Latest from the General Board

Started by gogannaka, August 17, 2006, 02:41:47 PM

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Most of us chit chatters hardly have the time to go through those lengthy posts in the general board ba!
Maybe we should just summarize the happenings there so that our souls are saved from the 'strong-strong' vocabulary they use there.

To start,these are the most active members in the general board:

Here are some of the happenings:
Ete who happens to be a bit controversial proves to be a good samaritan.He is recruiting nigerian basketballers that will eventually play in the U.S.Unfortunately,the nigerian government officials say he must bring 'goro' before he opens a recruiting centre,our dear ete says NO

Admin kuma has lately been hammring posts with his sledge hammer.He sees a topic he doesen't like,he slams it.Kaput,finish,babu,CLOSED
Lionger and ete have complained but to no avail.He's admin  :roll:

Mlbash ehn,went and posted ahmedinajad's letter to Bush.Hmm mm,sparked off some serious debate which i never read all but i know that waziri quoted some verses in deutronomy and he said he didnt beleive the holocaust happened.If you read the response from Lionger ehn.

Husnaa responds to everything!such a genious. Misses waziri though.

Waz on the other hand is becoming tired by the bashing he recieves from everybody.They arent fair to him.Whatever he says becomes offensive to either ete or lionger.So he says he's tired.

There's also middlesbelt who's trying all his best to show that the south is more populated than the north.He's new with Google earth also.

Anyway these are just some of the things happening there.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


gogannaka, do not forget the contribution of Dave_McEwan_Hill in the General Board also...


Thanx 4 da update. There's no way i cud've gone through all those posts.

Too much controversy, plus da english wey dem dey knack done pass my

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


goga...? no turn we head!  :?  please allow us to chit chat here!

no bring gra... gra... or bla... bla.. tory for our chit chat page.

if we wan bla bla we go go de right page.  no turn we head woh?


Quote from: "Fateez"Thanx 4 da update. There's no way i cud've gone through all those posts.

Too much controversy, plus da english wey dem dey knack done pass my


Abi my sista, zat english pit kill man fikin eardrums, am a traditional man, how i go take farticifate wit ze (K.I.Gs) Kanoonline Intellectuall Gurus?

And You G-naka you porgot yourselp? Let me write on your behalp: Gogannaka spends more op his time dancing Srough feofles fost without actuallly fosting anything!...Lol!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: "Fateez"Thanx 4 da update. There's no way i cud've gone through all those posts.

Too much controversy, plus da english wey dem dey knack done pass my


Abi my sista, zat english pit kill man fikin eardrums, am a traditional man, how i go take farticifate wit ze (K.I.Gs) Kanoonline Intellectuall Gurus?

And You G-naka you porgot yourselp? Let me write on your behalp: Gogannaka spends more op his time dancing Srough feofles fost without actuallly fosting anything!...Lol!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: "Fateez"Thanx 4 da update. There's no way i cud've gone through all those posts.

Too much controversy, plus da english wey dem dey knack done pass my


Abi my sista, zat english pit kill man fikin eardrums, am a traditional man, how i go take farticifate wit ze (K.I.Gs) Kanoonline Intellectuall Gurus?

And You G-naka you porgot yourselp? Let me write on your behalp: Gogannaka spends more op his time dancing Srough feofles fost without actuallly fosting anything!...Lol!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: "sdanyaro"gogannaka, do not forget the contribution of Dave_McEwan_Hill in the General Board also...

How could i have forgotten DAVE the teacher,Dattijo.
He's the most unbiased kanoonliner.

Latest has it that there's a hot debate going on in the general board under the topic:'THE ISRAELI/LEBANON CONFLICT'. Surprisingly the topic was started by dankauye(of all people).There ete made some very gruesome remarks but was called to order by his pally Lionger.Hmm better go read for yourself.Ete is just spitting fire Even at Mr.Dave o  :o
Go and read for yourselves.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Lol. You guys should post there more often; long ago when I first joined more people were posting on the General Board. What happened?

Btw goga, na wetin u dey yarn for hia??

QuoteWaz on the other hand is becoming tired by the bashing he recieves from everybody.They arent fair to him.Whatever he says becomes offensive to either ete or lionger.So he says he's tired.

Shebi u wan put leg enta trousa wit me  :twisted: ? I never bashed Waziri, nor did I ever label any of his posts offensive. I simply disagreed with his view on Genesis, Deuteronomy and Israel and he got mad. The only thing Waziri should be tired of is his condescending attitude towards other forumners :twisted: !

Eniwe, like I said, y'all should post there more. I mean, how interesting can 'this or that' or word association'? Gotta mull the more serious issues sometimes..bless!



I had at sometime joined the debates there, but it seems there asome posters there who, IMO, put on the garb of know-it-all. They don't give ground even when they know they have weaker arguments. That puts me off, even though it shouldn't as this is a forum. SOme of the discussions there are quite intellectual though and I still go thru the General Board now and then.


...He begot not, nor is He begotten!

