Advise to Un-married Felow

Started by dankasa, February 05, 2006, 04:34:30 AM

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Quote from: gogannaka on September 17, 2007, 08:58:36 PM
I don't see this topic as a flop.
The poor fella is just saying his mind and i believe you should all not castigate him.
That was his way of trying to solve the problem he saw.
What happened to 'every1's at liberty'?

That phrase 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' anya kuwa? Akwai fa mutanen da kana ganin su kasan ko dau kyawawa ne ko munana.Period.
Ugliness fa.Is it in the eyes of the beholder too?

I really don't believe the guy when he said that ugly people are on the rise. In my own opinion i'd say that beautiful ppl are on the increase.
Maybe people have since sought his advise and are opting for beautiful+handsome match.

Someone once told me that a rich, intelligent but very ugly person wanted a son that would inherit his wealth but he wanted a son who was handsome unlike him. His friends advised he get a very beautiful wife. He found wata hadaddiyar mace but very very dull.
The poor child in the end ended up with his mother's dullness and his father's ugliness.
Abun daga Allah ne.

Dan kasa's advise to the unmarried fellow would have been to marry someone you really love and admire.
Marrying someone you are comfortable with his/her beauty is equally important. Likewise it is always advisable for one (especially men) to marry someone who you find sexually attractive.

everythıng was well saıd by you except the part of the urgly people. for some reason ı just do not belıeve GOD makes/create urgly poeple. every one looks dıfferent ın theır own way. YES some poeple may look better than others facıally but ı thınk GOD dıvıded ıt ın such a way that every one wıll have a lıttle bıt of somethıng but not everythıng. meanıng that u may be good lukıng but your attıtudes sucks. ıf u know what ı mean. (bad character) no personalıty. ı dont know but ı just feel ıs unfaır when a person just lıke you who ıs allowed to breath same aır as you and has same status as you ın GOD's presence and ın thıs world and you feel as though you'r better coz ur prettıer or hansome? common ıf all the beautıfull people also go for beauty then what happens to the not so beutıful pple ı cant call any GOD cratıons urgly ı jst feel ıs wrong no offence. so to me thıs thread ıts  just........whats the word........ ı have to fınd a word to fıll ın the gap.
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


To! I wish I can say something here. Ance, ka fadi alheri ko kai shiru.


Quote from: IBB on October 19, 2007, 06:57:27 AM
To! I wish I can say something here. Ance, ka fadi alheri ko kai shiru.

wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you




LOL @ IBB.U better keep mute din dai.
Hafsy there's no doubt that there are ugly people and there are beautiful people.
However what is ugly to some people might be beautiful to some people but there are times when thereis a general consensus as to something being ugly or beautiful.

I'm not saying that Allah is imperfect in his creation.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Of course all of us are entitled to our opinion constitutionally, no matter how bad those opinions could be.Ina ganin ba a ma dankasa adalci ba. If I unnerstand him correctly and fully, the crux of his view is that "we should try and get married so that we can have legitimate kids." It is true that nowadays there are a lot of men and women who have reached the age of maturity and can ably get married. But instead of getting married and raise families, they go about destroying fresh ones to satify their lusts. In this kind of situation, the womenfolk are the ones that are terribly affected, you know, the bad name, out of wedlock pregnancy etc. No matter how beautiful a son or daughter one may have, if she/he happens to be an illigetimate child, the beauty in he/she is dimmed!........ ::)


Quote from: gogannaka on October 22, 2007, 03:30:46 PM
LOL @ IBB.U better keep mute din dai.
Hafsy there's no doubt that there are ugly people and there are beautiful people.
However what is ugly to some people might be beautiful to some people but there are times when thereis a general consensus as to something being ugly or beautiful.

I'm not saying that Allah is imperfect in his creation.
agreed, ur rıte but u know what ı just dunno why ı hate the term or word urgly. ıts mınd bulgıng to me. anyway.. ı guess we all see the world dıfferently. eıther way we see ıt, we stıll equal ın da eyes of GOD.Abı?
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Quote from: waduz on October 24, 2007, 02:42:31 PM
Of course all of us are entitled to our opinion constitutionally, no matter how bad those opinions could be.Ina ganin ba a ma dankasa adalci ba. If I unnerstand him correctly and fully, the crux of his view is that "we should try and get married so that we can have legitimate kids." It is true that nowadays there are a lot of men and women who have reached the age of maturity and can ably get married. But instead of getting married and raise families, they go about destroying fresh ones to satify their lusts. In this kind of situation, the womenfolk are the ones that are terribly affected, you know, the bad name, out of wedlock pregnancy etc. No matter how beautiful a son or daughter one may have, if she/he happens to be an illigetimate child, the beauty in he/she is dimmed!........ ::)

