Govnor of KANO

Started by Sas, October 11, 2003, 07:07:45 PM

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Hey guys,

I had not been in Kano for a while: I'm stuck with some crazy people, real crazy people. So whats up with the new Govnor? Is he doing some good jobs? do the people like him? Is he like his predecessor or just wanna know about him cos he sounds like a nice person.

Did I mention I am leaving with some real crazy people??
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


Hi Sanusi
To really know what goes on in Kano you need to get down there yourself.
Neither the print media nor electronic media tell you the exact thing going on.


Yah Gaskiya ne  
Babu wani site da yake fadar news a kano sai dai general news a nigeria with only one entry for kano each week.

But still can someone try to capture some of the things?
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


Yes please someone tell us what is going on in Kano


Yeah sanusi,
i can understand what you might be saying,
i had these irani room mates and they used to dance around wearing only under-wears,

then i had the arab room-mate that would only talk of palestine and yasser arafat, i almost felt like throwin studies in the bin and goin on Jihad (which if Allah blesses me, i will after me studies)

Plus the fiji guy that would play martial music after fajr everyday (he turned to islam)

then thier was the ethiopian that would brag about ethiopia bieng the best african nation and ask me questions in insulting tones (thanks to the drug pushers of the south)

well as far as kano is concerned  am sure the sun still rises from the east and sets in the west and the moon is still bright,

donno much, left nigerian airspace on 13th of march 2000 at 00.21hrs


Thats quite long I am only away for a year.

So your roomates are really diverse.

Kan som wan se somtin abawut Kano pllliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiz.
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


Kan som wan se somtin abawut Kano pllliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiz.

ok mr.Alhassan it seems like you really want to hear about Kano. I was there for the whole month of June may be I can help a bit. one thing I know about our new governor is that he wasn't staying at the govenor mansion up to the time I left Kano. another thing is that I don't think a lot have been change. there's still lack of electric power and water, which make me thing how ones' supposed to live without water. but they are still surviving. oh yah I saw a very nice road I think it's called "maiduguri road" which was just completed and still looking good. the rest of the roads are all messed up. you will be crying for your car before you even get to the place you want to go. the city is so packed just like like sardines in a can people and animals are running everywhere. and of course lack of employment.

I hope you have enough for now. until I remember more of what I have seen.
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


d biggest pothole i ever saw in my life was last month in sabon gari. it looked liked a trench dug by water board for one of their pipes. i hear a contract has been awarded for sabon gari's roads. if it is true, alhamdulillah.


Assalamu alaikum,
This man Shekarau has good intentions we need to pray Allah (SWT) to continue to guide him and our other leaders.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quoted biggest pothole i ever saw in my life was last month in sabon gari. it looked liked a trench dug by water board for one of their pipes. i hear a contract has been awarded for sabon gari's roads. if it is true, alhamdulillah.

haba mallam, wannan sheri ne ko? but on a serous note, kano is changing. even tho on a slow pace. but they say destruction is easier than construction. inshaAllah when Mallam completes his 4 yr tenure, there will be great improvement in the town. Light situation has improved greatly, the water project is on the way, even tho i'm sure u knw that the federal govt is facing a bit of some financial hardtimes, kano still executes project from its little reserve we heard.


(*signs*) D guy simply asked 4 of Governor of Kano & some have gone major lengths 2 tlk bout portholes, electricity & even roommates (how duz that in particular relate to Governor!!:-/)& U beta not even say a word, u know urself (she laffs)

Minkam all I know iz that Governor has a a cute unshaven  beard & wears his cap by d side of his ears.

Complaints of Nija will b sumthin I will always hear till d day I die! ::) 4 Nija.........half a bread is better than none @ by day Nija is still developin new stange things cum up!!. A problem with most ppl & Nija is that whatevas done..........nothings eva perfect 4 them.

"At first ppl refuse 2 belief that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin 2 hope it can b done, then they see it can b done-then when it is done, the world wonders why it was not done centuries before"
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


my sista u sabi yan wooooo.

but its true!
 just realised that nothing is what it seems.



ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


Shekarau is doing nothing only talking about pensioners.