Started by MySeLf, November 13, 2007, 01:21:14 AM

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lol  ;D ;D ;D DBN kenan. You see, I don't like joking today
because of the mmod I find myself in. But since you have started,
I have no alternative other than to crack one! First, why is consumption
of bread an issue? Is it not better to be recognized with it than most of
what is consumed as food nowadays......?

Okay. There was this fulani guy talking to his kanuri friend about
kanuris always having knives concealed on their bodies. The kanuri man
vehemently denied that. The following conversation ensued between them:

Fulani: Wallahi duk wani babarbare da ka gani in ka bincikeshi, za ka samu wuka
          a kwankwasonsa.

Kanuri: Mutum ban ja ni, kerya kai munayi! Ku akoi uka kullu kullu a jikinta!

After this exchange, they decided to look for answers from a third party. They hardly
sat down, when an old kanuri man came to pass by. He was wearing the long kanuri white
jumper, and ofcourse, chewing GORO! Ga kuma man bare bari ya fesa! The fulani man
stopped the old man and brought out a rope held by both hands and lifted it up. He said to
old kanuri man:

Fulani: Baba, don Allah akwai wuka ne mu yanke igiyannan?

Without any premonition of what the Fulani chap was after, the old man said:

Oldman: Uka? and lifted the sleeve of his gown to expose a dagger concealed on his upper
             hand. He drew the knife out and instantly, with the expertise of a butcher, he slashed
             the rope in the hands of the Fulani man into two!

By that singular act, the old kanuri man has proved the Fulani man right, that they all carry knives
on their bodies! ;D   


Quote from: waduz on December 14, 2007, 09:38:24 AM
Quote from: gogannaka on December 14, 2007, 08:48:29 AM
To ai kai ne Waduz,ka ce already kana da mata so ka ga ita mimun it'll be better ta bi dan saurayi.Ka ga sai su je yankari abinsu honeymoon, su biyu kawai bayan an damra aure.

Amman dai kada ka fidda rai.

Goga, dan saurayi ko? Shin kasan auren ledabag kuwa? Duk wanda ta auri irinsu ai ko ta ga an kawo cefane a dan leda da dan damin itace a hannu! Shine auren ledabag! Ba bayani sai zancen "lokacin muna service........!" Haba ai kaima kasan mimun ai an hade tuni! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

G-naka, bari kawai, akwai gasa lalle!! Nasan ba inda waduz zaije zan kasa shi... ai sarki sai sarauniyya (look at our avater)..
I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.


That was hillarious Waduz. But, I think, that should be in Make Me Laugh thread. Lol and keep it up!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on January 31, 2008, 05:19:53 PM
'''''''''''''''''''''''''LYRICS OF BARMANI MAI CHOGE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    Prof, Muhsin, Goggannaka, Alkanawi, & Admin dancing
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Previously on Dan-Bornos Crush'''''''''''''''''''''''''

Hey, I know you are eager to hear about this Egbira girl, its
a true life story and the names i am mentioning are never

I met this girl between the period of 1996 and 1997 in the
town of Damaturu, as at that time she was pursuing her
National Diploma with the Fed. Poly Damaturu while the
Actor is seriously into business of so many things including
smuggling of petrol into neighbouring countries, dillanci,
importation of bread to the fulani empire, illegal importation
of yan chi rani from other countries including giving them
fake residence permit all which are contrary to my country's

So, this girl fine for face, body and including her heart no be
small and i come to luv her so many ways.  Those days babu
GSM except that 090 which is very expensive, so monitoring
movement is not easy.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CD SCRATCH JUMP TO CONCLUSION'''''''''''''''''''''''

