree with me. It is about people contributing to come up with something we can do as k-onliners. We share opinions here. There may be experienced people here. They may not. Even then why wont one ask that in our field work we should consult the experienced?

Why must somebody say I am against what God made Halal when in truth I never said such?  But still the person tries to get people against me by insinuating that I want my opinion go unquestioned when in reality the idea I talked about I said was from EMTL from the onset. Why I must I be made over???


You know the problem with you Waziri? You are too full of yr own self importance, otherwise my comments shouldnt cause you this much angst and pain.

Honestly speaking there are lots of things that are going on in this thread, which are unfortunate. Ke Husnaa haka fa an yi miki wasa amma kika mai da shi fada domin abin da na ce yai maki zafi. I had to apoloise to you publicly. Saboda haka ke ma yanzu har ga Allah kinyi laifi domin na karanta duk abubuwan da kika ce amma naga cewar akwai karancin fahimta a tattare dake a harkar zaman ta kewa da Jama'a a wannan forum din. Misali, shekara da shekaru muna wannan forum din amma ba'a samun tashin hankali har sai da Husnaa ta zo? Saboda kawai kina da aure sai ya zamana cewar ba wanda yasan wani abu game da harkar aure sai ke? Haba da Allah. Gaskiya it's unfortunate ace da girmanki kina nuna mana irn wannan. Ki tuna fa wannan guri ne da muka zo domin mu tattauna muyi wasa da dariya a kuma yi magana ta ilimi. Amma kawai sai muka fahimci ke har kullum baki son gaskiya saboda idan munyi magana zaki nuna man kin fi mu sanin rayuwa ko yadda duniya take perhaps dan kinfi mu shekaru ko makamancin haka. Amma ki tuna fa ba wai yawan shekaru bane ko kum aure ko rashin sa zai sa mutum ya ke fadar maganganun da yaga dama. Gaskiya it speaks volumes of your personality.

Allah ya kiyaye.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: Nuruddeen on March 21, 2009, 02:01:00 PM
Quote from: HUSNAA on March 12, 2009, 05:39:43 PM
Quote from: _Waziri_ on March 12, 2009, 12:53:50 PM
Quote from: waduz on March 12, 2009, 08:29:15 AM

Both of you have some points that are thought provocking. Waziri, if it is true that you have never experienced divorce because you were never married, then it is true that you are novice in that regards.

Yes Waduz, you are right that I am a novice, something I have never denied. But then this discussing is not about me alone and I find it greatly hypocritical for someone to come out and insinuate that I want say all must agree with me. It is about people contributing to come up with something we can do as k-onliners. We share opinions here. There may be experienced people here. They may not. Even then why wont one ask that in our field work we should consult the experienced?

Why must somebody say I am against what God made Halal when in truth I never said such?  But still the person tries to get people against me by insinuating that I want my opinion go unquestioned when in reality the idea I talked about I said was from EMTL from the onset. Why I must I be made over???


You know the problem with you Waziri? You are too full of yr own self importance, otherwise my comments shouldnt cause you this much angst and pain.

Honestly speaking there are lots of things that are going on in this thread, which are unfortunate. Ke Husnaa haka fa an yi miki wasa amma kika mai da shi fada domin abin da na ce yai maki zafi. I had to apoloise to you publicly. Saboda haka ke ma yanzu har ga Allah kinyi laifi domin na karanta duk abubuwan da kika ce amma naga cewar akwai karancin fahimta a tattare dake a harkar zaman ta kewa da Jama'a a wannan forum din. Misali, shekara da shekaru muna wannan forum din amma ba'a samun tashin hankali har sai da Husnaa ta zo? Saboda kawai kina da aure sai ya zamana cewar ba wanda yasan wani abu game da harkar aure sai ke? Haba da Allah. Gaskiya it's unfortunate ace da girmanki kina nuna mana irn wannan. Ki tuna fa wannan guri ne da muka zo domin mu tattauna muyi wasa da dariya a kuma yi magana ta ilimi. Amma kawai sai muka fahimci ke har kullum baki son gaskiya saboda idan munyi magana zaki nuna man kin fi mu sanin rayuwa ko yadda duniya take perhaps dan kinfi mu shekaru ko makamancin haka. Amma ki tuna fa ba wai yawan shekaru bane ko kum aure ko rashin sa zai sa mutum ya ke fadar maganganun da yaga dama. Gaskiya it speaks volumes of your personality.

Allah ya kiyaye.

Nura zancen kake so, ance da gwauro ina iyali!!!!!!!!!!
To dai ba zan takalu da fadan ba, sai dai kaje can wani wuri kanemi wanda zakuyi cacar bakin da ita!!!!!!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Nura zancen kake so, ance da gwauro ina iyali!!!!!!!!!!
To dai ba zan takalu da fadan ba, sai dai kaje can wani wuri kanemi wanda zakuyi cacar bakin da ita!!!!!!!

Ba wani maganar takalar fada. Kawai na fahimci ba kya san gaskiya. Da an fada miki ita sai ki fara inda inda kina neman ki nunawa mutane kina da wayo. The issue is: you have defaulted here by making all sorts of utterances to a very respectful personality that we all hold supreme. Saboda ke kina ganin mu bamu da aure. Kuma ina mamakin da yasa kike daga jijiyar wuya idan anyi maganar mata zawarawa.

