The damage is already in place and still being don

Started by Anonymous, November 17, 2002, 02:34:22 AM

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The damage is already in place and still being done
Die the wretched, buried in diamond casket  
They had and still having what they want
But yet not satisfied, too greedy for their public interest

The damage is already in place and still being done
The softest touch in us it has been replaced by pains
When we close our eyes to sleep at night
Their harrowing memories is the subject in our dreams

The damage is already in place and still being done
We try to carol but it’s like it pinch the eyes
So they issue sanctions and hide the red rock of diplomacy
We now realize that it’s a lost we can’t replace  

The damage is already in place and still being done
We try to move ahead to meet 1/3 of theirs
They release conflict between neighborhood countries
And give out the best weapons to destroy from one country to another in minutes

The damage is already in place and still being done
Souls being wasted like atoms in an air
This is no war commanded by generals in battle field But commanded by men in their Offices with air condition’s and comfort who don’t even know the sound of a bullet

The damage is already in place and still being done
We try to go positive but the pains in us can not allow
And this made part of us criminals and people are scared of us
They try to move away from us after all they made us who we are today

The damage is already in place and still being done
We live without trust
We work without trust
We live to move not forward but where we were yesterday

The damage is already in place and still being done
Our own brothers with them says black man black mind      
Our own have turned against us why oh why
Conflict every where clashes every where confusion is nothing new

The damage is already in place and still being done
People believe white means peace and some are believe to be address as white men
Peace is not the absents of conflict but the presents of justice
There fore a white man can not be call a white man but a orange man

The damage is already in place and still being done
Our leaders think they can see but there vision to orange men is little
For the peace they have without presents of justice is too much for them
So they hide and call it civilization, is not the impair of a place but repair to update

The damage is already in place and still being done
This act by them is for their country’s interest
Or for their political career, killing, making people to surfer suits you?
For any interest there shall be justice which is blind. And it’s hiding

The damage is already in place and still being done
We have one thing with it we are unbeatable love by God
Dispread the potential forces from angles and ethnic conflict
We stand to be one continent Africa. Nigeria giant of all  


da Hunniez Gettin Money Playin Niggaz Like Dummy


aNo Ta DaBo ChiGaRii, GaRi Ba KaNo Ba DaJin ALLaH.


"Ouch"!!! This is tyt!!! ;)
This is heavy Bilya...Agaishe kar
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!