I asked her who is this guy, she couldnt give me enough
explanation.  So, Habiba, after all this wahala including paying
your school fees, helping you do your research for final year
and all the encouragements, this is how you are paying me
back - oh my Allah, ciwon zuciya zai kashe ni, did you know
this guy you are going out with?  He has impregnated 3 girls
around the border areas and now he is with you, chei.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CD SCRATCH '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


the gırl rejected you the cd scratches the story gets more ınterestıng form therr how ıncredıble what a horrıble tıng the gal dıd to you but ou know wat sum tyms u men need a lıl lesson hahaha next tym follow kanurı gal lol lol lol ıts a gud one though
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you


Quote from: waduz on December 14, 2007, 09:38:24 AM
Goga, dan saurayi ko? Shin kasan auren ledabag kuwa? Duk wanda ta auri irinsu ai ko ta ga an kawo cefane a dan leda da dan damin itace a hannu! Shine auren ledabag! Ba bayani sai zancen "lokacin muna service........!" Haba ai kaima kasan mimun ai an hade tuni! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ha! Gaskiya mallam ka cuci samari, LOL. "lokacin muna service...", that was really a barb.  ;D  ;D


Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: hafsee on February 07, 2008, 12:41:10 PM
Quote from: Dan-Borno on January 31, 2008, 05:19:53 PM
'''''''''''''''''''''''''LYRICS OF BARMANI MAI CHOGE'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    Prof, Muhsin, Goggannaka, Alkanawi, & Admin dancing
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Previously on Dan-Bornos Crush'''''''''''''''''''''''''

Hey, I know you are eager to hear about this Egbira girl, its
a true life story and the names i am mentioning are never

I met this girl between the period of 1996 and 1997 in the
town of Damaturu, as at that time she was pursuing her
National Diploma with the Fed. Poly Damaturu while the
Actor is seriously into business of so many things including
smuggling of petrol into neighbouring countries, dillanci,
importation of bread to the fulani empire, illegal importation
of yan chi rani from other countries including giving them
fake residence permit all which are contrary to my country's

So, this girl fine for face, body and including her heart no be
small and i come to luv her so many ways.  Those days babu
GSM except that 090 which is very expensive, so monitoring
movement is not easy.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CD SCRATCH JUMP TO CONCLUSION'''''''''''''''''''''''

I asked her who is this guy, she couldnt give me enough
explanation.  So, Habiba, after all this wahala including paying
your school fees, helping you do your research for final year
and all the encouragements, this is how you are paying me
back - oh my Allah, ciwon zuciya zai kashe ni, did you know
this guy you are going out with?  He has impregnated 3 girls
around the border areas and now he is with you, chei.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CD SCRATCH '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


the gırl rejected you the cd scratches the story gets more ınterestıng form therr how ıncredıble what a horrıble tıng the gal dıd to you but ou know wat sum tyms u men need a lıl lesson hahaha next tym follow kanurı gal lol lol lol ıts a gud one though

...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Goga, ka ga haka ya fi ko? Na cireshi fa.........ka tashe ni daga bacci!


i will reveal the truth of the matter today today, i cant
hide it anymore, because so many eyes are on this
my beautiful queen. 
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Born To Bee Great


Lallai kam Bee wannan shine IKON ALLAH, DB me ya hada ka da wannan matar ne? :o :o ;D ;D
Life is like a flower; more exquisite and precious when shared with others.


Lallai kam! Ikon Allah, a yi ruwan sama bai taba kasa ba! Tambayeshi dai.....


Gurlies ku kyale shi kawai irin unauthorized supporters club ne  ;D She de pay you  ??? ::)
What you see is what you get[/b]


LOL DB dats ur secret crush wot eva i cant stand that woman


Quote from: Dan-Borno on February 21, 2008, 08:14:21 PM
i will reveal the truth of the matter today today, i cant
hide it anymore, because so many eyes are on this
my beautiful queen. 

what kında beautıful queen frown at her kıng... u must have done sumth horrıble to her. haba DB. ka dan sasauta mata. she luks lyk she ıs ready to murder sum1
wat ever u do good or bad comes back to you