Yoruba Land

Quote from: "lionger"
Shebi u wan put leg enta trousa wit me  :twisted: ? I never bashed Waziri, nor did I ever label any of his posts offensive. I simply disagreed with his view on Genesis, Deuteronomy and Israel and he got mad. The only thing Waziri should be tired of is his condescending attitude towards other forumners :twisted: !


Na lie be dat. Lionger Goggs  is right. You ppl bash the living legend. You label his posts offensive as Sammy's and Usman11. You call him names sugesting he mischieviously distorts the Bible, blah, blah, blah. You say he is highhanded, when it is you who are. But finally he has scaled through it all.

You pll wanted to embarass him but he has won the debate  and allow you in shame. Other forumners must go and see the finishing part of it. He proved you don't know what you are doing which make you feel he is highhanded.

Waz, don't relent as Husna said. You have survived so many agressors on this forum. I only fear the day they will get you, but mean while you remain on top.


Yorubaland, how bodi!

I challenge you to bring up the posts I made where I bashed Waziri, or where I was 'highhanded' and condescending towards him; where I called him names - inshort, anything that would have produced the kind of response Waziri gave in the thread he started. Produce those posts or kindly take back this accusation. The funny thing is that Waziri himself never made the same allegations you or gogannaka are making here, so please read my posts properly.

Your reference to my comments about sammy and usman11's posts being insulting do not count for two reasons: One, they were made after Waziri's thread against me and Ete; two - you obviously missed the point I was trying to make.

What was the nature of sammy's and usman11's accusations against Islam? In general you will agree that they accused muslims and their prophet Muhammed of being violent people. Yorubaland, you and otehr muslims found this very insulting, and this is natural. But here Waziri is telling us that the Jewish religion of today is racist and violent, and virtually inspires all of the Jews' violent actions. Now is there really much difference b/w Waziri's charges and those of sammy and usman11? Both comments basically discredit the religions they target. Sure Waziri backed his position with facts, but so did the others! What I was trying to show Waziri was that he did not suffer the sort of aversion that sammy and usman11 did; at least not from me. At no point did I ever call him names. All I did was to factually disprove what was an attack on the Torah which I also hold sacred. Now with sammy and usman11, no-one bothered to disprove anything they said factually; all they got was censore and insult!

Now Yorubaland, why is it that you have a right to call sammy an illiterate liar without factually disproving his position on Islam, and yet I have no right to disprove an attack on the Torah which I hold dear? To say I did not know what I was talking about is plainly unfair and untrue. The fact that I was able to cite the location of every verse that made up Waziri's Deuteronomy passage should show that I am at the very least familiar with the Torah. So can you explain to me this obvious discrepancy?

Broda, it should be obvious to you and everyone here that I disproved strongly of sammy's, usman11's and even some of Ete's abrasive arguments. However your comments here only serves to lend credence to some of their arguments against Muslims. Waziri's status as a 'living legend' does not exempt him from critical appraisal, especially when he is saying the worst that could possibly be said of another religion and their text! Seeing my posts merely as an attempt to embarass him is very unjust. Let's steer clear from all pseudo-mob mentality attitudes and look at issues objectively!


Quote from: "[bBakan~Gizo[/b]"]I had at sometime joined the debates there, but it seems there asome posters there who, IMO, put on the garb of know-it-all. They don't give ground even when they know they have weaker arguments. That puts me off, even though it shouldn't as this is a forum. SOme of the discussions there are quite intellectual though and I still go thru the General Board now and then
Life like KO, is full of all sorts...u just have to be patient and tolerant.
Don Allah kar ayi fushi...acigaba da hakuri da mu :(


Quote from: "gogannaka"Most of us chit chatters hardly have the time to go through those lengthy posts in the general board ba!
Maybe we should just summarize the happenings there so that our souls are saved from the 'strong-strong' vocabulary they use there.

To start,these are the most active members in the general board:

Here are some of the happenings:
Ete who happens to be a bit controversial proves to be a good samaritan.He is recruiting nigerian basketballers that will eventually play in the U.S.Unfortunately,the nigerian government officials say he must bring 'goro' before he opens a recruiting centre,our dear ete says NO

Admin kuma has lately been hammring posts with his sledge hammer.He sees a topic he doesen't like,he slams it.Kaput,finish,babu,CLOSED
Lionger and ete have complained but to no avail.He's admin  :roll:

Mlbash ehn,went and posted ahmedinajad's letter to Bush.Hmm mm,sparked off some serious debate which i never read all but i know that waziri quoted some verses in deutronomy and he said he didnt beleive the holocaust happened.If you read the response from Lionger ehn.

Husnaa responds to everything!such a genious. Misses waziri though.

Waz on the other hand is becoming tired by the bashing he recieves from everybody.They arent fair to him.Whatever he says becomes offensive to either ete or lionger.So he says he's tired.

There's also middlesbelt who's trying all his best to show that the south is more populated than the north.He's new with Google earth also.

Anyway these are just some of the things happening there.

You guys are having great funs here we don't know. So, we follow you to have it together; Am I welcome? Don Allah kada ai min rowa.....LOL.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.