Cigiya 'yan uwa

Started by Ihsan, January 31, 2003, 11:14:36 PM

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Quote from: IBB on October 02, 2008, 12:08:56 AM
DB baka da sauki, ka sausautawa kanin nan naka mana. But m curious, who is she married to n gone to honey moon with, you?

presumptuous?  very curious, any interest?


dan borno so kake kayi kisan kai ne?

Haba,didn't they teach you how to present bad news in a good way?

Bee Allah ya bada zaman lafiya ya kuma kawo zuriya ta gari.
Muhsin ka kuma Allah ya huci zuciyar ka.Amma dai kasa mutum ba dadi,after all the effort.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Inna Lillahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun ;D ;D ;D

Allah ya bada zaman lafiya. ::) :'( :-X
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Kai kuma dai!! GGNK da Muhsin!! Are u serious about DB's pronounciations? Yo ko zancen 'yar 1968 din ma a barbada masa dan gishiri dan a iya hadiye shi. Na Bee kuwa ku zabga mishi sikari kafin kusha!!  ;D ;D
Ba kamshin gaskiya a ko dayan su!!
Muhsin yana jin kunyar DB ne shiyasa bai musa ba!
Anyway kai Muhsin, why go far in yr search? Ga DB yana renon 'yan mata dan dasa dan dasa. In another ten yrs, sai layin marsandi za a rika yi a kofar gidan sa, ai gara kai yi kamun kafa tun yanzu muhsin!! ;D ;D
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Ai yaron naki ya faye ruwan ido, ko a chan BUK ma an
sanshi, akan yi masa lakabi da "yada karimatu ka dau

Where is MUDA ne, i am tired of this Interim Government
without power.

Ina Sheik Bamalli ne, tun kafin azumi ya dauke kafa.

Ina MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA da maigidanta Ibro ne?

my daughter, nayi fushi dake, where are you?
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Muhsin za ka sha jira.
Shekara goma  :o :o :o

Idan fa lallai ka na son wadda tayi auren to ka yi wa DB magana sun san yadda suke.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: Dan-Borno on October 02, 2008, 05:38:54 PM

Where is MUDA ne, i am tired of this Interim Government
without power.

I'm here, and i am really pleased with the way and manner you carried on without me, this proves your undoubted loyalty in this community. i am Impressed.
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: *~MuDa~* on October 03, 2008, 06:54:23 PM
Quote from: Dan-Borno on October 02, 2008, 05:38:54 PM

Where is MUDA ne, i am tired of this Interim Government
without power.

I'm here, and i am really pleased with the way and manner you carried on without me, this proves your undoubted loyalty in this community. i am Impressed.

Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: HUSNAA on October 02, 2008, 03:20:57 PM
Anyway kai Muhsin, why go far in yr search? Ga DB yana renon 'yan mata dan dasa dan dasa. In another ten yrs, sai layin marsandi za a rika yi a kofar gidan sa, ai gara kai yi kamun kafa tun yanzu muhsin!! ;D ;D
Ai tun-tuni aka sace mini gwiwa da neman 'ya'yan Onliners; babban wanda nake ganin zai iya rufa mini asiri ya...declined me instanta! I can't forget that time, really. I thank Allah that it was not even I myself that asked for that. ::)

Quote from: Dan-Borno on October 02, 2008, 05:38:54 PM
Ai yaron naki ya faye ruwan ido, ko a chan BUK ma an
sanshi, akan yi masa lakabi da "yada karimatu ka dau

Heard this xpression for the fisrt time. Ever!

Quote from: gogannaka on October 03, 2008, 06:00:05 PM
Muhsin za ka sha jira.
Shekara goma  :o :o :o

Who knows it feels it.
Na kusa kaiwa kamar kai a lokacin ko? Lalle ka tausaya min. ;D
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if he or she were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do so with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.
— Og Mandino (Motivational Author & Speaker)


Welcome back, Goodfella.

Kema BEE na gano ki. Welcome back. Allah yasa am the first to say this. LOL ;D
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Welcome welcome Muda and Goodfella nice to read from you's. ;)
Where are ma ladiez at!!!
Ummita, fateez, ummutameem, mufi, hafsy and hafsee where u dey hide??
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Welcome back Oga Moderator

Quote from: Muhsin on October 04, 2008, 01:38:06 PM
Quote from: gogannaka on October 03, 2008, 06:00:05 PM
Muhsin za ka sha jira.
Shekara goma  :o :o :o

Who knows how it feels.
Na kusa kaiwa kamar kai a lokacin ko? Lalle ka tausaya min. ;D

Jama'a ku duba, Muhsin fa yace wani abu anan. Why GGNK has pity 4 Muhsin (bcos Muhsin will be like him, if he waits 10yrs b4 gettin married?)


Muhsin ka ci abinci!
Bari in kawo ma ruwa.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Amma dai ba mai yaji bane abincinko?! In ya shake kaga da magana ke nan! ::) ::)
A lazy youth is definitely a begging adult! Bata hankalin Dare ka yi suna!: Fas'alu ahalil zikri, inkuntum la ta'alamun!