Started by hafiz amin umar, December 29, 2007, 11:10:18 PM

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hafiz amin umar

Just heard from my uncle that,efcc boss has been removed,waoooh what do you think is future of efcc without a galant and gladiator like ribadu?and who do you think is going to attain that position?


Ka tambayi Dan Borno, who is an ardent supporter of 'Yar adua, who is turning out to be a very WEAK I say WEAK president...wai ana ce wa shi mai gaskiya; Gentleman! Tsssui! Gaskiyar sa za ta kasance  ba ta Allah da Annabi ba, in dai ya bari a ka chire Nuhu Ribadu da ga mukamin sa. Gaskiyar sa zata zaman to irin ta matsorata  wanda ba za su iya tsayawa tsayin daka su ga anyi abubuwa fi sabilillahi ba!
In da janar Buhari ne, ai in ma zai sa a cire Nuhu Ribadu, zai fito fili ya fada wa talaka dalili, ko da yake ma ba zai yi ba, saboda mai ya ke da shi da za a tabo shi! Kai Allah dai Ya Isa in dai Ribadu ya tafi!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


allah sarki...kuna wasa da nigerian government kenan, just wait until they summone him for questioning himself!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Quote from: HUSNAA on December 30, 2007, 04:37:09 AM
Ka tambayi Dan Borno, who is an ardent supporter of 'Yar adua,

Why are you guys so curious about the happenings
in the Nigerian system of governance.  You all forgot
that its Obasanjo that appointed Nuhu Ribadu unto
this seat.  Its a tradition that once you are in power
you put those loyal to you, even though they are
public officers - and i am sure that is what my able
and courageous President is doing.

You wont understand the art of governance, and there
are so many things that happens without explanation,
meanwhile, you guys have to bear with us, despite
the pressures from the US Government not to take
down Nuhu Ribadu.  We have so many able hands that
can do the job, Ribadu was'nt in the pix before now
but he made it, so we think whoever is coming will also
show his patriotism.

EFCC has done great under the leadership of Malam,
but Malam doesnt steer the organisation alone, there
are other able young and promising men and women
who helped him to success, these men are still there
and we arwe confident they will lead EFCC to a greater

Meanwhile, I am congratulating Malam (mni in view).
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


You know what? I feel like hitting the roof in frustration when ppl keep saying that we have other able promising young ppl who can do the job. That is exactly what WADUZ said with regards to Doris Akunyele (that right?) of NAFDAC. We know we have promising able young ppl who can take over the jobs. What we dont have a lot of are HONEST GOD FEARING INDIVIDUALS WHO WONT STEAL from the government coffers and who will do the job AS IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE!!
So unless we get a surplus of such type of ppl, the capable and honest ones that we managed to get into the right places should be allowed to stay where they are, and let us utilize them as much as possible until they reach the limits of their abilities then they should be honorably retired and hopefully by then they have inculcated a sense of accountability to those who will succeed them.
If OBJ appointed Ribadu and Ribadu happened to be a diamond in the rough why dont we continue to polish the diamond and get it to iachieve its  optimum radiance value? Why do we need to substitute the diamond for zirconium? it's irrational, except that the Nigerian system of governance is rotted to the core.
PS loyalty has nothing to do with the removal of Ribadu. Ribadu is loyal only to the Nigerian public and that is how it should be. If he is being removed because he is loyal to the common man on the street, then 'Yar adua doesnt deserve to be in power, because he should be the most loyal to the common man since  he is public servant numero uno!  >:( 
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Whenever I am sanguine about the situation in my country, the wallaby track of the kitschy crowds dislodges my concept and ideologies to a genetic monstrosity, preferring a pessimistic posture in the context of paradoxical contradictions. Mallam Nuhu Ribadu is now removed from the EFCC job by President Umaru Musa Yar adua in connivance with the Inspector General of Police. This deal shoddy as it is, will not go well with the Nigerian State, especially now that the polity is in dire need of rescue from the everlasting corruptible generations. I have said it times without number in this very conventional space that every well meaning Nigerian who wish Nigeria well will definitely sympathize with her own situation on two things. First, her position as a failed state where all democratic etiquettes, decorum, and principles are no longer obtainable, but thwarted and obliterated by undesirable elements who do not mean well to our national savvy. Second, are the pathological symptoms and chronic signs of power maneuverability, which made our leaders go crazy in the business of dispensing injustice and dishonesty under the guise of pursuit of the rule of law.

