Started by hafiz amin umar, September 12, 2007, 03:14:57 PM

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hafiz amin umar

Prior to the advent of democracy in nigeria,bussiness operators and economic analyst has been waiting anxiously,the completion of the military govt elongation to civilian rule program,blaming the absence of democracy for the lack of economic progress in the country,it was fervently thought that consitutional  rule would bring political stability needed to atrack nervous local and foreign investors in to the potentially wealthy country.
     Now,morethan 8years into its fourth republic,nigeria appears to be even further from political stability.Since democracy was restored on may,1999,thousands of people have died in growing sectarian fighting,more chaos and death than during the military dictatorship,understanding investors remain cautious,retaining a wait and see attitude to the country seemingly in the process   of being ripped apart by religious and ethnic complicts.Under the current condition rapid economic growth is improbable,regardless of what macro-economics are adopted by the goverment.Next to corruption in nigeria is sectarianism,particularly ethnic nationalism is probably the biggest impediment to economic development in nigeria,sectarianism undermines development in so many ways,sectarian complict mostly stemming from ethnic intolarance and bigotry has left many african countries in ruins.In recent years the deathrate from ethnic battles in nigeria,is morethan 3,000 people,yet africas most populous nation is not included in the list of war-torn countries.In ternal complict in nigeria have not only resulted in huge losses of human lives,mainly young nd potential economically active youths,but have also destroyed scarce infrasturacture and undermines productive activities,including agriculture.
              The ongoing unrest in the nigerias niger-delta region is to a large part a complict over resources-oil.The scramble for resources has encourage a way of thinking thats not conducive to wealth creation and economic development.Its the view that persons material prosperity is linked to his origin,weather ethnic,regional or religious-the understanding that ethnic membership comes with certain material entitlements,people blame their poverty on other group of people who are said to have robbed them of their birthright,for instance the improvished local inhabitats of niger-delta believe that their destitution is deu to the northern hausa\fulani who gobble the oil wealth derived from their region,yorubas believe that they will be better off if they form their 
own state and are not held by feudal northerners who have dominated nigerias   
political realm.The perspective is some what similar to the perception of the  people in race-conscious societies,working class white loathe blacks because they believe that they are responsible for their poverty by taking their jobs,housing accomodation and other entitlements.On their part,socially oppressed blacks blame their poverty entirely on racial oppression,they believe that they are poor becouse,they are blacks the other side of the coin to the poor white,who thinks that blacks or indeed jews have denied him his entaitilement of wealth by virtue of his whiteness.
            Both race and ethnic consciousness can serve to entrap people in their 
poverty by blinding themto other couses of their predicament and the real dynamics of economic prosperity,without seeking to discount the social and physchological impact of racism on black people living in white domninated societies,the perception of race an unsurmountable barrier to economic prosperity has been one of the factor holding back black americans in u.s.Black people remain poor not simply becouse of racial discrimination but also becouse they have not engage in wealth creation,this in it self is partly deu to race discrimination limiting their oppurtunity to create wealth,but also becouse blacks not fully engage the system from economic perspective rather than race..
       Simple race or ethnic interpretations of the world obscure real understanding of the causes of material poverty and the process of enrichment,poverty is determined by peoples relationship to the means of production and not their racial or ethnic origins.Local communities in the niger-delta are not poor becouse they are ijaw or ogonis,nor becouse of oppression by ethnic  hausas,the majority of whom are as poor as the improvished niger delta people,they remain poor becouse they remain in a nation  that is not geared to wealth creation,largely becouse its governed by ruling class that lacks interest in organising real development in any part of the country,by encouraging the view that society should be organised around peoples origin rather than their individual capacity,ethnic nationalism encourage in efficiency and mediocracy.         

hafiz amin umar

In under developed societies that are accurately short of human talents and expertise,its folly to allocate employment on the basis of ethnic origins or balancing ethnic representation.
             In many african countries including nigeria,ethnic and regional consideration in the appointment of goverment officials is the major contributing factor in the corruption and incompetance in the state .We need to move toward a situation where people are judged as individuals and not a member of a particular ethnic or religious or regional group,but this will not happen for as long asethnic nationalism remains a potent means of self enrichment for predators elite,unfurtunately ethnic warlord who lack the imagination and intelect to make money through engaging in productive activities,find that they can be come rich by promoting destruction through ethnic strife and war,the predators elite who fuelled sectarian complict to gain access to economic resources are in many respect similar 
to the seventeenth-nineteenth centuary african chiefs and merchants who promoted inter-communal violance to generate slaves to sell to european buyers to enrich themselves.Indeed,when we place the pointlessness of the alongside,the no of people on both side,who profit from fighting ,the paralel past is evidence,yesterdays predators elite breed tribal hatred and organised wars to produce slaves,todays predators conteneu to breed ethnic intolarance and organised armed complicts to gain control of material resources to trade wiz foreing buyers  selling glittering merchandise.Not much has change the continent remains afflicted by ruling elites who are bandits and crass oppurtunist .Like yesterdays countless communal wars that sometimes raged for decades at a time   -eliminating the people growth potentials,most of todays ethnic wars have strong commercial element too opten to be ignored by analyst who explain the apparent -propensity to tribal violence in Africa on some innate disposition of African people.


Nigeria, nigeria, nigeria (Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm).
When it comes to this country's issues you can right a neva ending
book on it am not gonna go in to deep. From someone being killed for no reason to the major issues
like infrastucture everything is just sooo messed up, simple things ma an kasa
yi *Tsoki*.
People need to set aside their differences and work together to help get problems resolved
what you find theses days is ppl na cutar da dan uwansu for the benefit of themselves it happens in govement and with just random ppl, life dont work like that no wonder why theres so much problems going on its like a disease with no treatment.
The laws are not followed properly, rules need to be layed down strictly and to be acted upon regardless
of background, cultures etc.
If only ppl would take theses and other factors into account maybe, just maybe nigeria will start steering
away from the wrong direction its in and begin to flourish.

Allah dai ya taimaka Ameen.

*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*

hafiz amin umar

           Kin san yanzu ALLAH yakawomu wani zamani kowa  ta kansa yake.....
bama yan uwansa ko kabilarsa ba kawai, kansa. kadanne suka san gaskiya.


Wallahi kuwa malam Hafiz, abubuwa sai da taimakon ubangiji shi ka iya mana.
Dan Adam mai wuyar gane hali!!
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


WE'RE STILL HERE Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
(shakes head).
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*