There is no way u can vindicate Dan Kasa. He said ugly children are on the rise, so try and marry beautiful ppl if u know u are ugly. That is the sum total of his message. There is nothing  mentioned about  immorality or begettiing kids out of wedlock etc etc. Its like GGNK said, komai na Allah ne, a union of intelligent beast and beautiful moron could result in beastly moron, rather than intelligent beauty. hahahaha. Anyway as a tongue in cheek, the Hausas did well for themselves in marrying the Fulanis... most of the physical ugliness has been obliterated........
PS i wonder from where most katsinawa originated... they are so beautiful.. the girls at least.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on October 27, 2007, 08:38:24 AM

PS i wonder from where most katsinawa originated... they are so beautiful.. the girls at least.

HAHAHA ,Buzaye ne ai  :P :P
Amira i'm just kiddin.
But they are close Niger republic afterall  ::)
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: gogannaka on October 29, 2007, 11:29:00 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on October 27, 2007, 08:38:24 AM

PS i wonder from where most katsinawa originated... they are so beautiful.. the girls at least.

HAHAHA ,Buzaye ne ai  :P :P
Amira i'm just kiddin.
But they are close Niger republic afterall  ::)

goga, kidding? amma kuwa ai da buzaye da larabawa a nijar din. Na taba ganin wassu larabawa a Abuja, aka ce wai daga nijar suke. ko ba haka ba?


Quote from: gogannaka on October 29, 2007, 11:29:00 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on October 27, 2007, 08:38:24 AM

PS i wonder from where most katsinawa originated... they are so beautiful.. the girls at least.

HAHAHA ,Buzaye ne ai  :P :P
Amira i'm just kiddin.
But they are close Niger republic afterall  ::)

Kai, kai kai!!
Ashe kuwa zamusa kafar wando daya da kai Lol.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Akwai kamshin gaskiya a cikin abinda GGNK ya fada. Ni ma ina kyautata tsammanin gaurayen buzaye da fulani da larabawa da Hausawan asali ne ya haifadda da wa'yan su katsinawan. Buzaye are not bad looking ppl u know. In fact they are very good looking. Nomadic lifestyle din su ne makes them look much older and more weathered than they are. Arent they originally from the Berbers of North Africa.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: gogannaka on October 29, 2007, 11:29:00 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on October 27, 2007, 08:38:24 AM

PS i wonder from where most katsinawa originated... they are so beautiful.. the girls at least.

HAHAHA ,Buzaye ne ai  :P :P
Amira i'm just kiddin.
But they are close Niger republic afterall  ::)
buzaye fa kace
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Quote from: hafsee on October 24, 2007, 04:17:14 PM
Quote from: gogannaka on October 22, 2007, 03:30:46 PM
LOL @ IBB.U better keep mute din dai.
Hafsy there's no doubt that there are ugly people and there are beautiful people.
However what is ugly to some people might be beautiful to some people but there are times when thereis a general consensus as to something being ugly or beautiful.

I'm not saying that Allah is imperfect in his creation.
agreed, ur rıte but u know what ı just dunno why ı hate the term or word urgly. ıts mınd bulgıng to me. anyway.. ı guess we all see the world dıfferently. eıther way we see ıt, we stıll equal ın da eyes of GOD.Abı?

i strongly agreed with u that there are no philosophical meaning to the word ugly. every body implies ugliness to whatever doesnt suit him.and there is no way everything will suit every body at a particular point in time.
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur


Quote from: Lawwali on October 30, 2007, 09:40:44 AM
Quote from: hafsee on October 24, 2007, 04:17:14 PM
Quote from: gogannaka on October 22, 2007, 03:30:46 PM
LOL @ IBB.U better keep mute din dai.
Hafsy there's no doubt that there are ugly people and there are beautiful people.
However what is ugly to some people might be beautiful to some people but there are times when thereis a general consensus as to something being ugly or beautiful.

I'm not saying that Allah is imperfect in his creation.
agreed, ur rıte but u know what ı just dunno why ı hate the term or word urgly. ıts mınd bulgıng to me. anyway.. ı guess we all see the world dıfferently. eıther way we see ıt, we stıll equal ın da eyes of GOD.Abı?

i strongly agreed with u that there are no philosophical meaning to the word ugly. every body implies ugliness to whatever doesnt suit him.and there is no way everything will suit every body at a particular point in time.

waı fınally some one understand where am comıng from thanks alot phew!!! thats a relıeve
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you