The Difference Between the Angels and the Jinn

Started by bamalli, January 20, 2010, 07:15:41 PM

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The Difference Between the Angels and the Jinn

Taken from Ahkamut Ta’amal ma’ Al Jinn by As-Shaykh Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn
Abdullah ibn Al-Imam.

Translated by Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Lamont Battle

There are some Muslims who are ignorant about the difference between the
noble Angels and the Jinn and Shayateen. Some of the earlier nations
deviated in comparing Jinn to Angels. Shaykul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah said, “
The pagan Arabs and the people of the book acknowledge the Angels existence,
although many of them consider the Angels and Jinn as one. They believe
that Angels that disobey Allah become Shayateen. The Pagans, Jews and
Christians deny Ibless as being the father of the Jinn, they deny the Jinns’
ability to marry, have children, eat and drink. Some of the pagan Arabs
claim that the Angels are the Jinns’ offspring.[ Tafseer Al-Kabeer 7 / 381].

The following are some differences between the Angels and Jinn;

1. The Angels were created from light and the Jinn were created from
smokeless fire. This is a unique difference in creation, so it’s with all
the more reason that they differ in actions.

2. The names of the Angels differ from the names of the Jinn in general and
in detail. The names of the Angels are intended for messengers. They are
Allah’s messengers.

3. The Angels were created to obey Allah. They don’t have the free will to
disobey Him unlike the Jinn. Allah gave the Jinn the free will to obey or
disobey Him like man. So whoever desires to believe in Allah will and
whoever desires to disbelieve in Allah can.

4. The Angels don’t have desires. Therefore they don’t eat, drink, or
marry. The jinn eat, drink and marry.

5. The Angels don’t disobey Allah for a single moment. The majority of the
Jinn are Kuffar. In fact the number of Kuffar among the Jinn outnumber the
Kuffar among humans. There are some people who circulate that Harut and
Marut were Angels. This is false. They were both Jinn and the narrations
that mention them as being Angels are from the Israelites. None of those
narrations are authentic.

6. The Angels are much more stronger than the Jinn.There is no way to
imagine the strength of one Angel compared to all the Jinn. Take for example
the Angel of death. He’s one and has the ability to take any soul in an
instance any where in the world.

7. The Angels are superior to the Jinn in shape, deeds, and condition.

8. The numbers of the Angels is enormous. It outnumbers the Jinn, man, and

9. Allah created the Angels for the service to the Son of Adam. Most of the
Jinn divert man from the correct path. And at the forefront of that is their
father Ibless.

10. The Angels serve the Jinn and arrange their affairs.

11. The Angels see the Jinn all the time. The Jinn aren’t able to see the
Angels unless they take a shape which allows their visibility. If the Jinn
were able to see the Angels this would remove one aspect of faith in
something unseen.

12. Allah created the Angels before the Jinn. The proof this is the Angels
carry the Throne. The Throne was created before the heavens and earth and
everything between them.

13. The Angels are from the unseen things to believe in for the Jinn. Allah
made it an obligation for the Jinn to believe in the Angels.

14. The Angels have authority and power over the Jinn, by Allah’s
permission. Therefore the Angels can see the Jinn, defeat them, take their

15. The Angles are generally described with praise worthy traits. Most of
the Jinn are described as being whispers of evil, plotters, deceivers, and

16. The Angels aren’t described as being neither male nor female. The pagan
Arabs described the Angels as being female. The Jinn are male and female.
refer to [ Kahf 50]

17. The Angels assist the Prophets, the Messengers,and their followers to
good deeds. This is where the first inspiration to do good comes from. Ibn
Taymeeyah said,� *The inspiration to seek the truth and do good is inspired
from the Angels. The idea to follow corrupt belief and make corruption is
inspired from the Shayateen*.[ Maj’mo 4/34]

18. The Angels live in the heavens and the Jinn live in dirty places.

19. The Angels fly in the form they were created. The Jinn can only fly if
they take another form other than the one they were created in .