Idan Bera na da Sata to Daddawa ma na da Wari. Kuma ni I have not read anywhere in your post where you made valid argument that has to do with constructive analysis on the issue at stake. Ka wai sai dai cin mu kike da Burar Tsumma. Kar fa ki zata bamu da ilimi ko kuma bamu san abin da muke ba. Ke 'Yar uwa tun daga Bakara har Nasi Allah ya hore mana dai dai gwargwado. Ni dai ina nan ina jira. Idan naga rashin gaskiya ko a inane zanyi magana. Domin ni ba wani wanda nake tsoro idan ba Allah ba. Shi ne kawai nake tsoron azabar Sa. Kuma har kullum ina rokon sa Gafara idan nayi  laifi ya yafe mini. Kar ki zata na yi wannan magana dan na bata miki rai. Ko kadan. Kawai dai dole ne idan Dan uwa ko 'Yar uwa ta yi kauli  wanda bashi da alfanu a asa mutum a hanya.

o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


i dont think it is necessary to waste so much energy on isssues that have
long been resolved amicably.  haba nura, you need to exercise patience and
be accomodating, aunty husnaa has gained so many respect in this forum
and whatever you deem fit she did it wrong she deserve some respect at
least for sticking with us alone as a lady amidst gentlemen.

so, if you disagree, i think you dont have to go this length, there are so many
points for you to raise to support your argument. 

we have a target to achieve, neither you nura nor aunty husnaa will sabotage
this debate to action, especially with legendary, lawwali, emtl, muhsin and lots
of other members who are willing to see us accomplish our aim before july 2009.

Mr. Secretary General, i think you should continue with your work and dont
be carried away by nura and husnaa.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak



Thanks everybody for your contributions to the progress of the idea. Thanks all the same DB for trying, always, to give the discussion direction.

I thought I should give a break that others may contribute positively to the praticality of the ideas discussed so far. That was why I was mute for sometime.

Now I suppose I will send an idividual PM to all members calling on their inputs. I am not sure how many days the  waiting period will be after the PM before we spring to action at commitee level.

I am waiting this long thinking that maybe some suggestions regarding the composition of the commitee will come and defeat what we have on ground.

Anyway I think I'll just sent the PMs.



Assalamu alaikum,
I think all contributions should be made in this thread not through PMs.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: EMTL on March 25, 2009, 07:01:54 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
I think all contributions should be made in this thread not through PMs.


Why? I am sending the individual PMs to all k-online members calling for their contribution  on this thread. Then subsequently the committee will work among its members and produce the first draft of the pamphlet to this thread.

This means the members of the committee, while working on the first draft of the pamphlet, will do that NOT on this thread.

If there is objection to this please it will be good if you share with us your reasons.



Assalamu alaikum,
Private messages are for private businesses. The issue at hand concern all of us NOT you alone- personalising a discussion is, I presume, what could be part of the reason why we have on so many occasions hot exchanges between members, when issuses are ascribed to individuals.

Beside by seeing the contributions as they are made could afford us to read and make comments, etc.

I hope am right Mr. Chairman of KNLine (Danbarno) you are the BOSS.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Salam all, i happened to read all through and at some point i was not happy with the way things almost escalated. It seems we have forgotten the aims and purpose of this forum. I believe it is ultimately unethical for members who are on the same platform of ideas to engage in public exchange of hot accusations between each other to the awareness of other members and guests for that matter.
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: EMTL on March 26, 2009, 07:18:46 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
Private messages are for private businesses. The issue at hand concern all of us NOT you alone- personalising a discussion is, I presume, what could be part of the reason why we have on so many occasions hot exchanges between members, when issuses are ascribed to individuals.

Beside by seeing the contributions as they are made could afford us to read and make comments, etc.

I hope am right Mr. Chairman of KNLine (Danbarno) you are the BOSS.


Private messages can be for private businesses as much as they can be for discussing solution based public issues. The most important thing is for one to know exactly when a PM is for personal or public issue.

Personally I don't think there is need for forming a committee if the committee do not have basis for meeting and discussing issues of its mandate and reporting to the umbrella organization or group.

The point is the committee must report back its conclusions that the audience may debate on it.

I think this is how things are done anywhere in the world.

Finally, I think I have almost a decade of experience in public discourses as much as I know that hot exchanges are normal occurrences  just as conflicts in marriages or relationships. They are part of this adventure we call life. But then how one takes the hot exchange is what counts and indicates whether one is mature enough or not.

This is what a commonly experienced gentleman who understands the dynamics of living should be familiar with.

I think the fact that I will  HOTLY agree with my co-discussants today and HOTLY disagree with them tomorrow shouldn't make a gentleman think he has to constantly refer to others as seemingly intolerant persons. That will not speak well of s a gentleman even in the eyes of those he might, in life, be seeking to desperately impress.

But then if others here think this discussion shouldn't go among the members of the committee exclusively then I think the idea of forming a committee from the onset is irrelevant. So nobody should go with the name or label of Secretary of the Committee or Chairman or any other for the committee.

Still should many among us here think and believe I am making things personal, I think this is a public space. I only thought I can contribute and it is why I am here. I know also I can contribute even outside the membership of any committee.

So you can strip me off of my membership of this commitee, that I may not personalise things. And I'll still try to keep contributing.

[ b]


Secretary, you have my permission to carry on pls.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak