What really matters: Your opinions or the World's

Started by fastboi, February 06, 2004, 06:24:04 AM

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  In everything we do, we always find ourselves in a situation where we gotta make a decision. And these decisons could be about anything, the kinda food u want to eat, what type of apparel should u be identified with, what kinds of things you should talk about, will u or will u not ask that girl out, what exactly to do with ur life for the rest of ur days. These r examples of the decisions that we have to make in our everyday lives. And these decisions r always influenced by our beliefs, ideas, orientaion, and generally opinions on matters affecting these decisions. Now what I'm asking is when deciding do u choose to do what u agree to be right or what the rest of the world around u does? The rest of the world being ur family, peers, work, school and generally society at large. Now I'm not suggesting that we should go ahead and do what is out of the norm, no, what I'm saying is there r times when the rest of the world imposes on u it's own opinion of what u should do, and at that point it doesn't really have to. But mosta the time we just go with the flow and forget about what we wanna do. I don't agree with that one bit. What do u think?
 heard that you r addressed as you r dressed!


I believe that the best opinion to look at on anything is Islam's.If we could all follow whats been set by it, we would not have any problems.But  nonetheless this topic is nice food for the thot.
Life is a lesson,learn it_


  Sure, sure I know Islam should be first in all our decisions, I think I said something like that earlier. But what I'm asking is what about those times when ur given a little space to go ahead and knock urself out, u know when ur free to choose exactly what u want to, u get? ???
 heard that you r addressed as you r dressed!


Intellectual  and logical prcessing is the most nutritious food of thought, its more or less an act of negligence and naivety to confine your thoughts exclusively in the teachings of some religion any religion POINT BLANK


This topic I think shud come to The General Board. It is a very serious and as well sensitive issue.


QuoteIntellectual ?and logical prcessing is the most nutritious food of thought, its more or less an act of negligence and naivety to confine your thoughts exclusively in the teachings of some religion any religion POINT BLANK
Trully saidddddddddddddd
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Well taking a decision is one op ze greatest task appecting youths ?around ze world in all directions, zis haffen as a reult op lack op frofer decision making skills, which comfrises op knowing ze decision it'selp, pinding solutions 2 it, considering religious ethics, considering pamily values, weighing ze fros and cons, choosing ze most sweetable solushion and zen imflementing ur decision....simfle!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Zis method clearly indicates zat it's a mix op both ur ofinion and what ze world 'll say!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!