Started by dan kauye, October 12, 2004, 06:57:30 PM

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dan kauye

All praise is due to Allah, Subhanahu wa ta`ala, the Sustainer of the worlds. I pray that His peace and blessings descend upon the Most Noble of all the Messengers of Allah, Muhammad Bin Abdullah, sallallahu 'Alaihi wa salam, his family and companions.

Whenever the orbit turns and another month of Ramadan approaches, happiness and joy return to the Ummah, for with it come two of the greatest gifts of Allah, namely the fasting month of Ramadan and the celebration of the revelation of Al Qur'an

Fasting is an eloquent expression of Allah, leading this Ummah to the gates of His mercy, a key to unlocking the mysteries of His nearness. While humanity is divided on the basic elements of the notion of the Creator, a Muslim is far ahead of the rest of the world in this field and travelling at the speed of light to the neighborhood of the Throne of the Creator. Where else would you find a discipline that provides direct communication between the servant the Served? Where else would you have an act of 'Ebadah that enriches self-worth, self-strength, self-rebuilding, self discipline and control? Where else would one find a discipline that moves the believer from unauthentic to authentic as the institution of fasting? Where else would you find a discipline that enriches the vital needs of human being, both physical and spiritual? Praise be to Allah!

The institution of Fasting is a unique form of worship prescribed as part of an overall system of Islam. Its uniqueness mirrors the uniqueness of the human being, a creature of physical and spiritual parts whose excellence depends on the right proportion of these two parts. Too much of the physical material will ruin man, and too much of the spiritual will, too. Fasting orients the observer to the art of balancing the spiritual essentials with physical needs, a vivid proof that there is in all of us the will power, a pivotal element that controls our actions. This will be needed to help us curb the animalistic tendencies originating from the stomach, in full. It makes us forget about our beginning, it awakens the mind and kindles clear thinking and consciousness of Allah. Fasting is the sobering of a mind and reconstruction of our spiritual faculties.

Fasting has instilled in food and beverages a religious legitimacy, as its amount and the hour taken are expressed in terms of deen, and chewing and sipping at proper intervals equals praise and glorification of Allah. It makes the individual ready and primed to meet the Creator. You see, it has never been easy trying to gain access to the nearness of Allah, SWT, due to several considerable obstacles obstructing our view, mainly ignorance, multiple images or double vision, passive will power, time, place, culture, upbringing and prejudice. Fortunately, the gates that lead to the nearness of Allah swing both ways with the help of fasting.

Fasting cures the double vision that many people suffer in the realm of spirituality. The inauguration of Fasting eliminates the middleman, a spiritual broker, an insidious opinion held by some that a believer can only gain access to nearness to Allah through another, who is endowed with superpowers to reach Allah more easily. No, indeed, Allah is ineffable yet approachable. It is the sum and scope of Allah's 'Ebadah that clarifies all the acts of 'Ebadah including Salat. Fasting renders this magnificent and beautiful idea of Tawhid of Allah, there being no deity but Allah, and Muhammad being His Messenger, into an effective power charge, a potent and effective concept for focusing and organizing one's world view and epitomizing the religious and psychological orientation of the believer.

On the other hand, Ramadan was the host month for the inauguration of the final revelation, Al-Qur`an Al-`Azeem. Allah (SWT) bestowed this book upon humanity through His Messenger Muhammad bin `Abdullah. The reading of Al-Qur`an has been mandated by its Author, Allah himself, for the believers all the time, more so in the month of Ramadan, as this is reported from the Messenger. Muslims past and present have always mixed fasting with reading of Al-Qur`an. Perhaps the reason for this is that one of the objectives of Ibis (shaytan) is to hinder the believer from reading Al-Qur`an. But during Ramadan Shaytan himself is hindered from tempting the believer- for Al-Qur`an avails the reader a cherished privilege of directly conversing with the Creator of the Universe.
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


Salamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
I was thinking of putting up a new thread on
Ramadan fasting, however, when i go through
the achieves, i came across so many topics
dealing with Ramadan Karim and I decided to
reincarnate one so as to accomodate all and
sundry concerning the month of Ramadan.

