Started by MySeLf, January 16, 2007, 06:21:17 PM

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Such is Allah your Rabb, His is the creation and...


Quote from: waduz on November 14, 2007, 10:14:09 AM

Ga dai wani dan contribution daga bafillace! ;D

whale.......babban shaggan kifi

dolphin.....kuikuyon kifi??? you mean hammer head or pin head sharks?


seal...........Ayu (ana saida man ayu)

oh my God, u r absolutely right ayu is seal, i remember my dad told me dat once, based on dat, ll trust u on d rest 2, n pls if i can get d translatn 4 both sharks pls. tanx



Wallahi Ummutameem,
I just have a general idea
of gramineae.
It is the general name of wasu
ciyayi da kuma sanduna irin su
kwarakwara, kwangwala da sauransu.
Amma ban san wani abu guda daya
mai wannan sunan ba, sai dai a jam'i. 
I may be wrong, Wallahu A'alam

Some dreams do come true


Quote from: Bayya on November 14, 2007, 06:35:02 PM
Wallahi Ummutameem,
I just have a general idea
of gramineae.
It is the general name of wasu
ciyayi da kuma sanduna irin su
kwarakwara, kwangwala da sauransu.
Amma ban san wani abu guda daya
mai wannan sunan ba, sai dai a jam'i. 
I may be wrong, Wallahu A'alam

thought as much but ban san classes din ciyayin ba, i just know dat it refers to ciyawa, hope anas is satisfied wit d answer.


Graminae means "several members of the grass family." Bayya is right. Kuma ana nufin duk wani abu mai tsirowa na lokaci kankani ya bata, amma ba kamarsu manyan bishiyoyi ba.


Quote from: Bayya on November 14, 2007, 06:35:02 PM
Wallahi Ummutameem,
I just have a general idea
of gramineae.
It is the general name of wasu
ciyayi da kuma sanduna irin su
kwarakwara, kwangwala da sauransu.
Amma ban san wani abu guda daya
mai wannan sunan ba, sai dai a jam'i. 
I may be wrong, Wallahu A'alam

Shinkafa, alkama, masara.. duk belong in the graminae family ko da yake ko wannen su yana da nasa genus din. Sorry..  this is 'A' level botany/plant biology. Maybe yanzu ma kids have advanced further than this.

Akwai wani abu da na lura da shi anan, shine that some ppl are apt to ask for the meaning of things that are ordinarily not known in Hausa for the simple reason that bamu da su physically. If one were to think about it, one would notice that in the evolution of languages, its only things indigenous to the region that have either singly indigenous names or collective indigenous names. If the object under query is not a native of the area and has never been imported (for example how could we ever have penguins in Hausa land?) then it is no use asking someone for its Hausa meaning because THERE IS NONE.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


hold ur horses hajia husna, jst bcos they r not common doesnt mean there isnt a word for them even if it is borrowed from another language, which is d case with alot of hausa words. And if u notice most people tried answering d question n i believe we had fun with it, and we gained knowledge in the process.

so people pls dont be dicouraged, ask away, i wont mind knowing every single english or arabic word in hausa, like smone i know used to say "BE RICH IN YOUR CULTURE", we need to, if not for us then for our children.


Can some one also help me through a translation please.
I am working on an article about Haussa architecture trying to translate it from english to persian.
Do kano people speak arabic?
how is Haussa written in arabic?
what is Masallacin?
how is it written in Arabic?
Please send your kind response to


Quote from: ummutameem on November 18, 2007, 05:30:14 PM
hold ur horses hajia husna, jst bcos they r not common doesnt mean there isnt a word for them even if it is borrowed from another language, which is d case with alot of hausa words. And if u notice most people tried answering d question n i believe we had fun with it, and we gained knowledge in the process.

so people pls dont be dicouraged, ask away, i wont mind knowing every single english or arabic word in hausa, like smone i know used to say "BE RICH IN YOUR CULTURE", we need to, if not for us then for our children.

Never mind, the horses are not moving an inch, but they will get frisky if kept too long in one spot.
Anyhow, I still stand by what I wrote. It is only logical if you stop and think a little deeper about what I said. You talk of uncommon words, I am talking about words for things that do not exist within the sphere or perimeter of the environment. So obviously, there wont be a name to describe them, because the things are not known there. But if you import a thing into a society then a name comes into existence for it obviously. The name is what ever the thing is called from where ever it came from. If the name proves difficult to pronounce, it is eventually modified to suit the tongue of the ppl who are adopting the thing and thus the name either changes completely or is bastardized. I am not denying that there are many words borrowed from other languages, but they are only borrowed because something came to the notice of the ppl borrowing the name/word, otherwise the ppl borrowing the name/word will have no use for it.
Oh BTW, when I wrote the previous post for which u sound so belligerent about, I wasnt thinking of what u wrote.. it just suddenly occurred to me what was happening. So no offence was meant OK? I have just read some of what u wrote earlier and realized that u  might think I am targetting you. I wasnt. It was just an observation.....
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: robert on November 18, 2007, 05:50:09 PM
Can some one also help me through a translation please.
I am working on an article about Haussa architecture trying to translate it from english to persian.
Good luck! hope you will find someone that can help

QuoteDo kano people speak arabic?
Yes some... Will say about 20% or more

Quotehow is Haussa written in arabic?
By using same Arabic letters

Quotewhat is Masallacin?
I guess U mean MASALLACI which mean MOSQUE

Quotehow is it written in Arabic?
Someone with arabic keyboard may be able to show you

QuotePlease send your kind response to

Hope someone will respond.

Good luck and thanks for visiting kanoonline!  :)
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


English:                    Hausa:

overhaul                    garanbawul

bearings                    boris

hammer                     guduma

bread                        burodi

jumper                      jamfa

six (pence)                sisi

nine (pence)              nayi

pound                      pam

digger                      diga

Inda karin fassara, sai wani kuma ya kara mana! ;D


Quote from: waduz on November 22, 2007, 11:23:03 AM
pound                      pam

Pound                      fam
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Myself on November 21, 2007, 11:46:48 PM

Quotewhat is Masallacin?
I guess U mean MASALLACI which mean MOSQUE

Quotehow is it written in Arabic?
Someone with arabic keyboard may be able to show you

Myself has given you a good
explanation. I will only add this:

Masallaci in Arabic - مسجد

I hope it will be helpful.
Some dreams do come true


Quote from: waduz on November 22, 2007, 11:23:03 AM
English:                    Hausa:
overhaul                    garanbawul
bearings                    boris
hammer                     guduma
bread                        burodi
jumper                      jamfa
six (pence)                sisi
nine (pence)              nayi
pound                      pam
digger                      diga
Inda karin fassara, sai wani kuma ya kara mana! ;D

Good idea waduz! May be we should use this corner for teaching simple hausa
for none hausa speakers as well as translating......
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!