A new memeber

Started by nene, January 11, 2007, 06:14:11 PM

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lallai Nene baki da dama.
Dan Allah a bar zancan hakanan da kuma yada bakaken maganganu. Na tabbata kowa anan da tarbiyya mai kyau ya taso a gidan su. Shi ya sama Allah Ya bamu damar kawowa matsayin da dukkan mu nan muka kai.  In kin tsaida hankalin ki kin karanta abaibadan da a keyi anan, za ki ga cewa barkwanci yayi yawa a cikin forum din, kuma ba a  samun  wata takkaddama ta taso a tsakanin mambobin wannan forum din. A kwai sabanin ra'ayi  amma baya kaiwa ga  mugun bacin rai. Sabanin ra'ayoyi na karewa ne ga ra'a yin mutum in ya shafi wani kasida ko makamantan su da mutane ke kawo wa kuma ana tattauna wa.
Ni shawarar da na baki mai kyau ce, da nace ki cire hoton ki (in kece), ki maida gurbin sa da wani avatar. Za ki iya barin hoton in kin gadama, amma kuma tunda kin nuna bacin ranki a kan barkwancin da Alkanawi yayi (kuma dalilin hoton ne), sai ki cire shi , dan gudun gaba. Jiya wani ne, gobe ma ba za a rasa wanda zai dasa hoton naki ba. Kuma in dai har zaki zama kina rubuce rubuce a wannan forum din, dole sai kin hada da hakuri, tun da kamar kasuwa ce, kowa shugowa yake yi.
Allah dai Ya Kayauta amin.
PS ina tsammani Myself ki ke baiwa ansa ko? Ba namiji bane, 'yaruwa ce.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Nene agaskiya baki dakai
Hakika kasuwar hankali ta cinye ta tashi kafin ki'iso shiyasa kika
tashi da shirme, shara da shirgi.

Bansan ko Dan barno kikewa amsawaba ko kuma ni ko Alkanawi
don kin riga kin ambaci husna daga karshe.

Komadawa kike, kin huce gona da iri naisa ba kusa ba, kuma
magan ganunki bana mai mutunci da tarbiya bane, ba kuma na
me chikakken hankalibane.

Na dade inna lekowa forum din nan, kusan dani aka budeshi amma
bantaba ganin wanda yazo yana magana irintakiba.... hauka fal ciki.

Kamar yadda Husna tagaya miki, angaya miki nan dabar yan iskace?
Ne miki Alkawari duk wanda ke lekowa gurinan yana da matsayi, ba kuma
zai taba "KASKANTATTAR" Magana irin takiba.

Bari kuma kiga tunda kika fara zage zage to ba wanda zai sake baki
amsa don kaskancewace ta gaske.

On behalf of Alkanawi, Dan-barno, Husna and Myself..... All our comment withdrawn.



                         ALLAH YA SAWAKE!!!
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


assalmu Alaikum.
Na bawa dan maiduguri amsa,na bawa husna amma jigon zancen akan hajia da kanta nayi shi.wallahi ban san ma da mace nake magana ba da ma dana sani da tuni zan gano bakin zaren.Maganar da nake ita ce hoto wanda hajia ta nuna damuwarta akai dan idan aka duba sakonta guda biyu zaa ga cewa na farko tace ana tallan kai na biyu kuma tayi zancen tsaleliyar budurwa.A tawa fahimtar matsalar dai bata wuce me yasa wata zatazo tasa hoton da yafi na kowa koda kuwa ba ita bace a jiki.
Malama husna na gode kwarai sai dai kinyi magana akan cewa in nice a hoto dan haka kina shakka. A kano kike?yiwa Allah ki aiko min da adireshinki zanzo idan kinaso zan kai ki har gaban iyayena.


Quote from: Myself on March 02, 2007, 12:15:33 AM


                         ALLAH YA SAWAKE!!!
Myself My dear Sister, Dan Allah Kiyi hakuri. Sha 'a nin dai ba haka a ka so ba. This is all a huge misunderstanding I am sure.  We must continue to dialogue with Nene, because that is the only way that this can be resolved. Ignoring  her wont yield any agreeable results. Peace and harmony is what is required here and I am sure it can be accessed from all parties. A confrontational attitude never gives positive results anyway, so we all approach this from a pacifist angle. If we look at it from another perspective we see that the initial 'offender' is in effect already exempt from this whole fiasco because he took the responsible and mature way out through instant apology.  Anyone glancing through this thread midway wouldnt even know who the initial principal actors were. So let's settle this little tiff amicably.