It is an established fact that the likes of Nuhu Ribadu and El-Rufai are what the entire Nigerian people deems fit to get as turn around shakers and prime movers of the dejected entity called Nigeria. These people against the backdrop of all criticisms and hate have tried willy –nilly to put things in order. But today, a lot of accusations and political melodrama have flooded the country that these people are no longer useful even when they were hell-bent to sacrifice their lives in dealing with Nigerian situation squarely.

Well, I don't think this country will grow in the near future. Certainly not during our generation. Were  Mallam Aminu Kano, Sa'adu Zungur(Dan kwarai), Zik of Africa, Sardauna  alive, they would have asked Allah for an early recall because of the way Nigeria is transformed into an avalanche of betrayals and bundles of deceit, corruption, bribery, sheer fraud and vendetta.

Just because Mallam Nuhu Ribadu wants to prove to the whole world that certain governor single handedly used tax-payers money to sponsor Yar'adua's campaign, could be tactically penalized by obliging him to go back to school?

In sha Allah some of us that have been threatened this way will soon go to exile by dropping our pen and watch things from the background. Throughout my seven years of national commentaries in the Nigerian dailies, I have never seen a country that is so resilient and hopeless like ours. It is only in Nigeria that when an officer shows any sign of competence, he/she is rewarded with ingratitude of the so-called servant leaders as martial valour.

When a friend of mine invited me to Ghana to stay with him for a year, I was initially lackadaisical; because I thought we can stay home and make our country great. But now I think I have no choice than to make him know that I am ready to go even beyond Ghana. When Governor Turaki threatened me by sending his Commissioner of special duties and social securities, to stop me from telling truth to power, just because I am defending an agrarian state that is cheated, ravaged and bastardized, I was made to lose some focus. But that could not kill but makes me stronger. To date, if I remember what happened, I become completely bemused at our so-called leaders, because they are nothing but laughing stocks. They tried to intimidate me but at the end of the day got intimidated; they tried to blackmail me but it's they who got blackmailed.

To me, the truth is the best and my only friend. And as my mentor, Paul Mamza says, for those who chose to follow the path of chicanery really find us very unpalatable.

I will have to beg all my friends here at Kanoonline to please forgive me if I wronged anybody, because I will soon exit myself from featuring in any analytical discourse or issues that has to do with Nigeria. I will remove all my posts from Kanoonline and anybody who is interested in them can contact me any day i.e for those who have my contacts.

My mind has already told me to go back to construction industry (a place where I am properly destined to be) and finish the rest of my life goals and career there. Really, I have to confess to you that I am tired the way my very close friend and associate, Ibrahim Waziri stopped contributing and featuring regularly in any meaningful national discourse. In deed, when Ibrahim Waziri stopped writing for a while, I was particularly not happy based on the fact that when one stops contributing, he/she begins to die.

However, I am not saying that I will stop writing or passing commentaries at the national or international scene, but for Nigeria, I am no longer hopeful as to when my mind will ever have a flash back. It is my firm belief that, I in company of Waziri have tried our best and Allah knows that we have gathered ample experience over our involvement with our learned elders. I have intermingled and championed a course with the likes of Profs Ango and U.B Ahmed, Kabiru Tsafe(former state minister of petroleum), Kurfi, Mahmud Tukur,  and Alhaji Magaji Dambatta. But whenever I remember the series of meetings we have undergone with these people, which ended up as an exercise in futility, I feel sad and totally disgruntled about the attitude and mentality of our people.

May God save Nigeria, but I cannot be consumed by these crops of personalities who don't care for the well being and future of our young generations. Surely posterity will never forgive them for ravaging the collective efforts of their grand grandparents.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


OMG!! Nuruddeen that post sounds so final and tragic! Dont give up yet! What is happening in Nigeria is really very very disheartening. Amma kuma ppl like you shouldnt give up what u are doing. Maybe success may not be immediate, but if we all give up then we all die! :-\
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: *~MuDaCriS~* on December 30, 2007, 02:18:09 PM
allah sarki...kuna wasa da nigerian government kenan, just wait until they summone him for questioning himself!
A gaisheka *~MuDaCriS~*, it seems like you know the reality of the system or at least this part of the system...


