bride of africa

Started by tmega, February 14, 2004, 05:18:07 PM

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Jewel of the savannah
lotus of the rainforest
their is none under the sun
comparable to thee.
Queen of the night
goddess of the dawn,
the pride of Africa
the bride of Africa
none rivals your beauty
as your hair floats
in the winds of the Sahara,
your eyes call
in the depths of the Niger,
and your lips flow
with the heat of coals.
Oh daughter of the earth
your virtues
are rooted in the mangrove swamps
and yes your hips
tell of rhythms
as passionate as your mysteries
which enthrals and haunts
all who behold you.
The subtleness of your kisses
shadows the intoxication of wine,
for your honeyed nectars
throb with desires
as exotic as tropical flowers.
Bride of Africa
the wellspring of life
your lush breasts
makes the peaks of Kilamanjaro
kneel in worship,
even as the torrential rain
soothes all with the warmth
of your bosom
and yes your fertility
defies mortal reasoning
for you undulate with seasons
known only by your heritage
whose royal hue
you bestowed
on the earth your home