Nene, I am sure u are wrong when u said that Myself was put out by yr putting up yr picture which happens to be better than anyone's on this forum. That is utter rubbish, since no female has put up her photo up so you cannot accuse Myself of being upstaged. I think women didnt put up their pictures simply because some are married and/or about to be. There have been some who dropped out of the forum altogether after getting married, for reasons only known to them. 

Myself's comment on tsallelliyar budurwa, ought to be seen as a compliment. If it were my picture that got that comment from another female, I'd be very very pleased, cos I know how we women are when it comes to meanness of character and nastiness for no reason other than we feel that someone is about to steal our thunder. So you should see it in a positive light now that you know it wasnt a man who commented, but  a woman., rather than impute something negative which it clearly wasn't meant to be.

I hope that when you next write something, you will be more positive in your outlook concerning everyone around here. Do not look at the bitter exchanges of the past and just simply open a new page on this whole affair. All of us have faults since 'dan Adam tara yake bai cika goma ba'. We try and leave our faults behind and try to  interact in a respectful way with everyone around. If we have to find fault with everything anyone says, believe me life will be full of unpleasantness all the time.

What I try to do in my day to day affairs is to take everyone at face value and then give them the benefit of the doubt when something untoward happens. It is only when it is established that someone is really unpleasant or trying to be then one either avoids the person or marks him/her as 'handle with care'. Maybe that is why I dont suffer from hypertension (apart from not eating ajinomoto ofcourse....lol)

As for living in Kano, yes, I am a kano indigine but I doubt za ki same ni a Kano at the moment. I take it you are from Bauchi State yrself? I have a friend whom I havent heard from since I was a teenager of 14 yrs old and she phoned me the other day and we caught up with each other's lives. She is from Bauchi State. You might know her perhaps? after all its a very very very small world..... I doubt u'll know who,if I dont give more concrete information out. That unfortunately, I am at the moment not at liberty to do..
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Hello Everyone, i find this site very interesting and am very happy to be a part of it. i really do apreciate what you guys are doing here this is a very nice. hoping to meet you all. thanks :)
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Hi there,

Welcome on board Second Hafsee.
Surprise uh? I call you 'second'. Yeah econd 'cuz we already have other one here. Wish I'll see your massive rather meaningful contribution soon coming.

Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Hello to you hafsee welcome to our online family till we see your postings.

Muhsin i see you have managed to earn your goodluck to allow you to upload congrats ;)
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


tnx guyz really appreciate the welcome i feel @ home already...
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Quote from: Dan-Borno on February 28, 2007, 02:17:28 PM
Quote from: alkanawi on February 27, 2007, 10:39:14 PM
Dan barno,dan Allah a bar maganar nan.

A dalilin me? She started it, she either apologise or we continue like that.

Quote from: nene on February 26, 2007, 06:51:29 PM
bana jin ko mijin da nake aure yana da ikon da zai min magana kamar wata baiwar sa balle kai da ban sani ba.

This is what I am foreseeing, wanda ko mijinta ma bata bari ba, balle mu. 
I think if we allow her - zata wuce gona da iri.

Quote from: nene on February 26, 2007, 06:51:29 PM
ina da aure kuma ni ba wasa na zo yiba nan gurin

Waye ya gaya miki cewa mu bamu da aure?
Kuma who told you that we dont have something doing?

Quote from: nene on February 26, 2007, 06:51:29 PM
in tsarin wasan yan forum dinnan ne haka to ai sai a dinga bayani kafin mutum ya shigo.na san akwai shugaba a wannan gurin dan haka dan allah ya dinga shawartar members dinsa su dinga rike kansu da girma da mutunci.

