Zazzagawa Vs. Kanawa

Started by Kunta_Kinte, August 11, 2003, 09:57:42 PM

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tuhh!!! yar Mallam Shehu!! hala daga Gabas kika fito???     ke ba ki isa ci ba............... so gyara zama kinji ki tsit da bakinki :P :P :P :P :P :P ;D ;D ;D
   Anywayz zage zage means Zarian :'( :'( :'(


hmm!! turawa sai kwai!!!!!! WAI ZARIAN..... :-/ :-/.....kamar in ka ce mata YAN ZARIA ai ya wadatar.


A`A su Hausa ERROR aikin ka natafi ya dai dai........ kasan aikin ka.....


Oh boy! Ooh Boy!!

What is wrong with you all? I am a citizen of Kano and my family had been in Kano for over two centuries so I can say that I am a true Bakano. As for Zaria, I passed by it a lot of times on my way form Kano to kaduna and yah Ma nephews mother is from Zaria. Ok thats history and not the point I am trying to make...

The point is that something is wrong with someone somewhere and somebody need to ask someone to clear some of his "wrongs."

Kano Zaria, Zaria kano, Kano Zaria???//

We all know which is bigger and we clearly know the difference, don't we? You know you can't even compare Kaduna with kano talkless of a village called Zaria and the mighty kano. The Giants of the north.

I am not been baised here but comeon you guys preety well know the differences and let them be not lie about them.

The point is Kano is kano and Zaria is Zaria. Thats it!!!

Lets all put our heads together and help develop the entire nation not to start talking about Kano tafi Asia or Zaria tafi Europe. You see they are not even comparable geographically. Kano- STATE : Zaria - LOCAL GAMMAN

I'm outaa here and I hope I don't offend someone cos if someone fells offended, the someone has to say something. ;D ;D ;D


ga joke.

the last time angel jibril came to earth was 1400 yrs ago. when d prophet was dying. recently he came down n another angel was giving him a tour. they went to a big city and d guide said "this is new york" n jibril said " this is new york? it has really changed. d last time i was here, there were only indian huts around." they went to london, paris, mecca n medina n jibril was surprised at the change. d last place they went to was zaria n jibril said " dis must be zaria."

the town hadnt changed in all that time.


This is no joke Bashir!!!

You are joking and involving Jibril (Arch Angel Jibril), thats wrong, I think. When you wanna joke, joke about something small not someone with the status of Jibril in Islam. this is just an opinion!!!

By the way Hehehe some of the things you said are correct about just facing who we are and not bothering about what we have and others don't. i.e Kano and Zaria
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


salaam alykum.

is reverence for angels required of muslims? jibril is just an angel isnt he? arent humans supposed to be d top dogs?


Not all Humans Not you or me. Angel Jibril is Anjel jibril and you are no superior than him.

All I said was an opinion and I know its wrong.

Really I can't comment of your status with him. I'm outta here!
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


maalam sanusi. werent d angels asked nay ordered to bow to adam?

its ok for u to have an opinion. i wdnt b coming to this forum if i only wanted ppl to agree with whatever i say.


oh!Zariyannan sun iya rigima wai harda kano suke hada kansu,damn!dere is know how za'a hada kano da Zaria coz nagaba yayi gaba na baya sai labari,Zaria go and find ur mates but not kano. 8)


Bashir, are you sure you are muslim?
or is it just the name?


QuoteBashir, are you sure you are muslim?
or is it just the name?
Al-hamzah what makes u think Bashir isn't a muslim......?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


QuoteBashir, are you sure you are muslim?
or is it just the name?

yeah, y d u ask?


I am not asking if bashir is a muslim or not. I wannt you all to know tha he is a muslim as much as kano is kano and zaria is zari. The only differewnce is that Zaria is the citadel of knowledge and kano is only a commercial centre. Is that not enogh to really shape the persona? :-X


let bashir be plz. thats is a joke we all laughed it n is gone shikenan. u guyz r boring