Let us make use of this thread solely for the
purposes of enlightenment and education on
the virtues of Ramadan, Questions and Answers,
new issues (national and international) concerning
Ramadan and any other matter(s) related to

I also like to seize this opportunity to invite
Sheikhul Fadla, Hujjatul Islam wa Imamul
Mumineen fi Kanoonline Bamalli to Chair this seat
as an Amir, while Malama AMIRA takes the women

I there is no any objection on the above selection,
may I call on all brothers and sisters to come
forward and make their contributions on the
month of Ramadan.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


[color]Jazakallah..............DK.............Allah bless!!!![/color]
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Goma na Marmari

Just as the saying goes, I will advise my
fellow Muslim Brothers to work extra hard
within this 10 marmari days, for those of
us still working and not on holiday should
not be distracted by our office load work.

Lets try and attend to Zuhr prayers as early
as possible so that we can benefit from the
four raka'at nafila, so also during the Asr
prayers and four raka'as after them.

Any breathing space we got in office, lets
use it in reciting the HOLY BOOK (Qur'an)
no matter how little the verse may be.

Backbiting should be absolutely stopped.
Mixing and mingling with muharramat should
also be stopped, except on lalura reasons.

Ask questions you are in doubt. 
Attend the evening Tafsir.
Dont provoke and dont be allowed to be

No matter how little your income is, try and
feed a family before the month runs out.  With
as little as N5,000.00 you can put a smile to
many households during this great month of

Allah ya bamu ikon aiki na gari.

Husnaa, Amira, Ummita, Mufi, Myself, Hafsee and
all other lady's in the house, lets see how you will
perform in the cooking forum, prepare some
suggested cooking style.  **ups** sorry, my
Karal basna is there ashe.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: Dan-Borno on September 12, 2007, 09:17:09 AM
Husnaa, Amira, Ummita, Mufi, Myself, Hafsee and
all other lady's in the house, lets see how you will
perform in the cooking forum, prepare some
suggested cooking style.  **ups** sorry, my
Karal basna is there ashe.
Lol DB.

Well here is some of the do's and donts of this Blessed month :)

Have a light meal just before Dawn (Suhur)
if you miss it you miss a blessing, so ppl get up!!!

Read the quran everyday, gain the knowledge and
apply it!!

Peform the 5 daily Salaahs in the mosque if you can
and try to improve your prayers.

Be especially generous in giving charity
there will be lots of opportunities to help
good causes.

Hasten to break your fast as soon as the sun has set
preferably with dates and water.

Be moderate in your eating habits

Pray tarawih at the mosque every evening

Make an effort in the last 10 days as one of the nights
is Lailatul-Qadr.

Make dua's as much as possible seeking Allah blessings
and fogiveness for you and your family not forget the muslim

Try and fast six extra days in the next month (Shawwal)
and make a effort to become a better muslim then you were before.


Avoid bad behaviour, lying, backbiting and Gossip
and pls don not loose your temper!!

Do not waste food give it to the needy if there is excess.

Do not risk your health if you have a medical condition seek
expert advice and remember you can make up for the fast missed.

If you want to spit, spit inside a tissue and throw away in the rubbish

if by accident you eat dont contiue to eat thinking that your fast is broken
continue with the fast its valid.

Do not scream and shout whist talking to one another.

okay peeps there are more that you can add to this list
when eva you have time. ;)

Ramadhan Kareem to all my brothas and sistas!!!
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint, al-Qur'an 2:183.
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


Allah ya saka da alheri DB, Amira, Ummita, mufi and the rest. Too days, I was away from internet but am alhamdulillah back, so I'll by Allah's grace bring some more nice stuffs about Ramadan later.

Ramadan mubarak!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Dan -Borno dalibi nake bai kai ko ina ba?Actually i was away from the internate due to some reasons but i pray that i will join u soon by the grace of Allah.
Thanks for ur offer Over to u Husnaa.

Quote from: Dan-Borno on September 10, 2007, 09:13:59 AM
Salamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
I was thinking of putting up a new thread on
Ramadan fasting, however, when i go through
the achieves, i came across so many topics
dealing with Ramadan Karim and I decided to
reincarnate one so as to accomodate all and
sundry concerning the month of Ramadan.

Let us make use of this thread solely for the
purposes of enlightenment and education on
the virtues of Ramadan, Questions and Answers,
new issues (national and international) concerning
Ramadan and any other matter(s) related to

I also like to seize this opportunity to invite
Sheikhul Fadla, Hujjatul Islam wa Imamul
Mumineen fi Kanoonline Bamalli to Chair this seat
as an Amir, while Malama AMIRA takes the women

I there is no any objection on the above selection,
may I call on all brothers and sisters to come
forward and make their contributions on the
month of Ramadan.