Muslim police say Islam should not to blamed for terror attacks!!!

Started by Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu, January 21, 2010, 12:24:50 PM

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Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

          The Muslim police officers in the United Kingdom, as reported by the British Daily Telegraph, have rebelled openly against the Government's anti-terrorism strategy, warning that it is an "affront to British values" which threatens to trigger ethnic unrest. The National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP), claimed that British parliament ministers were wrong to blame Islam for being the "driver" behind recent terrorist attacks. The officers told MPs that, Muslims were being "stigmatised" by the Government's attempts to tackle terrorism, which was adding to "hatred" against entire communities. They added that, officers may be reluctant to take part in "hearts and minds" anti-terrorism campaigns.

In my opinion:  Alot of things have to be done.We must first put our house in order if we really want audacity to deal with any Western threat to Muslims in particular and Islam in general become a reality.

"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".



Although I don't live in the West but I know Muslims living there are facing great challenges, which only exercising patience could give them some peace. But some of our brethren actions and inactions are unmentionable.

I am with you, Doctor. But the case in point here is: how can we "put our house in order"? Many Muslims really need to undergo re-orientation programs. Fundamentalism, extremism and "Islamism" that are contrary to the true teaching of Islam is always on increasing. Sometimes when you gear-up to depend Islam you run out of what to actually say; it's sickening, wallahi.

May Allah come to Muslim's rescue, amin.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

Dear Mallam Muhsin,
                   You've said well, really many Muslims, with the learned ones that think are Heads of some factions inclussive, need to undergo re-orientation programs. Many of us have forgotten that, The Holy Qur'an and the hadiths can be employed in any era or civilisation to address comtemporary issues. By "putting our house in order", I here mean halting uprisings and conflits with Christians worldwide. We should not forget that, a christian had been a neighour to our prophet (SAW) and because of the wise prophet-to-christian relations and actions, all ended in him converting to Islam). These and many but countable reasons are what today give the Western powers the chances of the actions today.
"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".


Salam, Doctor

From your reply, you seem to have experienced exactly what I think (or fear?) our Muslim living in the West are going thorough. Hence, I'll like to "hear": how do you manage to live thorough the challenges? That will give me and other readers some ideas on how to tackle such problems.

Relatively speaking, I learned even in some Islamic countries particularly Nigerian Muslims are being looked down upon and sometimes even harassed. What the heck is wrong? Just because of the intended action of one of its citizens? This is absolutely stupid and back-warded behaviour, wallahi.

May Allah come to Muslims' rescue wherever they are.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

Hi Muhsin!
            Muslims living in the West are going thorough the problems of being victimised, stigmatised, hated, and even molested differently. As far as I know, common European people in their day-to-day activities, children in schools, do not show or react otherwise to Muslims. An exeption is France, where there are some elememts of segraegation and so on. These are common people. However, people in public offices, especially parliamentarians, journalists and writers, are real threats to not only Muslims in Europe, but to all of us worldwide. Even churches, with this respect, are far better than the mentioned groups of people.
              As regards the place I am in now, Ukraine, 80% of the citizens do not even know what is Islam; all of them had been atheists (from during Soviet Union) though there are many up to today. The church that reins here is the orthordost. Russians and Ukrainians are everyday being baptised just for passion; they believe Jesus is God, and that christian religion is part of their culture. So, Muslims here do not face any problems.
              There are up to a thousand Nigerians in Ukraine - petty Igbo, Yoruba, and Bendelite business men and women in different markets, some are drug traffickers, and many are in Russian and Ukrainian prisons. Most of the Muslims here are Arab students, Africanb ones and Caucasians. The worst here is that, when a Nigerian christian (especially Igbos) get to know that you are a Muslim, that is all, some even openly call you a suicide bomber.
"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".


Hello, Doctor

I wonder how in France where I thought there are Muslims of a considerable number. And why or rather how the threats of those parliamentarians, journalists and writers are not only to Muslims but everyone?

Again, how Ukrainians know nothing or little about Islam? I was under an impression that there are again a number of Muslims on that shore knowing the fact States like Chechnya are Muslims'. More-over, are countries like Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazastan, Afghanistan, and other -tans from Russia?

Muslims really need to do something; I kinda of believe converting those people to Islam won't be a very difficult task.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

Hi Muhsin,
           The more the number of muslims in an European country, the more the feelings of concern from the government.
            There are actually Muslim Sunni in the southern part of Ukraine, along the black sea, known as "the tartars of Kreamia". Nevertheless, if you go back to my last post, you would understand that, they do not play any significant role. They were forced, by the Soviet leader Joseph Starlin, to leave where they are now, and have for long being fighting for land but ignored. The rest of Ukraine remains as I said - more than 80% of them do not know what Islam is.
            I also want to make some corrections in your impressions: yes, Chechnya and Dogistan are in Russian Republic and are Muslim sunni; Georgia is in Gruzin and are 100% catholics; Uzbekistan is 97% muslim; Kazastan 45%; Afghanistan and other -tans , though muslim states, are completely not in Russia. All the same, no any common person does anything to a person because he is a Muslim, and moreover, the above countries are not in Europe, but in Asia.
         As I mentioned, Europeans in government, parliamentarians, journalists, and writers, are the worst enemies to Muslims ans Islam. There are many instances in the past and presently, but this forum is never enough to site them.

Again, how Ukrainians know nothing or little about Islam? I was under an impression that there are again a number of Muslims on that shore knowing the fact States like . More-over, are countries like

Muslims really need to do something; I kinda of believe converting those people to Islam won't be a very difficult task.
"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".



Thanks for the info. I'll respond further when I get back, inshaAllah.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


of course every religion wants peace.Our god has not told us to fight but suggest us to live in peace and harmony.It's the only thinking of people that we have to change there find Islam is not there your mind is terror.


Quote from: Dr. Abbas Bubakar    El-ta'alu on January 24, 2010, 08:50:32 AM
Hi Muhsin,
             I also want to make some corrections in your impressions: yes, Chechnya and Dogistan are in Russian Republic and are Muslim sunni; Georgia is in Gruzin and are 100% catholics; Uzbekistan is 97% muslim; Kazastan 45%; Afghanistan and other -tans , though muslim states, are completely not in Russia. All the same, no any common person does anything to a person because he is a Muslim, and moreover, the above countries are not in Europe, but in Asia.

IF that is the case, Doctor, I can't imagine what caused Afghan-Russia conflict in the late 80s? I thought it has to do with Afghanistan being part of Russia and wanted to have sovereignty.

As I mentioned, Europeans in government, parliamentarians, journalists, and writers, are the worst enemies to Muslims ans Islam. There are many instances in the past and presently, but this forum is never enough to site them.

I would like Doctor to share some of these instances with us here. Thanks
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu

To Muhsin: The reason to Afghan-Russia conflict (and even war) had been purely political, Russia wanted a place from where it could easily strike America, and so did America. The nearest country, from Russia, to strike America is Iran, and that is why the relationship between the two countries had and is still codial. Likewise, the nearest country, from America, to strike Russia is Afganistan, and so that is why America and Europe are still interested in Afganistan. 

To Mystyle: Do please always use a capital letter in the 'G', while reparing to God, The Al-Mighty.

                                                                                        Thank you.
"It is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the ones that are more responsive to change"
                               ~ Charles Darwin ~

"You can not hold a man down without staying down with him".