Quote from: Nuruddeen on December 30, 2007, 05:06:07 PM
I will have to beg all my friends here at Kanoonline to please forgive me if I wronged anybody, because I will soon exit myself from featuring in any analytical discourse or issues that has to do with Nigeria. I will remove all my posts from Kanoonline and anybody who is interested in them can contact me any day i.e for those who have my contacts.
Nuruddeen - I hope that it is not THE PLIGHT OF NUHU RIBADU that has made you to make this decision... because the problem of Nigeria is not that of one person - The problem of Nigeria is a systematic one. Systematic problems are always difficult if not impossible to fix... you just have to find a way to work within or outside (ie. leaving the country) of system with your intergrity intact.

sheriff 05

Malam Nurudeen,
I would be lying if I didn't say how much I understand your sentiments at this point in time. I agree with you wholeheartedly that our situation is dire. I understand Waziri's sentiments as well as I personally know how much effort he has made towards solutions for Arewa. I also agree with you that despite immense lip service, even the leaders with whom we associate hope, never seem to deliver.

But Nuruddeen, I don't for one minute, think that you should give up hope at all. Why should you? Yes things are getting worse, yes when you talk they hardly listen, yes even when you meet and agree on certain issues, they turn around and do the opposite (I have similar experiences as well). Yes when they fill us with hope, they spectacularly let us down, but still I ask you, why should you give up?

Is not the truth what we speak? Are not the solutions we discuss and proffer truthful solutions based on what we feel is best for our country? If so, then why should we give up? Should we then leave the country to them to do as they please? What does that then make us? Better people? I doubt that

Nuruddeen, we are soldiers who fight using words for one thing only, the truth. We speak without sentiments, with justice, fairness and with good intentions, loud and clear, to all who will listen. The fact that they do not listen should not deter us, it should make us think about different approaches and how we could achieve our ends despite these stumbling blocks.  The fact that we discuss such constructive issues in the first instance is indicative that things are changing, albeit rather slowly. It is frustrating to see things worse than they were yesterday, I know, but should we not then concentrate on rethinking our methods and solutions, rather than giving up all together?

Nuruddeen, why should we give up? Will that be a solution? Instead why not ponder, re-plan on how we can better achieve and then be patient? Remember, it took Mandela 30 yrs, 25 of which was spent in prison, yet at the end he achieved his end (by the grace of the almighty). Shouldn't we be similarly patient and never give up hope?

I believe that intrinsically, putting our hopes in our leaders to find solutions for us is a hopeless case and is some what part of our problem. We are experiencing what Europe experienced before the birth of the renaissance. Will we cower and let the powers that be continue as they please leaving us in the dark ages, or will we, like the dreamers and thinkers of the renaissance period, devoid of political power, but armed with the ideas, thoughts and innovation, find solutions to seemingly impossible problems and redefine the direction of our nation?

I share your exasperation for all things that don't work in this country and for the seemingly irresponsible and misdirected leaders we seem to be bedevilled with. However, like the sun that rises every day on a dark world, I feel that Nigeria (especially the north) will need the discussions and ideas that emerge from the likes of yourself and the other forumites I meet regularly, to brighten our seemingly gloomy path.

Again Nuruddeen, I say to you and to my very good friend Waziri, Don't give up, we owe it to our selves; to our Lord that has blessed us with the ability to write, to think and to talk; and to our children to whom we bequeath the Nigeria of tomorrow. 

Besides, in the very small world we live in today, you never know just who may be listening.


Every day I think of what Nigeria could be.  You will need to find a great man or a political movement which will not be corrupted by the oportunity to steal huge sums of money when in power. Many have been elected on that promise. I fear Nigeria will collapse into chaos unless a huge change of direction is made. There are world powers looking greedily at Nigeria's oil and other great riches.


Ku rabu da Nura, if he is really serious about this great
country, let him join politics and make the difference.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: Dan-Borno on December 31, 2007, 09:56:02 AM
Ku rabu da Nura, if he is really serious about this great
country, let him join politics and make the difference.

If he joins politics to make a difference, ai sai an bashi damar, then he can make a difference. Me yake faruwa with janar Buhari? Isnt he in politics? But he is  blocked from making a difference. Besides u are in politics yrself, but it seems that u favor the camp that doesnt want to make a difference...... :(
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Road to success is never easy nuraddeen, but determination, perseverance and
strong faith will one day take us there.... keep the struggle, and never give up....

If people who can shout on behalf of the masses will keep getting tired and don't want
carry on what is the future of suffering nigerians then?... Hmmm ???

!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Nuhu go Nuhu com Corruption stay. We must all purge our self if corruption must sieze in Nigeria. Good Luck