I Just dunno what you may say

Started by Waziri, May 31, 2003, 05:43:33 PM

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"The Negro more than any other human types, have been marked out by his MENTAL and physical characteristics as the servant of other races. There are of course exceptions...But the Negro in a primitive state is born slave. He is possesed of great physical strength, DOCILITY, cheerfulness of disposition, A SHORT MEMORY FOR SORROWS AND CRUELTIES, and an easily grattitude for kindness and fast dealing....Above all he can toil hard under the hot sun and in the unhealthy climates of the Torrid Zone. He has little or no race -fellowship- that is to say he has no sympathy for other Negroes...And as he is a usually strong man and a good fighter, he has come into request not only as a labourer but also as a soldier." ( Emphasis added)

Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston,
A History of Colonisation of Africa by Alien Races [pp 151-152]
Cambridge, England, 1899


ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


the person that wrote this suck! ;) (I'm sorry)
ny good thing I said is from Allah and any bad thing I said is from me...So I ask for Allah's forgiveness for my errors both conscious and unconscious ones...Ameen!!!


Disgusting cr*p, but in those days the arrogant English believed they were so,so superior to everybody else in God's world. Some of them (a few) still do. You should read what they thought of the Irish. And as for us Scots they called us "the very bastards of creation" and always sent Scottish
soldiers into battle at the very front on the basis that if they got killed it was of no importance. At least Nigeria got free. Some of us in Scotland are trying very hard to get free of English rule.


Hi Papa. Take it your online then? Is that you ranting about Independence again?!




I may be doing the wrong thing.... But I only thought... may be  we should discuss it... You know... maybe we can refute it or reaffirm it... I just dunno


QuoteDisgusting cr*p, but in those days the arrogant English believed they were so,so superior to everybody else in God's world. Some of them (a few) still do. You should read what they thought of the Irish. And as for us Scots they called us "the very bastards of creation" and always sent Scottish
soldiers into battle at the very front on the basis that if they got killed it was of no importance. At least Nigeria got free. Some of us in Scotland are trying very hard to get free of English rule.


Your comment are indeed helpful, but it appears like what they say in regard to the black race is worst. And unfortunately they sometimes use passages from the Holy Bible like Genesis Chapter 9 to justify their claims, believing that the black race are the decent of Ham the son of Noah who was cursed by God and was proclaimed to remain the servant of the other two sons forever. This theory is known to our students of history to be HAMITIC theory.

It is still unfortunate that recorded history has not in anyway favoured the Black race with anything of sagacity, technology or the art of time management and effective policy implementation. But the same recorded history has given races like Scots prominence. For in the book The 100 a ranking of The Most Influencial Men In History, written by Michael H. Hart, you will find that no fewer than five persons are Scots and the rest are ppl from Asia, Europe, America and North Africa but none is from Black Africa.

I dunno Sir, some group, Ku Klux Klan, speak also of the superiority of the Aryan race in particular, are Scots also part of the Aryan race?

I am not an anthropologist by training, it is only that I am curious, I only want to know what others think about all these stuff. Maybe that will help me form an opinion of myself.


I am full blooded Negro



I also think that the British may have some justification also in Darwin's Theory of Evolution, which spoke largely on some favoured races, that some races are more evolved than others.


The "Aryan" concept was nonsense genetics invented to justify deeply wicked behaviour by the Nazis. It excluded not only black people from the "master race" but also semitics, caucasians,gypsies and other peoples who didn't suit their lunatic theory. I am a white and a Scot. But I don't believe that all whites and all Scots are good people. That's not the way the world is. Blacks, whites, browns and yellows, we are all a mixture of good people and bad people and most of us somewhere in between. I am proud of Scotland but very ashamed that some people of Scots descent were involved in the Ku Klux Klan. As the whole human race is descended from Africans the evolution question is a complicated one. We all have the same DNA which proves our common descent. I suspect different stages of development were probably due to factors like different and difficult environments and climate.  


i think this is a racist room. C'mon peep this things had passed let's forget all this we want to live in peace. i know u have the freedom of speach but think of something better and forget about u r a negro he is white God made all the same and we are equal. the Brits that u are blaming have died hundred years back. this is the new millen plsssssss :)


This is how you see it IBB n ERROr but in reality thats wrong. Those ppl that you said are dead had passed the trait down to their children and their childrens' children so the issue is still on and YES they still think they are superior than us. Hope you don't mind but this is it. ;D ;D ;D


This topic is very intersting. There is still racism, no doubt. All people are not good or wise. Most racists are inferior or stupid people who need to find somebody to look down on or hate. Racism will not be defeated if we pretend it doesn't happen but we can discuss the matter with calm. But most people are not racists. Most Brits are OK. Interesting thought. If you did a vote in Europe who is the greatest man of the 20th century Nelson Mandela would probably win. If you asked who was the wickedist many would vote Idi Amin. Does this tell us anything?


First of all, Ibb `n error, u got this all wrong...u r wrong.
Mr.David, we r glad to have u here.

QuoteAs the whole human race is descended from Africans the evolution question is a complicated one. We all have the same DNA which proves our common descent. I suspect different stages of development were probably due to factors like different and difficult environments and climate. ?

I think we could solve this using history...[/color]
 It is believed that mankind started at one point, of a very few number and the point is believed to be somewhere in Asia. Now all the people in the world were(hope they still are) equal, before the migrations... As people migrated to different and farther locations at different times, language and skin colour, beliefs and traditions chage along. The african people were all believed to come from Asia, even the negroids. The  people lattitudes negative and possitive 0-20 degrees all over the world are blacks...as a result of excessive heat and sun exposure than any other region on earth. This means that the skin color also defers by ecological and other natural factors.
   This should explain the reason why we have the same dna`s and stuff, we are the same, a dog in asia is a dog in america, simple as such.
Safety and Peace



l, but it appears like what they say in regard to the black race is worst.

All I know iz that we are black and proud. But common Waz, that was then!!!!! Racism was in one way or d other walking hand in hand with slavery.......but now can they du that? Absolutely not, even wen ppl r still racist.......cummon!!! we have rights!!!. This is not back then!!!

Anyways I will b bck
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!