Mai Ahlari ma yace "Wala yahillu li rajulun an yaf ala fi'ilin, hatta ya'alamu hukmullahi fihi.
You should have gone through the past and present post to see for your self how the family rumble around.
Ai ko a gidanki ne, yaranki sukan yi rigima tsakaninsu.

Admin. Don Allah a tura wannan 1 star din INDUCTION COURSE.

At last - Food for thought.

Quote from: Myself on February 28, 2007, 01:57:24 PM
Kamata yayi ki dauki carbi kawai ki kuma ga Allah don ga dukkan alamu lokaci yakusa  ;D
Rungume yan jikokinki kita salati kawai, Allah yabada gyangya dawa lafiya....hehehe!! sai munzo ;D
Kihuta lafiya granny!....... kafin ki dauko sanda bari inyi nan...

Tohhhhhhhhhh , hmmmmmmmmmmm i could remember a Principal of mine in Primary school.......................sounds like her..........ORDERS kawai..............
well as not much a frequent member of this place, i will say that he meant no harm n no disrespect, with regards to D-Brono i think u r right (nene............u should take things easy) and i think Alkanawi u r suppose to be rewarded with an APOLOGY[/color][/b], becuase kowa knows that we take things easy here and no disrespect to any1, amma fa kadan kuma ance from now on babu law n order (admin............take note), we can bring that too. So on behave of the independent candidates, we r demanding an apology for ALKANAWI.

Bis Salam.

By the way WELCOME NENE to kanoonliner (kanawan dabo koda mai kazo an fika).

yes we ppl r married too, n respect both masu aure da kuma marasa aure (irin su gogannamu..........lol   :P)
for those that sleep their dreams is a reality, wake up is just an illussion."

jewel of d nile.


Quote from: jewel(abdulgee22) on August 05, 2007, 04:34:36 PM

Tohhhhhhhhhh , hmmmmmmmmmmm i could remember a Principal of mine in Primary school.......................sounds like her..........ORDERS kawai..............
well as not much a frequent member of this place, i will say that he meant no harm n no disrespect, with regards to D-Brono i think u r right (nene............u should take things easy) and i think Alkanawi u r suppose to be rewarded with an APOLOGY[/color][/b], becuase kowa knows that we take things easy here and no disrespect to any1, amma fa kadan kuma ance from now on babu law n order (admin............take note), we can bring that too. So on behave of the independent candidates, we r demanding an apology for ALKANAWI.

Bis Salam.

By the way WELCOME NENE to kanoonliner (kanawan dabo koda mai kazo an fika).

yes we ppl r married too, n respect both masu aure da kuma marasa aure (irin su gogannamu..........lol   :P)
Ikon Allah!! Kana tono buried skeletons!! Wannan zancan ai zamanin sa ya shige shekaru aru aru! Both the protagonists ma dont appear online at all.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on August 10, 2007, 07:45:02 AM
Quote from: jewel(abdulgee22) on August 05, 2007, 04:34:36 PM

Tohhhhhhhhhh , hmmmmmmmmmmm i could remember a Principal of mine in Primary school.......................sounds like her..........ORDERS kawai..............
well as not much a frequent member of this place, i will say that he meant no harm n no disrespect, with regards to D-Brono i think u r right (nene............u should take things easy) and i think Alkanawi u r suppose to be rewarded with an APOLOGY[/color][/b], becuase kowa knows that we take things easy here and no disrespect to any1, amma fa kadan kuma ance from now on babu law n order (admin............take note), we can bring that too. So on behave of the independent candidates, we r demanding an apology for ALKANAWI.

Bis Salam.

By the way WELCOME NENE to kanoonliner (kanawan dabo koda mai kazo an fika).

yes we ppl r married too, n respect both masu aure da kuma marasa aure (irin su gogannamu..........lol   :P)
Ikon Allah!! Kana tono buried skeletons!! Wannan zancan ai zamanin sa ya shige shekaru aru aru! Both the protagonists ma dont appear online at all.

aw..............sorry oga sir , ashe zanchen ya mutu................... ??? ::)
for those that sleep their dreams is a reality, wake up is just an illussion."

jewel of d nile.


Jewel, its just for record purposes now, and its
good da ka tono shi.  RECORD
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak